План-конспект урока Safety Road Spotlight 6 Module 3 a

План-конспект урока по английскому языку
6 класс, УМК Spotlight 6
Тема «Безопасность на дороге». (ROAD SAFETY)
Технологическая карта.
Класс: 6а
Воспитательная цель:
формировать у учащихся уважение к принятым в обществе нормам и правилам дорожного движения
создавать условия для формирования коммуникативной культуры (умения работать в парах, группах);
формировать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству.
Развивающая цель:
развивать навыки грамотного логически связного изложения мысли;
развивать аудитивные умения и навыки;
развивать умение
высказывать свое мнение и обосновывать свою точку зрения
Образовательная цель:
систематизация языковых знаний;
формирование умений и навыков коллективного речевого взаимодействия;
автоматизация лексических навыков.
обеспечить практическую направленность обучения.
Методы обучения: репродуктивный, продуктивный, проблемный, частично-поисковый
Оснащение урока:
Компьютер с подключением к Интернету, проектор
Интернет-страница с сайтом для выполнения теста www.socrative.com
Личные гаджеты учащихся (мобильные телефоны, планшеты)
раздаточный материал:
доска с магнитами
1.Оргмомент.1)Я. Good morning dear boys and girls. I’m very glad to see you. How are you?У. We are fine, thanks.Я. Are you ready for our lesson?У. Yes, we are!Я. Who's on duty today?У. (Долгова Регина) I`m on duty today.
Я. What is the date today?У. Today is the 14-th of November.Я. What day of the week is it today?У. Today is Monday.
Я. Who is absent? (the reason of student’s absence)У. Nobody is absent. (…..is ill.)
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
2)Я. Look at the blackboard. What are we going to speak about?
(на мониторе слайд с дорожной ситуацией)
Я. We know much about transport and signs. But it is very important to be safe on the roads. What are we going to speak at the lesson? 1. To speak how to behave at lessons.2. To speak how to behave at school.3. To speak how to be safe on the road and make the instruction.
У. To speak how to be safe on the road and make the instruction
3)Я. That’s all right, today we are going to speak about Road Safety, but first of all let’s do our phonetic exercises and learn a new our poem.
Twinkle, twinkle, traffic lightStanding on the corner brightGreen means go, we all knowYellow means wait, even if you're lateRed means stopTwinkle, twinkle, traffic lightStanding on the corner bright.
3. Мотивация. Целеполагание.
4)Я. So, we are at school again. Every day you must go to school. But I think that your way to school is very safe. There is little transport in the street and there are no dangerous places for you, that’s why it is not so necessary to learn the traffic rules.
У. Не соглашаются. Ученики составляют короткие предложения о том, почему они должны изучать правила дорожного движения.
P1. No I don’t agree with you. There are a lot of cars in the street.P.2 We all live in the town and it is dangerous to cross the road.
4. Основная часть.
5)Я. OK. Are you ready to speak? What words about road and road safety do you know? Look at the blackboard. (на слайд)Which of these things can you see on the road (on your way to school)?Let`s look and repeat after me. (слайды 5 -)
Parking zone
Traffic sign
Traffic warden
Zebra crossing
Traffic lights

6)Я. Well done. Now, let`s do the next ex. Read and match the word and the word definition.
1. Parking zone - f) A place where you can park a car.2. Pedestrian - a) A person who is on foot, not by car/ bike, etc.3. Zebra crossing - b) White stripes on the road. People can cross the road on it.4. Traffic warden - e) A name of a job. This person watches the traffic and makes it safe.5. Pavement - d) An area which people use for walking.6. Traffic sign - c) A sign on the road.
7)Я. You are smart and I know this. Now look at your text books. Ex. 2 p.26. You should match the words in columns A and B to make phrases. And let`s discuss what is dangerous\safe to do in our country.(работа с учебником)
Eg. It`s dangerous to run onto the road.
8)Я. Very good. Look at the blackboard and try to make phrases.
It’s safe / it’s dangerouswear a seat belt
walk straight across the road
walk on the pavement
look both ways when you cross the road
talk to the drivercross between parked cars
look for a zebra crossing
push others when you enter the bus
lean out of the window
run onto the road

9) Я. Well done. And now some grammar. Look at p.26 ex3, read the eg.
Повторение темы «Повелительное наклонение (The imperative)
- повторение правила (объяснение учителя с примерами на доске)
Повелительное наклонение образуется с помощью глагола без подлежащего и всегда обращено ко 2-му лицу единственного или множественного числа (Sit down.Take your books.)
Отрицательная форма образуется с помощью «Do not/Don’t» и смыслового глагола (Do not/Don’t talk to him.)
Повелительное наклонение используется для того, чтобы
отдать приказание (Stop that noise!);
проинструктировать кого-либо (Cut the paper into two pieces.)
предложить что-либо (Have some cake.)
выразить просьбу (не забывайте про слово «please» в начале или конце предложения (Be quiet, please.Please be quiet.) Обратить внимание на запятую перед словом «please» в конце предложения.
конструкция «Let’s + глагол» - приглашение сделать что-либо вместе (Let’s help her.)
10)Я. Well done. Now try to give instructions.
When on the street - look both ways before crossing. Don’t run onto the road.
When in the car - wear a seat belt. Sit in the back if you are under 12.
When on the bus - don’t talk to the driver and don’t lean out of the window
Я. Now let’s repeat the means of transport. Look at the pictures and repeat after me.Ученики повторяют.
a car – in the (by) car
foot – on foot
a tram – by tram
a bus - by bus
a taxi – by taxi
a train – by train
a plane – by plane
a ship – by plane
12)Я. Now, dear pupils I see that you know the means of transport very well. Let`s do ex.4 p.26
13) Я. Well done. Now we will divide into 2 groups. The 1stgroup (6 чел –к) take your gadgets, open the site www.socrative.com enter our Room number and do the test. The 2nd group will do this test in written form. Then we will check the tasks together. Change the papers with your neighbours. Look at the blackboard, check the answers. Tell me the marks. But some of you made mistakes. Let`s discuss together.
14)Я. Now let`s play a game. (интерактивная игра)
15)Я. Let’s make a conclusion of our lesson. What did we do at our lesson? How do you like the lesson? Now we know how to be safe on the road. Can you tell this instruction to your mum, to your Granny, to your Dad?
16)Я. Thank you for your active work at the lesson. I give you good and excellent marks today. I hope you will always remember the traffic rules and will never get into trouble . At home I want you to write messages that you would like to send to car drivers and draw a poster. (Slow down, kids are walking here, Safe Way to School).
To speak how to behave at lessons.
2. To speak how to behave at school.
3. To speak how to be safe on the road and make the instruction.
Twinkle, twinkle, traffic lightStanding on the corner brightGreen means go, we all knowYellow means wait, even if you're lateRed means stopTwinkle, twinkle, traffic lightStanding on the corner bright.