Презентация по английскому языку The oppositional method of studying language. Types of opposition. The marked and unmarked members of the binary opposition. Oppositional reduction (neutralization).

Презентация Аллы Дмитриевны Голубевой РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена Тема: «The oppositional method of studying language. Types of opposition. The marked and unmarked members of the binary opposition. Oppositional reduction (neutralization).» Использованная литература Марк Яковлевич Блох «ТЕОРЕТИЧЕСКАЯ ГРАММАТИКА АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА» Москва «Высшая школа» 1983Борис Александрович Ильиш«Строй современного английского языка»ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЕ«ЛЕНИНГРАД 1971Материалы из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии The grammatical category is a system of expressing a generalised grammatical meaning by means of paradigmatic correlation of grammatical forms. The ordered set of grammatical forms expressing a categorical function constitutes a paradigm. The paradigmatic correlations of grammatical forms in a category are exposed by the so-called "grammatical oppositions". The notion of opposition in grammar (nouns, verbs, adjectives) Ferdinand de Sausser suggested that the system of a language should be studied on the opposition of its concrete forms (units). Later on Trubetskoy and Jacobson developed his idea. The opposition is a pair of grammatical forms, opposed to each other both in meaning and in form. Three main qualitative types of oppositions were established in phonology: "privative", "gradual", "equipollent" By the number of members contrasted, oppositions were divided into binary (two members) and more than binary (ternary, quaternary, etc.). The gradual opposition is formed by a contrastive group of members which are distinguished not by the presence or аbsenсе of a feature, but by the degree of it. An example of the gradual morphological opposition can be seen in the category of comparison: strong — stronger — the strongest The equipollent opposition is formed by a contrastive pair or group in which the members are distinguished by different positive features An example of the equipollent opposition can be seen in the correlation of the person forms of the verb be: am — are — is. Both equipollent and gradual oppositions in morphology, the same as in phonology, can be reduced to privative oppositions. The most important type of opposition is the binary privative opposition; the other types of oppositions are reducible to the binary privative opposition. The binary privative opposition is formed by a contrastive pair of members in which one member is characterised by the presence of a certain differential feature ("mark"), while the other member is characterised by the absence of this feature. The member in which the feature is present is called the "marked", or "strong", or "positive" member, and is commonly designated by the symbol + (plus); the member in which the feature is absent is called the "unmarked", or "weak", or "negative" member, and is commonly designated by the symbol — (minus). the category of continuous form was writing wrote voice The nоn-voiced soundp, t, k The voice sounds b, d, g the category of comparison faster fast the dental suffix -(e)d (suffix, rendering the meaning of the past tense) looked look the category of past tense took take the category of past tense saw see the category of number cats cat The differential feature of the opposition is the 2nd is called marked member (the strong member) The first member of the opposition is called Unmarked member (the weak member) The meanings differentiated by the oppositions of signemic units (signemic oppositions) are referred to as "semantic features", or "semes". It should be noted the fact that the meaning of the weak member of the privative opposition is more general and abstract as compared with the meaning of the strong member, which is, respectively, more particular and concrete. Due to this difference in meaning, the weak member is used in a wider range of contexts than the strong member. In various contextual conditions, one member of an opposition can be used in the position of the other, countermember. This phenomenon should be treated under the heading of "oppositional reduction" or "oppositional substitution". The first version of the term ("reduction") points out the fact that the opposition in this case is contracted, losing its formal distinctive force. The second version of the term ("substitution") shows the very process by which the opposition is reduced, namely, the use of one member instead of the other. Man conquers nature.Человек покоряет природу. The noun man in the quoted sentence is used in the singular, but it is quite clear that it stands not for an individual person, but for people in general, for the idea of "mankind". In other words, the noun is used generically, it implies the class of denoted objects as a whole. Thus, in the oppositional light, here the weak member of the categorical opposition of number has replaced the strong member. This kind of oppositional reduction should be considered under the heading of "transposition". Transposition is based on the contrast between the members of the opposition. Thank you for your attention