Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку День Святого Валентина(9 класс)

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
Средняя общеобразовательная школа №107

“St Valentine’s Day”
Методическая разработка сценария внеклассного мероприятия по предмету

Шайхлисламова Анастасия Александровна
Учитель английского языка
Первая квалификационная категория

Тема: “St Valentine’s Day”

Знакомство детей с историей праздника St. Valentine’s Day и его традициями
Приобщение детей к культуре страны изучаемого языка
Обучение различным видам совместной деятельности
Воспитание толерантного отношения к чужому мнению, образу жизни
Расширение лексического запаса, ознакомление с идиоматическими выражениями
Развитие навыков чтения с пониманием
Развитие логического мышления и языковой догадки
Развитие навыков письменной речи
Развитие навыков спонтанной речи и аргументации

Оборудование: шары, плакаты для украшения класса (которые дети рисуют сами), газеты для конкурса, карточки с заданиями, призы.

Ход урока:

Presenter 1: Hello, children, teachers and guests of our school. We ar
And they do such nice things every day that they live.
Presenter 2: Кто-то узнает с самого первого взгляда
Человека, которого хотел бы иметь рядом.
Кто-то захочет его любовью одарить,
Для которой и стоит на свете жить.
If you are in love this is your day! Remember that you are the happiest people in the world.
Presenter 1: We have selected 15 pairs who will compete for the right to name them “Mr. and Mrs. Vale
Ответ: b, a, c

Presenter 2: Thank you for taking part in our competition.
Presenter 1: We invite the next pairs to the stage. When you like someone you can do everything to attract her or his attention. Girls can use bright make0up or beautiful clothes. B
·Ответы:1)e; 2)f; 3)o; 4)b; 5)g; 6)m; 7)n; 8)a; 9)d; 10)c; 11)k; 12)h; 13)i; 14)j; 15)l;

Presenter 2: Thank you for taking part in our competition. We invite the next pairs to the stage.
Presenter 1: The next competition is to read the following word combinations and restore a story about St. Valentine’s Day.
for a long time
send each other gifts
to express their friendship or love
to come from both Christian and ancient Roman tradition
three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus
fell in love with a young girl
visited him when he was in prison
signed “From your Valentine”
an expression still in use today
make or buy special cards
give gifts: sweets, flowers or jewelry
called “valentines”
not a legal holiday
the perfect opportunity
red and pink hearts
chubby cupids

Presenter 2: Thank you. Applause! Now I invite to the stage the winners of the previous competitions. I congratulate you, you have reached the final. But you have 2 tasks:
Answer the following questions and make the presentation.
Card 1
How do people celebrate Valentine’s Day in your country?
Is Valentine’s Day primarily a day for children or for adults, for the single or for the married? Why?
Card 2
Define love.
List ways that you could show your love for an individual on Valentine’s Day.
Card 3
Imagine a perfect Valentine’s Day. Who would you be with? Where would you go? What would you do? How would you feel? Describe it.
Card 4
At what age do most people in your country marry? At what age do you want to get married?
Describe a typical wedding ceremony in your country.
Card 5
What kind of person would you like to marry?
Do you think it’s better to be single or married? Why?
(5 карточек, потому что остается 5 пар)

Now boys should express their feelings, attitude towards their girls but without using any words, and girls should react.

Presenter 1: The most original and convincing pair will became Mr. and Mrs. Valentine.
Presenter 2: We have got the winners. Congratulations. Our performance is over. Thank you. Love and be loved.

Roses are red;
Violets are blue;
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you.