Презентация по английскому языку на тему : Freedom in the USA

Freedom in the USA Выполнила Муратова Е. Ю. Учитель английского языкаМБОУ гимназии №184 Н. Новгород What are the basis of freedom and democracy in the United States of America? The timeline of events leading to the Declaration of Independence The French and Indian War (1754-1763) High taxes on imported goods for colonists (The Sugar Act of 1764 and The Stamp Act of 1765) Protests (The Boston Massacre and The Boston Tea Party) The Revolution (Lexington and Concord Battles) The Continental Congress( J. Washington was appointed as commander of the army) The Declaration of Independence (It was written by T. Jefferson and signed inJuly 4th 1776) The basis of democracy and freedom in the US ? ? ? ? ? The basis of democracy and freedom in the US The Declaration of Independence The Bill of Rights The Congress The President The Constitution What do you think about the lesson? Today I have learnt…It was interesting to…It was difficult to…I was surprised that…I managed to…Now I want to…I understood that…Now I can…