Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Eco-helpers. Save the Earth

Технологическая карта урока № 17
Класс 7 «ж»
Учитель: Фатеева Елена Владимировна
Отметка за урок:
Тема Eco-helpers/ Save the Earth
Дата проведения урока Цель урока Развитие коммуникативных умений, отработка лексико – грамматического материала.
задачи урока Обучающая воспитательная развивающая
Обобщить знания изученного лексического и грамматического материала, повторить ЛЕ по теме, развивать навыки монологической неподготовленной речи, тренировать ЛЕ во всех видах речевой деятельности воспитывать коммуникативно-развитую личность
- прививать интерес к английскому языку;
- воспитывать уважительное отношение друг к другу
- воспитывать бережное отношение к окр.средеРазвивать навык коммуникативной компетенции;
Развивать монологические умения
Развивать лингвистическую компетенцию обучающихся, развивать умения работать в коллективе и группе
Тип урока: Урок обобщения и систематизации предметных знаний, умений, навыков.
Основные понятия Acid rain, pollution, eco-helpers, ecological problems
Организация пространства
Межпредметные связи Формы работы Ресурсы
литература Индивидуальная, фронтальная, групповая компоненты УМК, интерактивная доска, дополнительные раздаточные материалы: карточки с заданиями, картинки, мультимедийые средства обучения.
Ход урока
Этап Задача этапа Деятельность учителя Методы, приемы работы Время
Мобилизирующий этап (начало урока)
1.Организационный момент
2. Основная часть
1. монологические высказывания
2. повторение ЛЕ
2. работа на повторение ЛЕ с макросами
3. монологические высказывания
4. Гимнастика для глаз
5. работа с текстом
6. Письменное задание на повторение have to/don`t have to
7. повторение tag questions в пантомимах
8. повторение tag questions
9. работа с видео Window on Britain
Аудирование10. Аудирование (песня)
3.Завершающий этап урока
1.Объяснение домашнего задания, выставление отметок, рефлексия. Настроить учащихся на активную работу, объявить тему урока.
Постановка задач урока
Фонетическая разминка
Проверить понимание смысла цитаты
развивать умения монологической речи

Повторить ЛЕ по теме «экологические проблемы»
Стимулировать монологические высказывания на основе речевого образца
Совершенствовать навыки поискового синтетического чтения
Проверить понимание прочитанного на основе вопросов
Проверка понимания по вопросам (по тексту)
Повторить образование tag questions (групповая работа) Good morning, cadets! How are you today? I’m fine today too. I’m very glad to see you. Sit down please.
What are we going to speak about? Today we`ll speak about ecological problems and how we can solve them, then we’ll read and learn about ecological camps in Russia.
We’ve decided to hold it as a Talk Show.
The main question of our talk show today will be “HOW CAN WE HELP TO SAVE NATURE?”
I’d like to divide you into:

Ecologists studying problems of environment;
Eco-helpers solving ecological problems
Be active…each your answer is a point to your team. In the end of our lesson you`11 get some sweet presents. T.B. will be our jury and she`ll count your points.
To begin with…I`d like you to warm your tongues a bit.
Listen to me. Do not repeat. Translate these words.
Will you read these words in chorus the 1st team/the 2nd (по командам)
Now, look at this quote. Read and translate.
What does it mean?
How do you understand it?
Do you agree with it?
It means that we should …….
think about the planet (the earth)
save nature….
protect the environment…
The problem of environment is global. Our environment is in danger nowadays.
The first question – what does the word “environment” mean? The representative of each team should answer.
The word environment means simply what is around us. For some people environment is the countryside, the air we breathe, the soil on which we stand and walk, the water we drink.
And what are the most serious problems of environment?
The most serious environmental problems are: air pollution, water pollution, shortage of natural resources, extinction of fish.
Teenagers can do something for our nature. How can you help our nature? ( работа с макросами). I`d like 2 representatives from both teams to do this task. Come up to the board.
I know that you are from different towns. Am I right?
As for me. I`m from Buzuluk.
The ecological situation in my town is not very good. Air and water pollution is high. There is a lot of traffic. Many people burn petrol and it poisons the air. So, there are a lot of problems which are necessary to solve.
What do you know about the ecological situation in your district? Look at the board. Vova, you are from Chelyabinsk…. try to tell us about it. You may use these key words. They`ll help you.
Nikita….you are from Belogorsk….what can you say about ecological situation there?
Look at the window
Look at the door
Look at the ceiling
Look at the floor
Blink your eyes
Close them and open
Now we are ready to work
We`ve learnt that students can do a lot of things for our environment, but first you should learn some information about problems and nature. You can learn it in different ecology camps. Look at the board. They are real eco-helpers.
We`ll read a text about them. First look through these questions. Are they clear for you? Do you know the translation?
Let`s read the text about eco-camps where Russian students can do many things to protect our nature.
What do eco-helpers do in the ecology camps?
What is the aim of students` expedition?
What do students learn there?
What is the most favourite students` activity?
Would you like to join this Eco-helpers club? Why?
Imagine that you are eco-helpers in one of the eco-camps. You are planning activities for the next week. What do you have to do/don`t have to do there? Write down list of activities.
Each member of a team should write down it in this shirt of paper. (под музыку save the planet)
So, enumerate your activities. How many activities have you got?
You have a lot of things to do, don`t you? I`ll give you cards and you are to mime (show) the actions you are doing in your camps. Do it all together. ( по 3 предл-я)
The 2nd team should ask tag question and guess the action.
Use this example.
Now, you are to make up sentences with tag questions.
( по 2 предложения на каждую команду)
(собрать по частям вопросы). Let`s check it up.
Recently I`ve received a letter from British students. In their letters they told about their problems of environment. What problems are there in Britain?
Watch the video and choose the best answers below. Work with your team.

Let`s check it up.
The 1st team first 2 tasks
The 2nd go on.
And the last one is for those who want to get an extra point to his command.
Name different causes of pollution in Britain.
Dear friends, you are future engineers, scientists, railway workers, economists and ecologists. We hope you will be active in protection of environment and you`ll remember the words of these song. Listen to it and fill in the gaps. Then we`ll check it and sing.
Do you like your work at the lesson?
What do you think about it?
Are you good today? Bad?
(на доске выражения)
Today I like the lesson
I dislike…
I`m tired
4) подведение итогов
What was new for you today? And what was interesting?
I like your work today! I’m glad you worked hard.
Thank you for your work! The lesson is over, you may be free. Good Bye.


Тренировка в упражнении
Ознакомление/тренировка 1