Открытый урок Повседневная жизнь школьников в России и в англоязычных странах

Ход урока

Организационный момент.
Приветствие. Дата. Погода.

T. Good morning boys and girls!
I am glad to see you!

P. We are glad to see you, too!

T. Natasha! What is the day today?

P. Today is the 17-th of October, Thursday.

T. Whose on duty today?

P. I am on duty/

T. Who is absent?

P. All are presents.

T. Thank you.

Объявление целей урока. Речевая разминка.

T. Today we`ll have the last lesson about daily life. We`ll sing songs, listen
·hat’ll do. Let`s build a funny clock, which include a face, three hands and figures.
Who want to go to the blackboard?

P. We do. (выходят дети с изображениями циферблата, секундной, часовой стрелок и цифр). Дети рассказывают о своих изображениях, а в это время один из учеников рисует макет часов.

T. Who are you?

P. I`m a face. In my face live: hour hand, second hand, minute hand and figures.

P. I`m an hour hand. I show hours.

P. I`m a minute hand. I show seconds.

PP. And we are all figures. We are all need for people.( все вместе).

Основная часть урока А.

T. That`ll do. I see you know all about clocks. Perhaps you know a few poems about them?

P. ( все вместе)Yes, we know some poems about clock.

T. What poems do you know? ( дети рассказывают стихи и показывают действие стиха).

T. Now I think you can dramatize a joke. Who can? And what the title of your joke?

P. “ My dream” ( книга с часами на стр.22)

T. Very good. Clap your hands. And now let`s play the game “ Riddles”.

Team1 is answer the
· questions, Team2 is ask the questions and then other way around. If the answer right- you must clap your hands, if wrong- silence.

Основная часть урока В.
T.That`ll do. And now we`ll listen your project works about daily life because I gave you task to prepare works about daily life. The theme was: “ Daily life in different countries”. At the end you can add some information or ask different questions. Who want to be first?

P. I do.

T. Go to the blackboard, please.( презентация проектных работ).

T. Who want to add some information?

P. I do.

T. Who want to ask questions?

P. I do.

Заключительный этап урока

T. Well, boys and girles it`s very good, that you know so much about yours daily life and daily life in different countries, that your know all about clock.
And now let`s sing a song “ What do you do at this time”.

T. Thank you for your work. Your marks are 5. The lesson is over.

Sometimes you say “ Hello”!,
Because the bell has gone,
And every day you say
“Good day, good day, good day”.
It`s time to say “ Good bye”,
Good bye, my children, bye.