Контрольная работа за III четверть по учебнику Кузовлева В.П. (5 класс, 5-9)

Date____________________ Name____________________
Final test
3 Term
Sort out the words:
palace, park, tune, duck, drum, game, read, sleep, text, fish, prize, pony, horse, dog
dark, can, frog, music, sport, poem, but, skate, help, nice
[x]______________________________________ [J]________________________________________
[jH]_____________________________________ [e]________________________________________
[qu]_____________________________________ [I]_________________________________________
[R]______________________________________ [QI] _______________________________________
[A]_______________________________________ [L]_______________________________________
[eI]______________________________________ [P]________________________________________
Fill in the letters:
11 - El_v_n12 - Tw_lv_
30 – th_ _ ty40 – f_rty50 – fi_tyWrite in numbers:
eighty-three –
eighteen –
sixty four –
fourteen –
one hundred and ninety-two –
Write two forms of the degree of comparison of adjectives:
big –
lazy –
dangerous –
interesting –
good –
bad –
Fill in there is/there are.
___________________ Buchingham Palace in London? – Yes, ______________.
_________________ many museums in London.
________________ any castles in the city. (-)
____________________ a big supermarket near my house.
Translate into Russian:
Are there any pet shops in your town?
There are many small cafes in my city.
There is no zoo in my town.
Is there a supermarket near your house?
There is no castle in my town.
Choose the right variant of translation:
Это мамина книга.
This is my mothers’ book
This is my mother’s book
Это комната моих братьев
This is my brothers’ room
This is my brother’s room
Игрушки Тома и Тима
Tim’s and Tom’s toys
Tim and Tom’ toys