Two american presidents

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по английскому языку
“Two American Presidents”
By: Ablyazova Almira English teacher
gymnasium №115
Ufa - 2014
Тема:Two American Presidents.Цели и задачи: 1. Организация целенаправленной речевой практики учащихся на английском языке по теме.
2. Развитие навыков аудирования.
3.Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков.
4. Развитие познавательной активности учащихся в процессе иноязычного образования.
5. Воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой истории, более глубокое осознание своей культуры через контекст культуры англоязычных стран.
Оборудование: доска, магнитофон, проектор, экран, компьютер, УМК Верещагина карточки.
1.Организационный момент:
  Hello girls and boys! It’s my pleasure t to see you! Sit down and let’s begin our lesson.
2.     Cообщение целей урока:
 -- Today we are going to learn many new things;
           -- we are going to listen and then to speak about two American presidents;
           -- we are going to do some interesting tasks and solve the puzzle.
3. Речевая зарядка:
  Let’s listen to a report of the pupils on duty
( Pupils’ report)
4.Вводное слово учителя:
  Thank you. Let’s begin our lesson. The topic of our lesson is “ Two American Presidents”. I expect you to know that today we shall work on the text “ Two American Presidents” and discuss it.
  In February the U.S. honors two great American presidents: Abraham Lincoln on the 12th of February and George Washington on the 22nd of February.
  These two dates are combined into one legal holiday on the third Monday in February, called President’s day.
  Both presidents have been honored in different ways.
  George Washington is the only president to have a state named after him.
  The nation’s capital, Washington D.C. also has his name.
  There are cities , towns, streets, schools, bridges and parks named after both presidents. President Lincoln and president Washington have famous memorials in Washington D.C.
5. Фонетическая зарядка: But before we start to work on the text let’s pronounce some proper names which are used in the text. Try to read these words using the given transcription. Pay attention to the stress of the words. So, look at the screen and let’s pronounce these words all together. Repeat after the announcer. (tape recorder )
( слова выписаны вместе с транскрипцией на экране )
Virginia, Philadelphia, Mount Vernon, New York City, Kentucky, Indiana, Aesop’s Fables, Robinson Crusoe, Ford’s Theatre, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Abe.
Planter’s family, To measure land, Major, Militia, Commander in chief, Colonial Army, Revolutionary War, Pioneers, To take care of the crops, Tests of strength,
Born storyteller, To be shot6. Предтекстовый этап:
Teacher: Well, look at the blackboard. Here these words are used in the sentences. You should make up as many true sentences as you can. Pay attention to the word order.
born, in a planter’s family , Was George, in ,Virginia.
President, The first US, was, to all, George Washington, known, Americans.
Sent, to, they, All the states, Philadelphia, where, their, representatives, the Constitution, wrote.
Which, He, the capital, hurried off, to New York City, then, was.
The USA, Abraham Lincoln, was, The 16th President, of, was.
Moved, when, to Indiana, His, parents, Kentucky, Abe, from, was, 7.
7. Аудирование текста.
Teacher: Now I propose you to listen to the text “Two American presidents” and then you will answer some questions and do some tasks. Are you ready? Let’s start!
(pupils are listening)
8. Послетекстовый этап.
Teacher: Now let’s check you comprehension. We’ll see how you have understood this text. There is a test for you and the first task will be filling the gaps:
Was the.…American president
Was born into a….family
When a young man he learned to….
He took part in the…War
People had a lot of respect for him because….
Was the.…American president
Was born into a….family
When a young man he learned to….
He took part in the…War
People had a lot of respect for him because….

Teacher: The next task will be to compare the two presidents and say which of the two:
Was born into a rich family
Went to school
Enjoyed reading
Took part in the Revolutionary War
Became a lawyer
Was shy
Wrote the US Constitution
Was called “The father of the Nation”
Made the slaves free
10)Died in his home
11)Was president during a war
12)Grew up in the Middle West
Teacher: Now look at these statements and try to guess are they true or false?

George Washington was born in the Middle West
1)True 2)False
Washington’s family had enough money to send George to school in England.
1)True 2)False
Washington was among those who wrote the US Constitution in Philadelphia
1)True 2)False
After the Revolutionary War Washington retired and lived at Mount Vernon in a beautiful house.
1) True 2)False
Abraham Lincoln was the 15th President of the USA
1)True 2) False
Abe grew up in the Middle West
!) True 2) False
He became a military man
1)True 2) False
The Civil War began in a month after Lincoln became the 16th American President
1) True 2) False
In 1863 Lincoln signed the US Constitution
1)True 2) False
9. Развитие монологической речи
Teacher: So, children, now we have the next task and you should make sentences so that to get a story:
1.People called him “honest Abe”.
2.When Abe Lincoln was twenty-one, the family moved to Illinois.
3.Abe grew up in the Middle West.
4.In 1863 he signed the Emancipation Proclamation – the document that made all the slaves free.
5.Later he joined the militia and fought in an Indian War.
6.Lincoln was born into the family of American pioneers.
7.He became a lawyer and a politician.
8.When Lincoln became the 16th President the Civil War began.
10. Игра. Решение кроссворда
Teacher: That’s right. I see that you have understood the text about two presidents rather well and I am sure that you will be able to solve a puzzle. Try to guess all these words and you will know the main word ( “president”)
1) The synonym of the word “defend”?
2) What kind of family was Abraham Lincoln born in?
3) What was the capital of the US when Washington became the president?
4) The place where Lincoln grew up?
5) Where was Washington born?
6) The favorite activity of Lincoln when he was a child?
7) Who was the author of the fables Lincoln liked to read?
8)What city was Lincoln shot?
9) The main document of the US written by George Washington
11.Обобщение урока и домашнее задание, выставление оценок
Teacher:     As you see both presidents played an important role in American history, were great figures. You have known some facts about Lincoln and Washington’s life. Now you know that both presidents had strong characters. They had to do a lot of things by themselves, were honest, brave, wise, active, devoted to their country. People trusted them.
All of you should have such features of character. They will help you to become outstanding people. I wish you to develop these qualities in your character.
Учитель подводит итоги урока и оценивает работу учеников
Well, I think we’ll stop doing this now. Our lesson is over. You’ve all done tasks quite well and you get the following marks… Don’t forget to do the task in your work-books.
1.Consult the text and complete the information about the two American presidents.
George WashingtonWas the….. American presidentWas born in a ….. family….. teachers …..
When a young man he learned to …..
Took part in the ….. WarHe was a professional …..
People had a lot of respect for him because …..
People remember him because …..
Abraham LincolnWas the ….. American presidentWas born in a ….. family….. no teachers …..
When a young man he learned to …..
Took part in the ….. WarHe was a professional …..
People had a lot of respect for him because …..
People remember him because …..
2. Compare the two presidents and say which of the two:
Was born into a rich family
Went to school
Enjoyed reading
Took part in the Revolutionary War
Became a lawyer
Was shy
Wrote the US Constitution
Was called “The father of the Nation”
Made the slaves free
Died in his home
Was president during a war
Grew up in the Middle West

3. Say TRUE or FALSE:
George Washington was born in the Middle West
1)True 2)False
Washington’s family had enough money to send George to school in England.
1)True 2)False
Washington was among those who wrote the US Constitution in Philadelphia
1)True 2)False
After the Revolutionary War Washington retired and lived at Mount Vernon in a beautiful house.
1) True 2)False
Abraham Lincoln was the 15th President of the USA
1)True 2) False
Abe grew up in the Middle West
1) True 2) False
He became a military man
1)True 2) False
The Civil War began in a month after Lincoln became the 16th American President
1) True 2) False
In 1863 Lincoln signed the US Constitution
1)True 2) False

4.To solve a puzzle
1) The synonym of the word “defend”?
2) What kind of family was Abraham Lincoln born in?
3) What was the capital of the US when Washington became the president?
4) The place where Lincoln grew up?
5) Where was Washington born?
6) The favorite activity of Lincoln when he was a child?
7) Who was the author of the fables Lincoln liked to read?
8)What city was Lincoln shot in?
9) The main document of the US written by George Washington
P r o t e c t p o o R n E w y o r k il l in o iS v I r g in ia r e a D in g a E s o p w A s h iN g t o n c o n s T it u t io n 5.Make sentences so that to get the story:
1.People called him “honest Abe”.
2.When Abe Lincoln was twenty-one, the family moved to Illinois.
3.Abe grew up in the Middle West.
4.In 1863 he signed the Emancipation Proclamation – the document that made all the slaves free.
5.Later he joined the militia and fought in an Indian War.
6.Lincoln was born into the family of American pioneers.
7.He became a lawyer and a politician.
8.When Lincoln became the 16th President the Civil War began.
Афанасьева О.В., Михеева И. В., Английский язык :учебник для школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, колледжей – М.:Просвещение, 2003