Презентация по теме Погода. Простое будущее время 4 класс, Биболетова

Future Simple Will + глагол Match the words with their translation: tomorrow in a week in 2 days next week в следующем году через неделюзавтрачерез два дняна следующей неделе Make up sentences: I think the weather will be tomorrow. I think the weather will be in two days. I think the weather will be in a week. I think the weather will be next month. Guess the temperature: Six degrees below zero Twenty degrees above zero Fifteen degrees below zero Eleven degrees above zero Make up sentences: The temperature will be tomorrow morning. The temperature will be tomorrow afternoon. The temperature will be tomorrow. Act out the dialogue: -Do you know the weather forecast in Kansk for tomorrow? -Yes, I do. Tomorrow in Kansk it will be cool and cloudy, and the temperature will be 5 degrees above zero.