Разработка Ромео и Джульетта поучительная комедия.

Romeo and Juliet. Learning comedy. Author Olga Safonova.
Text 1
Once upon a time there lived a boy Romeo and a girl Juliet. They were usual teenagers and users of the Internet. Juliet hated school and was an active user of social networks. Romeo was good at school and used the Internet for his studying most of all. But one day Romeo saw Juliet in the social network and…he liked her very much. They began communicating . Sooner or later Romeo and Juliet fall in love with each other,they understood that couldn’t live without each other, though they’ve never met in real life. Romeo browsed the Net all the time and gave up studying.
Verona 1591
Сцена 1
Mother : What are you doing,honey? How’s the school ?Romeo: Oh,Mummy, dear, let me be alone!
Mother: Your friend Mercutio is on the phone! (протягивает телефон. Ромео не поворачивается. Пауза)Mother: Have you done your homework?
Romeo: Yes, Juliet, of course, I’ve done it, I’ve just written you…that homework is stupid…(набирает на компе не отрываясь, бормочет)
Mother: Romeo! Oh my God! What did you say? What’s happening to you, my son?
Romeo: (не поворачиваясь снова стучит по клавишам) My sun? You are my sun, my sun, my only sun, my Juliet!
Mother: Romeo! Are you ill? (трогает лоб)
Romeo: What do I feel? (поворачивается) Oh, Mummy, Love…only love I feel that fills my heart!
Mother: Love??? (шарит портфель) Where is your diary, my son?!!!
(находит дневник, открывает((снимаем крупным планом дневник))) Возмущение!!!!
Далее текстовка.
Text 2
Poor mother didn’t know what to do. At last she understood that the problem was Juliet and… the Internet!!!
So she decided to switch off the Internet.
Scene 2
Romeo : - No,no. What shall I do?
Text 3
When Romeo understood that the Internet was switched off he decided to find Juliet.
Сцена 3
Джульетта сидит за компьютером.
-Where are you, Romeo, my only love?
Hundreds of messages I’ve sent you… So many days have gone…(Вздыхает)
There are no messages from you and no new photos…
Where have you disappeared, honey?
Медленно выходит на балкон. Видит Ромео.
Juliet: -Is that you, Romeo? (Удивленно вглядываясь вдаль)
-In real life at last I see you!
You are quite different from your avatar!
Romeo: -My darling, yes, it’s me.
Juliet: -Oh, it’s so strange to talk to you in real life! So strange…..And so exciting!!!(восхищенно)
Romeo: - How do you like me REAL, Juliet?
Juliet:- How do I like? I like you very much! But where have you disappeared?
Why has your status become a «red» one?(медленно)
Why haven’t you given me an answer yet???
Romeo:- Oh, Juliet, you won’t believe…..My parents have switched off the Internet!!!!
Juliet: -(в ужасном состоянии) No, no, it can not be the truth..
-But how we’ll we be able to communicate???
Romeo:- In real life we can communicate, my dear! We can hold hands and see each other eye to eye, and feel…
And we can walk …and talk…and….
Juliet:- But how!....(С возмущением) I can’t! I’ve never communicated in such a way!
Romeo: - Oh, let me teach you, darling
Лезет на балкон
Romeo:- Well, Juliet, how do you feel, my love (берет за руки ) isn’t it better?
Juliet:- Oh,yes,yes, Romeo,my darling!
I wanna to communicate in such a way! I wanna see you , feel you, touch you…
Подбегает к компьютеру, хватает его
Juliet:- Oh, God! How stupid was I! It’s better to communicate in REAL LIFE! (Выкидывает комп с балкона)