Урок английского языка в 6 классе Royal London

Разработка урока
«Royal London»
в 6 классе
по УМК Верещагиной, Михеевой “English 6”

Ефремова А.И.
учитель английского языка

г. Санкт-Петербург
Тема: Royal London

Продолжение знакомства учащихся с иностранным языком как средством общения.
Расширение лингвистического и общего кругозора учащихся.

Развитие логического мышления, памяти.
Формирование у школьников языковых, интеллектуальных и познавательных способностей
Развитие умения вдумчиво и внимательно относиться к языковым фактам обоих языков
Формирование у учащихся механизма языковой догадки

Формирование познавательной активности
Формирование у школьников положительного отношения к иностранному языку, культуре народа, говорящего на этом языке, способствующих развитию мотивации учения
Воспитание потребности в практическом использовании языка
Воспитание культуры общения

Практические задачи:
Тренировать лексико-грамматические единицы.
Тренировать навыки чтения.
Научить извлекать нужную информацию из текста.
Обучение монологической речи
Научить характеризовать место действия, действующих лиц, используя прослушанный, прочитанный текст.
Научить кратко передавать содержание прочитанного текста.

Языковой материал:
Новый: восклицательные предложения What (a/an) ! и How !
Для повторения: лексико-грамматические единицы such/so
текст для чтения (p.122-125)


Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной речевой деятельности.
Режим: T-Cl
Hello, children! Right, settle down, please. I'm very glad to see you. How are you?
Today is the 28th of February, Monday.

Ориентирующие замечание учителя
Today we are going to revise some facts about Royal London. We will learn more about the reigning queen and her family. We’ll also learn other ways to make our speech more emotional.

Речевая зарядка
Let’s begin with the duty. Nikita is on duty today. Come up to the board. Your classmates will ask you questions about the regions of England. (e
·th of England by the order of the Roman ruler Hadrian to defend the Northern border of Roman Britain from the Scottish tribes.
Thank you, Nikita. Well done. You get a 5. Take your place.

Фонетическая зарядка
Режим: Т – Сl
Children, look at the blackboard. There is a tongue-twister here. Let’s read it all together.
Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy?
Why, Willy?
Why, Willy? Why?
Good for you! Say it again, as fast as you can. Kirill, will you read it? Zhora
Well done!

Работа над текстом.
Режим: T – P1P2
Recently we’ve read a text about well-known English monarchs. Now we are going to revise information from the text. I want you to answer my questions. Answer on at a time, please.
Are any places in London connected with the Crown?
What royal
Контрольное чтение текста.
Режим: T – P1P2
Now I want you to read the text. Zhora, will you start the test reading? That’s enough. Good for you. You’ve got a 5. Masha, will you carry on? Well done, thank you. I give you a (4)
Nika, would you start from the very beginning? Read it with expression.
Well done!

(T-Cl, P1-P2P3P4)
I see you are tired! Let’s have a break! Stand up, please! Let’s do our exercises. Zhora, come to the blackboard and show this exercise for the whole class.
P1 is doing the exercise, all the others repeat after her. (they have already known this exercise.)

P1: One, two – tie your shoe! (Try to tie shoes)
Three, four – mop the floor! (Move as you mop the floor)
Five, six – pick up bricks! (Make an imaginary wall)
Seven, eight – wash a plate! (As you wash plates with a duster)
Nine, ten – begin again!
T: Thank you very much! Sit down, please! Let’s continue.

Тренировка в использовании новых лексико-грамматических единиц.
Last week we learned how to make the meaning of the words stronger. Who can tell me what words we should use? Quite right you are, . And what is the difference between these words? Yes! You remember it. Good for you!
Now we’ll make the sentences using the words such and so.

Подстановочное УРУ
(T-Cl, T-P1P2P3)
There are some sentences at the screen. I’d like you to make the sentences with so or such from them.
Are you through? All right. Sonya, read out your first sentence. That’s right! Anya, would you carry on?
Well done!

Работа над текстом.
T – P1P2
You have already known some facts about well-known English monarchs. Today we are going to learn about the reigning queen and her family. First of all, open your books on page 126. There is some brief information about Queen Elizabeth. You have two minutes.
Now let’s speak about the queen. Who can tell me about the queen’s childhood?
Well done!

You can see some photos of the royal family at the screen.
Let’s have a look at the family tree of Queen Elizabeth II on page 128. Complete the statements under the tree. E.g. Prince Henry is Lady Diana’s son.
Good for you! You are very attentive

Пересказ текста.
T – P1P2
Now I would like you to retell the first part of the text “Royal London”.
While I’m listening to one of you the others will do an exercise.
Look at the screen. There are some sentences here. I want you to make one sentence using such or so. E.g. I thought that the weather would be much cooler. I didn’t think that the weather would be so warm.
Is it clear? All right then.

Заключительный этап урока

Подведение итогов
I liked the way you answered at the lessons. Thank you for cooperation!

Домашнее задание:
Open your record-books and write down your homework.
ex. 3 from your copies. I want you to use such instead of so. E.g. The book was so good that I couldn’t put it down. - It was such a good book that I couldn’t put it down.
learn the second part of the text

OK, that's enough for today. See you on Monday. Have a nice weekend