Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке по мотивам сказки Шарль Перро Красная шапочка

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по мотивам произведения Ш. Перро «Красная Шапочка».Сцена № 1.
Автор: Once upon a time there was a little girl. People called her Little Red Riding Hood.
(выходит Красная шапочка и поет песню)
3158490346710Song: I am Little Red Riding Hood.
I am Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood am I3 раза
I play with the birds and I live in the woods
My name is Little Red Riding Hood.
Mummy: Hello, Little Red Riding Hood.
Little R.R.H.: Hello, Mummy!
Mummy: Take this basket to Grandma.
Little R.R.H.: What’s in the basket, Mummy?
Mummy: Look! One big apple, three oranges and… some biscuits. Now be a good girl and go to Grandma’s house.
(Красная шапочка с мамой поют песню).
Song: Take them to Grandma.
23298156350Biscuits, honey and oranges
Take them to Grandma,
take them to Grandma.
Biscuits, honey and oranges
Take them to Grandma’s house!
Go Red Riding Hood2 раза
Go, Go, Go…
Go Red Riding Hood, Go!
Go Red Riding Hood
Go, Go, Go…
Go Red Riding Hood, Go!
Mummy: Don’t stop. Don’t stop on the way!
Little R.R.H.: OK, Mummy, Goodbye.
Mummy: Goodbye, my child.
Сцена № 2.
Автор: Red Riding Hood loved going to Granny’s – even though it meant crossing the deep, dark woods.
(Красная Шапочка в лесу, собирает цветы и поет песенку)
Song: Hop, skip, jump, clap.
Hop, hop, skip, skipLet’s go to Grandma’s
Jump, jump, clap, clap1910715369570Let’s go to Grandma’s
Hop, hop, skip, skipLet’s go to Grandma’s2 раза
Jump, jump, clap, clapLet’s go to Grandma’s
Let’s go to Grandma’s.
(В это время выходят три зайчика и поют песню, а Красная Шапочка прячется за елку. Зайцы видят красную шапочку, машут ей рукой и она подходит и танцует вместе с ними).Песенка зайчиков:
And on the beaches we are all bunny jumping,
and with our feet we all stomp to the beat.
its bunny party, bunny baby shake your boddies,
and we all singing to this sweet little beat.
jay jay j j j jay sing with me its bunny party.
jay jay j j j jay we bounce to the beat.
jay jay j j j jay sing with me its bunny party.
jay jay j j j jay we stomp with your feet.
1234 bunny claw. 1234 bunny claw.We know the hands, we celebrate our ever party,
and now our ears are moving two happy beats.
It´s bunny party everybody get it started
and know the bunnies sing this sweet little beat.
jay jay j j j jay sing with me its bunny party.
jay jay j j j jay we bounce to the beat.
jay jay j j j jay sing with me its bunny party.
jay jay j j j jay we stomp with your feet.
1234 bunny claw, 1234 bunny claw.
(Зайцы видят лису и убегают, лиса выходит и идет навстречу Красной Шапочке. Красная шапочка и лиса поют песенку)Song. Hello! Hello!
Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!
I am glad to meet you,
I am glad to meet you.
Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!
I am glad to meet you.
Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!
I am glad to meet you,
I am glad to meet you.
Little R.R.H.: This is for you. (угощает печеньем).
Fox: Oh, thank you. You are so kind! Good bye!
Little R.R.H.: Good bye, Fox!
(лиса уходит)
Hedgehog: Hello, Red Riding Hood!
Little R.R.H.: Hello, Hedgehog. Glad to see you! How are you?
Hedgehog: Fine, thanks. Where are you going Red Riding Hood?
Little R.R.H.: I’m going to my grandmother.
Hedgehog: Be careful Little Red Riding Hood! There are many wolves in the forests!
Little R.R.H.: OK! Bye-bye!
Hedgehog: Good bye, Red Riding Hood!
(Ежик уходит. В лесу становится темно)Little R.R.H.: This is scary.
(Красная шапочка садится на пенек и поет песню)
Song. Twinkle, twinkle little star.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
(Появляется волк и читает стихотворение).
Tick-tock, tick-tock
Says the clock
Tock-tick, tock-tick
What you have to do, do quick.
(Вдруг видит Красную Шапочку и подходит к ней)
Wolf: Hello, Little Red Riding Hood!
Little R.R.H.: Oh, gracious me. Mama said not to speak to any strangers.
Little R.R.H.: Hello. What’s your name?
Wolf: My name is Mr. Wolf. Mmmmm… What’s in the basket?
Little R.R.H.: Some biscuits, three oranges and one apple. They are for my grandma.
Wolf: For your grandma?!?
Little R.R.H.: Yes! This honey and these oranges are for my grandma. Goodbye, Mr. Wolf.
(Волк уходит. Красная шапочка садится на пенек и засыпает)(Выходят цветы и поют песню. Красная шапочка просыпается)Song. Good morning to you.
1853565-3175Good morning to you!
Good morning to you!
We’re all in our places5 раз
With sunshiny faces.Good morning to you!
Good morning to you!
Little R.R.H.: Let’s go to Grandma’s
(Красная шапочка и цветы уходят).
Сцена № 3.
Автор: At this time the wolf went to the grandmother s house.
(Волк стучит в дверь)
Grandma: Oh my back, my legs, my arms, my head… I am tired. I am old.
(Волк еще раз стучит в дверь)
Grandma: Is that you, Little Red Riding Hood?
Wolf: Yes Grandma… I am Little Red Riding Hood. Can I come in?
Grandma: Yes. Come in, come in my child.
Wolf: Surprise.
Grandma: Get out of here, you horrid thing!
Wolf: AARRGGHH!!!!
Сцена № 4.
Автор: Suddenly the wolf heard footsteps on the garden path.
Wolf: Is that… is that you, Little Red Riding Hood?
Little R.R.H.: Yes Grandma, It’s me. Can I come in?
Wolf: Yes, come in, come in, my child.
(Красная шапочка поет песню, волк подпевает)
Song. You are not grandma.
Grandma you have big eyes
Grandma you have big ears
Grandma you have a big nose
Are you Grandma?
Grandma you have big hands
Grandma you have big feet
Grandma you have big teeth
1558290376555Are you Grandma?
Run, run, run, run
You’re not grandma
Run, run, run, run3 раза
You’re not Grandma
Run, run, run, run
You’re not Grandma
You’re the Wolf!!!
Сцена № 5.
Little R.R.H.: Help! Help!
(Выходят охотники).The 1-st Hunter: Oh, it’s a wolf. Stop!!!
The 2-nd Hunter: We’ll kill you.
Wolf: Don’t kill me, don’t kill me. I’ll never kill anyone else. I’ll be a good, kind wolf.
Hunter 1: All right, Wolf. We’ll believe you.
Автор: So the wolf became good, kind and he promised never to eat people.
Автор: Little Red Riding Hood promised never to speak to another stranger.
(все герои выходят и поют с Красной Шапочкой песню)
1882140256540Song. The Goodbye song.Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
Wave your hand,2 раза
Wave your hand,
1967865327660Wave your hand and say goodbye.
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
It’s time to go,2 раза
Time to go,
Time to go, so say goodbye.