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Государственное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
«Кузнецкий индустриальный техникум»
Методические УКАЗАНИЯ по организации и проведению практической работы студентов
по учебной дисциплине
ОДБ.3 Английский язык
основной профессиональной образовательной программы (ОПОП)
по профессии:
130404.01 Машинист на открытых горных работах
130401.01 Ремонтник горного оборудования
г. Новокузнецк
ББК 81.2 Англ.
Утверждено на заседании методического совета
ГОУ СПО «Кузнецкий индустриальный техникум»
Протокол № от ____
Председатель методического совета
______________ Н.В. Ананьина
Рассмотрено на заседании ЦМК гуманитарных дисциплин
Протокол № 1 от 29 августа 2014года
__________ О.И. ПятайкинаМетодические указания предназначены для выполнения практических работ учебной дисциплины «Английский язык» для студентов 1, 2 и 3 курсов по профессиям НПО 130404.01Машинист на открытых горных работах; 130401.01Ремонтник горного оборудования. [Текст]/Ю.И. Зырянова – Новокузнецк: Кузнецкий индустриальный техникум, 2014г. 49 стр.
Методические указания освещают виды практических работ по английскому языку, содержат перечень практических работ, критерии оценивания и список рекомендуемой литературы.
Данное методическое пособие предназначено для студентов I, II и III курсов очной формы получения образования СПО технического профиля и составлено на основе «Требований к структуре методических указаний по выполнению практических работ в учреждениях профессионального образования в условиях реализации ФГОС нового поколения», в соответствии с учебной программой дисциплины ОДБ.03 Английский язык для профессий 130404.01 Машинист на открытых горных работах, 130401.01 Ремонтник горного оборудования.
© Ю.И. Зырянова2014
© ГОУ СПО «Кузнецкий индустриальный техникум», 2014
Перечень практических работ для 1, 2 и 3 курсов………………… стр.5
Практические работы………………………………………………стр.7
Список литературы……………………………………………………стр.49

Данное методическое пособие предназначено для обучающихся и составлено на основе «Требований к структуре методических указаний по выполнению практических работ в учреждениях профессионального образования в условиях реализации ФГОС нового поколения», в соответствии с учебной программой дисциплины «Английский язык» для профессий «Машинист на открытых горных работах» и «Ремонтник горного оборудования».
Настоящее методическое пособие разработано на основе перечня практических занятий, приведенного в программе по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык».
Изучение учебной дисциплины ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК требуют от преподавателя системной целенаправленной работы по реализации компетентностного подхода. Данный подход подразумевает формирование как общеучебных, так и специальных умений и навыков, создание условий для развития творческих способностей обучающихся. К числу основных умений, навыков и способов деятельности, формируемых в курсе иностранный язык, относим:
- понимание сущности прочитанного текста;
- умение самостоятельно читать и понимать текст;
- умение кратко изложить его содержание, ответить на вопросы по тексту;
- умение говорить на иностранном языке;
- умение составлять диалоги и рассказы на иностранном языке;
- способность понимать иностранную речь при аудировании;
- умение применять изученный грамматический материал на практике;
- развитие письменных навыков на иностранном языке;
- заучивание тематических текстов на иностранном языке;
- умение говорить и высказывать своё мнение на иностранном языке;
- находить допущенные ошибки и исправлять их;
- умение переводить текст с иностранного языка на русский и с русского на иностранный.
Формирование данных умений и навыков возможно в процессе обучения предмету на традиционном уроке. Однако необходима система специально организованных занятий по самостоятельному осмыслению знаний, формированию на этой основе и закреплению учебных умений и навыков.
Практические работы рассчитаны на более прочное усвоение, повторение и закрепление знаний, полученных при изучении материала учебника. Некоторые задания содержат дополнительную информацию, расширяющую кругозор студентов.
Методические рекомендации по выполнению практических работ включают в себя различные типы заданий.
Задания на усвоение грамматического материала. В этих заданиях определения не совпадают с понятиями. Необходимо каждое из приведенных понятий соотнести с данным ему определением и, обнаружив ошибку, найти в ряду определений то единственное, которое раскрывает конкретное понятие. Ответ оформить в виде таблицы, где в одном столбце будет понятие, а в другом – определение. Также здесь применяются упражнения в тестовой форме, в которых обучающиеся должны выбирать один правильный вариант.
Задания на восполнение недостающих признаков понятий. В этих заданиях из логического ряда исключены некоторые признаки какого-либо понятия. Следует дописать их, опираясь на те признаки понятия, которые приведены в задании. Оценка выставляется аналогично критерию, указанному для заданий на установление соответствия между понятием и определением.
Задания на исправление ошибок в лексических и грамматических структурах. В заданиях приводятся неверные утверждения. Нужно найти в учебнике подходящий материал и на его основе указать ошибку. Оценка выставляется аналогично критерию, указанному для заданий на установление соответствия между понятием и определением.
Задания на заполнение различных таблиц. Таблицы заполняются полностью. Критерием является правильность и полнота заполнения граф таблицы.
Задания на осмысление высказываний мыслителей, ученых, писателей. Внимательно прочитав приведенные цитаты, нужно ответить на вопросы, сформулированные в задании. В данном случае оценивается правильность и полнота ответов.
Перечень практических работ по УД «Английский язык».
Разделы и темы Количество часов на студента
Раздел 1. Введение 2
Раздел 2.Описание людей (внешность, характер, личностные качества, профессии) 8
Раздел 3.Межличностные отношения 10
Раздел 4.Человек, здоровье, спорт 11
Раздел 5.Город, деревня, инфраструктура 10
Раздел 6.Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология) 10
Раздел 7.Научно-технический прогресс 10
Раздел 8.Повседневная жизнь, условия жизни 8
Раздел 9.Досуг 10
Раздел 10.Новости, средства массовой информации 10
Раздел 11.Навыки повседневной жизни (повседневное поведение, профессиональные навыки и умения) 10
Раздел 12.Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение, обычаи и праздники 10
Раздел 13.Государственноеустройство, правовые институты 11
Раздел 14.Цифры, числа, математические действия 6
Раздел 15.Основные геометрические понятия и физические явления 6
Раздел 16.Промышленность, транспорт, детали, механизмы 6
Раздел 17.Оборудование, работа 8
Раздел 18.Инструкции, руководства 8
ВСЕГО: 154
Раздел 1. Введение (2 часа)
Звуки и буквы английского языка. Правила чтения.
Практическая работа №1.
Цель: знать английский алфавит. Правила произношения английских звуков.
Задание 1.Запишите слова по алфавиту.
Flag, apple, one, cake, usually, zero, butter, house, yellow, road, knife, way, stand, door, very, like, enough, never, ground, Xerox, milk, ice, queen, job, town, pen.
Задание 2. Найдите соответствия между русским и английским вариантами.
[i:][a:][:][u:][:] 1.Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.2.He laughs best who laughs last.3.Better untaught than ill taught.4.A fool and his money are soon parted.5.First come, first served.
a.Поздно пришел, кости нашел.
b.Недоученный хуже неученого.
c.Хорошо смеется тот, кто смеется последний.d.У дурака в горсти дыра..
e.Видит око, да зуб неймет.
Задание 3. Выпишите слова к соответствующим звукам:[ei], [ai], [].
Day, late, man, mice, fly, cat, map, bad, plane, plan, hi, ice, shy, shame, lamp, track, May, make.
Раздел 2.Описание людей (внешность, характер, личностные качества, профессии) (8 часов).
Практическая работа №2.
Цель: отработать материал по теме.
Задание 1.Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где необходимо:
1.This … pencil is broken. Give me that … pencil, please.
2. I have … ten programmes on my TV.
3. My friend has … car, … car is broken now.
4. I got … letter from my friend yesterday. … letter was very long.
5. She has two … daughters and one … son. Her … son is … student.
6. My … brother’s … friend has no … dog.
7. This is … house. … house is white.
8. They have … party. … party is … birthday party.
9. I read … good book yesterday … book was interesting and funny.
10.For ____ breakfast I have ___ coffee with ___ milk and ___ sugar. I have ___ jam, too. There are __ different things on __ dinner-table. There is __ bread, __ butter and __ ham. There are __ cups and __ glasses there. There is __ jug on __ table. __ Milk in __ jug is hot.
11.There is __ tea-pot on __ table. There is __ tea in __ tea-pot. __ Tea is hot, too. 12.There are ___ plates, ___ forks and ___ knives on __ table.
13.__ lamp is on __ table.
14.There is __ lamp on __ table.
15.There are __ two shelves on __ wall.
16.They have __ large flat. There are __ four rooms in __ flat.
17.There is __ butter on __ plate.
18.__ Butter is on __ little plate.
19.There is __ white and __ brown bread on __ table.
Задание 2.Поставьте необходимый артикль перед названиями водных пространств.
1 ___ Lake Geneva2 ___ Pacific Ocean3 ___ Nile4 ___ English Channel5 ___ Strait of Dover6 ___ Dover Strait7 ___ Victoria Falls8 ___ Neva9 ___ Mediterranean Sea10 ___ Indian Ocean 11 ___ Black sea12 ___ Great Lakes13 ___ Bosporus14 ___ Persian Gulf15 ___ Gulf of Guinea16 ___ Persian Gulf17 ___ Ontario18 ___ Atlantic Ocean19 ___ Dnieper20 ___ Caspian Sea
Задание 3.Поставьте необходимый артикль перед названиями стран.
1 ___ UK2 ___ England3 ___ Netherlands4 ___ Japan5 ___ Sudan6 ___ Russia7 ___ Madagascar8 ___ Congo9 ___ Republic of Belarus10 ___ Italy11 ___ Vatican12 ___ United Arab Emirates 13 ___ Argentine14 ___ Argentine Republic15 ___ Argentina16 ___ Brazil17 ___ USA18 ___ Soviet Union19 ___ France20 ___ German Federal Republic21 ___ Ukraine22 ___ Senegal23 ___ China24 ___Scotland
Задание 4. Заполните таблицу словами антонимами.
Slim Fair-haired
Dark-haired silly
Strong Beautiful
Tall weak
Clever fat
Задание 5. Прочтите и переведите текст с английского языка на русский.
People, their appearances and character.As you know people from different countries do not look the same. For example, people from countries such as Denmark, Norway and Sweden are usually tall. They have fair hair, blue eyes and a pale complexion.
Most people in Mediterranean countries such as Italy, Spain and Greece are rather short. They have usually got black or dark brown wavy hair, brown eyes and light brown skin.
Most people from central and southern parts of Africa have got black curly hair and very dark skin. They have also got dark brown eyes, full lips and a wide, flattish nose.
People from Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Libya have usually got dark hair and dark brown eyes. They have also got dark skin.
The northern Chinese are quite short, with thick black hair and dark, slanting eyes. They have got a small nose and a yellowish complexion.
Those who live in hot countries wear light clothes like shorts, T-shirts and slippers. People from northern countries such as Canada, Russia and Finland wear too much clothes in winter – coats, hats, scarves, winter boots and other warm things.
In my opinion character does not depend on appearance. So, a very beautiful girl can be angry, nervous person who hates everybody and everything. But an ugly plump person can be really nice and friendly. It can be a good friend, who can always help you. So I advice everybody not to judge people by their appearance.Раздел 3.Межличностные отношения (10 часов).
Практическая работа №3.
Цель: отработать материал по теме: «Спряжение глагола to be»,лексический материал.
Задание 1.Используя таблицу спряжения глагола to be, составьте по 2 предложения на каждое время.
Местоимение To be в PresentTo be в Past To be в FutureI (я) am a studentwas a studentwillbe a studentHe (он) is a studentwas a studentwillbe a studentShe (она) is a studentwas a studentwillbe a studentIt (оно, это) is a studentwas a studentwillbe a studentWe (мы) are studentswere studentswillbe studentsYou (ты) are a studentwere a studentwillbe a studentThey (они) are studentswere studentswillbe studentsЗадание 2. Переведите следующие устойчивые выражения на русский язык. Любые три проспрягайте.
to be about + инф. —
to be back —
to be present —
to be up —
to be well —
to be ready for —
to be absent, to be away —
to be good at —
to be ill —
to be on duty - 
to be sorry for smb (about smth) —
to be acquainted with —
to be interested in —
to be in time —
to be fond of —
to be right —
to be over —
to be glad —
to be late —
to be hungry (thirsty) —
to be wrong —
to be mistaken  -
to be on —
to be tired —
to be afraid of —
to be worth doing smth —
to be sure —
Задание 3.Заполните пропуски и образуйте отрицательные предложения. Предложения переведите.
 1. He … an elephant. 2. My friend … kind. 3. Her name … Mary. 4. She … a nice girl. 5. We … pupils. 6. His name … Tom. 7. I … seven. 8. Rex … brave and kind. 9. They … friends. 10. You … happy. 11. Her name … Bess. 12. She … nice and merry. 13. Her name … Jill. 14. She … seven. 15. He … a nice boy. 16. His shirt … nice. 17. Tim … slim and sad. 18. He … happy. 19. I and Tom … friends. 20. Nick … strong. 21. Tom … smart. 22.  Mr Greenwood … nice.  23. His pet … funny. 24. Bob … strong. 25. It … black. 26. I … a pupil. 27. My friend … brave. 28. You … sad. 29. They … strong. 30. Pete … nine. 31. Our cat … five. 32. She … seven. 33. They … ten. 34. My name … Kate. 35. I … six. 36. My dog … grey. 37. His cat … black and white. 38. My pets … funny. 39. I … Dino. 40. My friend … strong and healthy. 41. Billy … fat. 42. We … in the park. 43. Crocodiles … green. 44. Pupils … lazy. 45. Tiny … kind and funny. 46. I … seven. 47. You … a pupil. 48. Tom’s birthday … on the 8-th of July. 49. Tom … from Great Britain. 50. My pets … funny. 51. The girl’s flowers … nice.
Задание 4.Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопросы.
Family Relationships.How could you describe the word "family"? First of all "family" means a close unit of parents and their children living together. But we shouldn't forget that it is a most complex system of relationships. Family relationships are rarely as easy as we would like, and very often we have to work hard at keeping them peaceful.
When do people usually start a family? This question doesn't have a definite answer. In the 18th, 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century people used to get married at the age of 18 or even 16. If a girl about 23 or more wasn't married, she was said to be an old maid or a spinster. That might have turned out a real tragedy for her family which usually brought up more than three children, because in some cases a successful marriage was the only chance to provide a good life for the daughter and to help her family. Despite the fact that the girl was so young, she was already able to keep the house, take care of her husband and raise children. To feel the time, its culture and customs I advise you to read a wonderful novel or see a breathtaking film "Pride and Prejudice". Though the story takes place at the turn of the 19th century, it retains fascination for modern readers, revealing some problems which may be urgent in the 21st century.
But life's changing as well as people's style of life. Nowadays we have got much more freedom in questions concerning family. It is natural to get married at the age of 20 up to 30; however, some people prefer to make a career first and only after that start a family when they are already in their forties. Moreover, there are many cases when people prefer to live together without being married. There are some reasons for this phenomenon. Firstly, it is difficult to juggle a family life with studies at school or university. But without good education it is practically impossible to find a suitable well-paid steady job. It's a must to get a higher education, but by this moment you are already 22—24 years old. After that you seek for a well-paid job to live independently, which takes about 3—5 years. Now you see why people in the 21st century do not hurry to get married.
There is also another difference between old and modern families. Nowadays it is very unusual to find three generations living under one roof as they used to do in the past. Relatives, as a rule, live separately and don't often meet one another. This fact sharply hurts an older generation. Our parents and grandparents usually suffer from lack of attention and respect from their children and grandchildren, although they try not to show it. They really don't need much, just a telephone call or a visit once a week will make them happy.
There are two basic types of families. A nuclear family — a typical family consisting of parents and children. A single-parent family consists of one parent and children. Nowadays there are very few people who have never divorced. Today the highest divorce rate in the world has the Maldive Republic. The United States of America take the third place. Russia is at the ninth place. What are the reasons of great numbers of divorce? Let us name some of the most common and serious ones.
• Occurrence of adultery once or throughout the marriage. The unfaithful attitude towards a spouse destroys the relationship and leads to a final separation.
• Communication breakdown. After some time of living under one roof spouses find out that they are absolutely incompatible. Constant clashes, brawls and squabbles cause serious problems. The differences grow as a snowball and can't be already settled by kisses or hugs.
• Physical, psychological or emotional abuses. When a person taunts, humiliates, hits the children or his spouse, it can't but end with a divorce.
• Financial problems. It sounds lamentably, but sometimes love alone can't guarantee well-being, whereas money can solve many of your problems. So when a couple lacks it, their relations become more and more complicated, their priorities change and the relationships end.
• Boredom. A lot of couples get bored of each other after 7 or more years of marriage. Boredom may become the reason of constant quarrels and adultery which inevitably leads to a divorce.
However, it goes without saying, in most cases married couples succeed in solving all the problems and keep living in peace and happiness.
1. How many members are there in your family?2. At what age did your parents get married?3. Give your opinion of marriages of the previous centuries.4. Do you think it is possible for a modern girl of eighteen to start a family?5. People should not get married unless they are deeply in love, should they?6. What can be done by both spouses to prevent a divorce?7 What are the family roles distributed within a family? What is a "woman's place" and what is a "man's place" in the family?8. Can the birth of children strengthen the family?9. There is a good phrase in the English language about marriages — "to go on the rocks". It means to break down, to crumble. Think of the similar ones in Russian.10. Do you agree with the statement that unhappy couples with children should stay together until the children are grown?
Раздел 4. Человек, здоровье, спорт (11часов).
Практическая работа №4.
Цель: ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления модальных глаголовcan, should, must, различия между ними. Выполнение упражнений.
Задание 1.Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальный глагол may.
1. Можно мне войти? 2. Можно, я пойду гулять? 3. Если твоя работа готова, можешь идти домой. 4. Учитель сказал, что мы можем идти домой. 5. Доктор говорит, что я уже могу идти купаться. 6. Папа сказал, что мы можем пойти в кино одни. 7. Я думал, что мне можно смотреть телевизор. 8. Если ты не наденешь пальто, ты можешь заболеть. 9. Не уходи из дома: мама может скоро прийти, а у нее нет ключа. 10. Будь осторожен: ты можешь упасть. 11. Не трогай собаку: она может укусить тебя. 12. Мы, может быть, поедем за город в воскресенье. 13. Он может забыть об этом. 14. Скоро может пойти дождь. 15. Здесь нечего делать. Мы можем рано уйти сегодня.
Задание 2.Вставьте модальные глаголы may (might) или  can (could).
1. … you help me? 2. I … imagine her speaking in public: I knew that she was so shy. 3. Something was wrong with the car: he … not start it. 4. A fool … ask more questions than a wise man … answer. 5. She asked me if she … use my telephone. 6. … I use your pen? 7. … I find a pen on that table? 8. You … read this book: you know the language well enough. 9. You … take this book: I don’t need it. 10. … help you? 11. … I ask you to help me? 12. The school was silent: nothing … be heard in the long dark corridors. 13. Waiting … be endless, you know. 14. … you tell me the nearest way to the city museum? 15. They … think that I am too weak to take part in the excursion, but I am strong enough to do any kind of hard work, indeed. 16. He knew this period of history very well: he had read everything on the subject he … find in the rich university library.
Задание 3.Переведите на английский язык, употребляя модальный глагол must.
1. Он, должно быть, очень устал. 2. У них даже есть яхта. Они, должно быть, очень богаты. 3. Ты должен уехать завтра утром? 4. Вы не должны опаздывать. 5. Я не должен забывать о своей матери. Я не писал ей целую вечность. Сегодня вечером я должен написать ей письмо. 6. Эта книга очень ценная. Вы не должны ее терять. 7. Неужели вам надо уже уходить? 8. Я должен признать, что я неправ. 9. Я должна упорно работать над своим английским. 10. Вы должны внимательно слушать учителя на уроке. 11. Ты должен делать уроки каждый день. 12. Вы не должны забывать о своих обязанностях. 13. Вы должны быть осторожны на улице. 14. Она должна быть дома сейчас. 15. Мои друзья, должно быть, в парке.
Задание 4.Скажите автору ниже следующих предложений, что надо (не надо) было делать.
Е.g.  1) I bought that book spending аlot of money.
You should not have bought the book.
2) I did not buy that book.
You should have bought the book.
1. So I took the child to the cinema. 2. We forgot to leave а message for her. 3. We did not wait for them because it was beginning to rain. 4. I did not put down her address and now I don't know how to find her. 5. I did not explain to her how to get here. 6. I bought а pair of red shoes to go with my new dress. 7. So I told her frankly what we all thought about her idea. 8. I have not seen the film, and now it is too late because it is nо longer on. 9. Муреn was leaking, so I wrote with а pencil. 10. I`m afraid I ate too much cake with my tea.
 Задание 5. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопросы. Текст переведите на русский язык.
Sport in Great Britain.
Most people in Great Britain are real sport-lovers. Even if they don't go in for sport, they like to talk about it. Perhaps, you didn't know, but many kinds of sport have taken the origin in Great Britain. Cricket, football, rugby, tennis, table tennis, badminton, squash, canoeing and snooker were invented in Britain.
Britain's national sport is football or soccer. It was played there as far back as medieval times. Nowadays it has become the most popular game all over the world. There is no national football team in Great Britain. England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their separate football clubs, which compete in European and World Cup matches.
English football fans are fond of most exciting games which are held between teams from the same city. For example, between Manchester United and Manchester City, Arsenal and Chelsea from London.There are plenty of amateur association football clubs. Many schools form their own football teams, offering students an opportunity of entering prestigious universities according to their sport achievements.
There is a certain type of football called rugby. The game is called so because it was originated at Rugby — a well-known English public school. As well as common football it is a game played by two teams of fifteen players each. The game takes place on a field 100 metres long and 80 metres wide. There are goal posts at both ends of the field. Rugby is played with an oval or egg-shaped ball which can be carried by hands and kicked. The ball is passed from hand to hand in order to be thrown across the goal line. It is a rather violent game, that is why the players must be big and strong. Another requirement for the players is to wear helmets, masks and chest and shoulder padding.
Cricket is a popular summer sport in Britain. There are many cricket clubs in the country. Cricket players wear a certain uniform — white boots, a white T-shirt and white trousers. One cricket game takes a terribly long time. There are two teams of 11 players each and test matches between national teams can last up to 5 days. The spectators have to be very patient. The game is played on a pitch with a wicket at each end. The rules of the game have changed over the years. It is a game which is associated with long sunny summer afternoons, the smell of new-mown grass and the sound of leather ball beating the willow cricket bat. Cricket is more popular among men, but it is also played by women and girls.
Tennis is another favourite sport of the Englishmen. People all over the world know Wimbledon which is the centre of lawn tennis. It is the oldest tennis tournament in the world considered by many people to be the most prestigious. It takes place over two weeks in late June and early July. Wimbledon is known for its traditions — strict white dress code for competitors, the absence of sponsor advertising around the courts and some others. Every tennis player dreams of taking part at this tournament.
Golf is a game of business community. In Great Britain it is very common to establish good business relations playing golf. The equipment for this game is quite expensive as well as the entrance to a prestigious golf club, so not everyone can afford it. Golf is a ball and golf stick game played on a natural field. In this game one has to knock a ball into a hole.
There are a lot of other popular sports in Great Britain, for example, horseracing, croquet, swimming, running, cycling and rowing.
 Vocabulary: sport-lover — любитель спортаto take the origin — происходитьcricket — крикетrugby — регбиsquash — сквошsnooker — снукер (вид игры на бильярде)to invent — изобретатьsoccer — футболmedieval times — Средние векаseparate — отдельныйto compete — соревноватьсяtournament — турнирto be fond of — любитьto hold — проводитьopportunity — возможностьaccording to — в соответствии сachievement — достижениеfield — полеgoal post — воротаviolent — жёсткий, суровыйrequirement — требованиеhelmet — шлемpadding — защитная накладкаuniform — форма одеждыspectator — зрительpatient — терпеливый pitch — полеwicket — ворота («калитка») to be associated with — ассоциироваться с new-mown grass — свежескошенная траваwillow — иваdress code — форма одежды absence — отсутствиеsponsor advertising — спонсорская реклама court — теннисный кортbusiness community — бизнес сообществоto establish good business relations — установить хорошие деловые отношения equipment — оборудование, снаряжениеentrance — входto afford — позволятьto knock — закатывать horseracing — скачки croquet — крокет running — бегcycling — велогонки rowing — гребля
1. The Englishmen love sports, don't they?2. Which sport do you associate with Britain? Why?3. What sports have taken the origin in Britain?4. Do you know any English football clubs?5. What is rugby?6. What equipment do you need to play rugby?7 Cricket is a popular winter sport in England, isn't it?8. Have you learnt any interesting information about cricket?9. Why does every tennis player dream of taking part at Wimbledon?10. Do you think golf is an exciting game?
Раздел 5. Город, деревня, инфраструктура (10 часов).
Практическая работа №5.
Цель: ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления оборота thereis/are. Выполнение упражнений.
Задание 1.Вставьте is или are в пропуски.
There  three rooms in our flat.
There  a table in the kitchen.
There  four chairs round it.
There  a shelf on the wall above the table.
 there a stove in the kitchen?
There  some plates and dishes on the table.
There  sandwiches on one of the dishes.
There  meat, cheese and sausage on the plates
There  a few spoons and knives on the table.
There  some cups and a tea-pot.
There  a lot of sugar in the sugar-bowl.
There  a little salt in the salt-cellar.
 there saucers?
There  different kinds of jam in the jars.
There  everything for a good lunch.
Задание 2.Перепишите предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме.Образец:
There is a small shop in my street . Is there a small shop in my street? There is no small shop in my street last year.
There are two books at the table. Are there two books on the table? There are not two books on the table.
There are a lot of flowers in the garden.
There is an apple-tree in the garden.
There are a lot of chickens on the farm.
There are many white sheep on the farm.
There is a table at the window.
There is a bus stop here.
Задание 3. Прочтите диалог, переведите его на русский язык и воспроизведите его.
Dialogue: Asking the Way.
A: Excuse me, could you tell us the short way to the famous British Museum? We went astray.
B: I certainly can. It is not very far from here. I think it will take you about thirty minutes to get there from here. If you are in a hurry, you can go by bus. The bus-stop is at Oxford Circus.
A: And how can we get to Oxford Circus?
B: Go straight on, then turn left at the traffic lights and go straight on again. In two minutes you are at Oxford Circus.
A: What bus must we take?
B: Your bus is the 73.
A: At what stop do we get off?
B: You have to get off at Great Russel Street. This bus stops in front of the British Museum.
A: And how long will it take us to get to the British Museum by bus?
B: I think about fifteen minutes.
A: One more thing. Is there a bus table at the bus stop? If I see that our bus comes in 15-20 minutes, we shall walk there.
B: Of course you will find a bus table at the bus stop. I think this bus arrives every 10-15 minutes.
A: Thank you very much!
B: Not at all. Have a good time.
A: Many thanks.
Задание 4. Переведите текст на русский язык.
You can reach England either by plane, by train, by car or by ship. The fastest way is by plane. London has three international airports: Heathrow, the largest, connected to the city by underground; Gatwick, south of London, with a frequent train service; Luton, the smallest, used for charter flights.
If you go to England by train or by car you have to cross the Channel. There is a frequent service of steamers and ferryboats which connect the continent to the south-east of England.
People in Britain drive on the left and generally overtake on the right. The speed limit is 30 miles per hour (50 km/h) in towns and cities and 70 m.p.h. (110 km/h) on motorways.
When you are in London you can choose from four different means of transport: bus, train, underground or taxi. The typical bus in London is a red double-decker. The first London bus started running between Paddington and the City in 1829. It carried 40 passengers and cost a shilling for six km.
The next to arrive were the trains; now there are twelve railway stations in London. The world's first underground line was opened between Baker St. and the City in 1863. Now there are ten underground lines and 273 underground stations in use. The London underground is also called the Tube, because of the circular shape of its deep tunnels. 
Раздел 6. Природа и человек (климат, погода, экология) (10 часов).
Практическая работа №6.
Цель: ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления настоящего простого и настоящего длительного времен. Выполнение упражнений.
Задание 1.Переведите на английский язык и вставьте глагол to be в Present Indefinite (Simple).
1. Я ученик. Я в школе.
2. Мой брат художник. Он не инженер.
3. Моя сестра на работе. Она врач.
4. Он студент.
5. Вы студент? — Нет, я врач,
6. Моя сестра дома.
7. Мы не в школе. Мы дома.
8. Мой брат ученик. Он в школе.
9. Ваша мама дома? — Нет, она на работе.
10. Ваш двоюродный брат дома? — Нет, он в школе. Он ученик.
Задание 2.Переведите на английский язык и раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous. (NOW)
1. Я читаю.
2. Он не пишет.
3. Мы не работаем.
4. Вы читаете?
5. Он спит?
6. Они играют в футбол.
7. Моя подруга играет на пианино.
8. Она не поет.
9. Моя сестра спит.
10. Папа пьет чай?
Задание 3.Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple.
1. I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) an English exercise.
2. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I (to drink) coffee in the morning.3. Your friend (to do) his homework now?
4. Your friend (to go) to work in the morning?
5. Look! The cat (to sleep).6. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner.
7. My grandmother (not to work). She is on pension.
8. My father (not to sleep) now. He (to work) in the garden.9. I usually (to get) up at seven o'clock in the morning.
10. She (to wash) her face and hands.
11. I (to come) at three o'clock.
12. My mother (not to play) the piano now. She (to play) the piano in the morning.Задание 4. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопросы.
Climate in Great Britain
The British Isles which are surrounded by the ocean have an insular climate.
There are 3 things that chiefly determine the climate of the United Kingdom: the position of the islands in the temperate belt; the fact that the prevailing winds blow from the west and south-west and the warm current — the Gulf Stream that flows from the Gulf of Mexico along the western shores of England. All these features make the climate more moderate, without striking difference between seasons. It is not very cold in winter and never very hot in summer.
So, the British ports are ice-free and its rivers are not frozen throughout the year. The weather on the British Isles has a bad reputation. It is very changeable and fickle. The British say that there is a climate in other countries, but we have just weather. If you don't like the weather in England, just wait a few minutes.
It rains very often in all seasons in Great Britain. Autumn and winter are the wettest. The sky is usually grey and cold winds blow. On the average, Britain has more than 200 rainy days a year. The English say that they have 3 variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon, and when it rains all day long. Sometimes it rains so heavily, that they say «It's raining cats and dogs».
Britain is known all over the world for its fogs. Sometimes fogs are so thick that it's impossible to see anything within a few meters. The winter fogs of London are, indeed, awful; they surpass all imagination. In a dense fog all traffic is stopped, no vehicle can move from fear of dreadful accidents. So, we may say that the British climate has three main features: it is mild, humid and very changeable.
to surround — окружатьinsular climate — островной климатto determine — определятьtemperate belt — умеренный поясprevailing winds — господствующие ветрыthe Gulf Stream — течение Гольфстримto flow — течь, протекатьshores — побережьеmoderate — умеренныйstriking difference — зд. Большая разницаthroughout — по всей, повсюду, везде, в течение всегоfickle — непостоянныйwet — сырой, мокрыйto blow — зд. - дутьIt's raining cats and dogs — дождь льет как из ведраfog — туманawful — ужасный, пугающийdense — плотный, густойvehicle.— транспортное средство, автомобильdreadful — ужасный, страшный
1. Does the Gulf Stream flow from the Gulf of Mexico along the western shores of England?2. What kind of climate does Great Britain have?3. Why does the United Kingdom have an insular climate?4. What are three main features that determine the climate of Great Britain?5. Why are the English ports ice-free?6. Are the English rivers frozen during winter?7. Is it very hot in Britain in summer?8. What reputation does the weather of the United Kingdom have?9. Does it rain very often?10, What happens when there is a heavy fog in Great Britain?
Раздел 7. Научно-технический процесс (10 часов).
Практическая работа №7.
Цель: ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления настоящего совершенного времени. Ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления имени прилагательного. Выполнение упражнений.
Задание 1. Прочтите описания следующих изобретений. Переведите на русский язык описания 1,3,5. Подготовьте пересказ описаний 2,4,6,7.
Great Inventions.1.Television(1920s).
The invention that swept the world and changed leisure habits for countless millions was pioneered by Scottish-born electrical engineer John Logie Baird. It had been realised for some time that light could be converted into electrical impulses, making it possible to transmit such impulses over a distance and then reconvert them into light.
2.Motor Car (Late 19th Century)
With television, the car is probably the most widely used and most useful of all leisure-inspired inventions. German engineer Karl Benz produced the first petrol driven car in 1885 and the British motor industry started in 1896. Henry Ford was the first to use assembly line production for his Model Т car in 1908. Like them or hate them, cars have given people great freedom of tra3.Electricity.
The name came from the Greek word for amber and was coined by Elizabeth I's physician William Gilbert who was among those who noticed that amber had the power to attract light objects after being rubbed. In the 19th century such great names as Michael Faraday, Humphry Davy, Alessandro Volta and Andre Marie Ampere all did vital work on electricity.
4.Photography (Early 19th Century)
Leonardo da Vinci had described the camera obscurе photographic principle as early as 1515. But it was not until 1835 that Frenchman Louis Daguerre produced camera photography. The system was gradually refined over the years, to the joy of happy snappers and the despair of those who had to wade through friends' endless holiday pictures.
5.Telephone (1876).
Edinburgh-born scientist Alexander Graham Bell patented his invention of the telephone in 1876. The following year, the great American inventor Thomas Edison produced the first working telephone. With telephones soon becoming rapidly available, the days of letter-writing became numbered.
6.Computer (20th Century).
The computer has been another life-transforming invention. British mathematician Charles Babbage designed a form of computer in the mid-1830s, but it was not until more than a century later that theory was put into practice. Now, a whole generation has grown up with calculators, windows, icons, computer games and word processors, and the Internet and e-mail have transformed communication and information.
The plane was the invention that helped shrink the world and brought distant lands within easy reach of ordinary people. The invention of the petrol engine made flight feasible and the American Wright brothers made the first flight in 1903.
Задание 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect.
He _____ (finish) training.
She _____ (score) twenty points in the match.
We _____ (watch) all the Champions League matches this season.
That's amazing! She _____ (run)  fifteen kilometers this morning!
She _____  (buy)  some really nice rollerblades!
Oh, no! I  _____ (lose) my money!
My mum _____ (write) shopping list. It's on the kitchen table.
Dad, you _____ (eat) my biscuit!
I’m tired. I  _____ (watch) three X-Files videos.             
Hurry up! They  _____ (start) the film!
Mary  _____ (study) hard this year, so she'll pass her exams.
Oh no! She  _____  (drop) the plate!
The garden is very green. It  _____ (rain) a lot this month.
These are my favourite trousers. I  _____ (have) them for five years.
Tom's my best friend. I  _____ (know) him for three years.
They _____  (live) in Miami for two years.
Jo has earache. He  _____ (have) it since 7 o'clock.
18.Brad _____ (live) in Chicago since 1998.
Задание 3. В письме есть 4 ошибки на использование  for и since.  Найдите и исправьте их. Dear Mum and Dad,
I've lived in Africa since two weeks and I love it! Africa is beautiful! I haven’t travelled to any faraway place for last summer. I’m so happy now!
I’ve already seen Mr. Rambler. He is working for WWF here and taking photos of wild animals. I haven’t seen any lions yet. I think I’ll see them later.
Thank you for the trip. I’ve dreamed of Kenya for my childhood. I haven’t seen you since ages! I miss you so much!
Love, Nigel.
Задание 4.Пользуясь опорными словами, a также словами for и since составьте предложения в Present Perfect Simple.
Kate/be/in bed/a long time.
She / not eat / anything / this morning.
She / not see / her friends / a week.    
She / stay / at home / Tuesday.              
She / have / a red nose / three days.
She / not play / basketball / last weekend.
 She / not do / any school work / Monday.
Задание 5.Выберете один из предложенных вариантов.
1. I need a rest. I am exhausted/ exhausting. Мне нужен отдых. Я обессилен.  2. This stale bun is revolting/ revolted. Эта несвежая булочка отвратительна.  3. Swimming is always a relaxed/ relaxing time passing. Плавание это всегда расслабляющее время препровождение.  4. I am amazed/ amazing by this news. Я удивлен этой новостью.  5. She is irritated/ irritating by the nasty weather. Она раздражена из-за скверной погоды. 
Раздел 8. Повседневная жизнь, условия жизни (8 часов).
Практическая работа №8.
Цель: ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления простого прошедшего и прошедшего длительного времен. Выполнение упражнений.
Задание 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.1. I (to go) to the cinema yesterday. 2. I (to go) to the cinema at four o'clock yesterday. 3. I (to go) to the cinema when you met me. 4. I (to do) my homework the whole evening yesterday. 5. I (to do) my homework when mother came home. 6. I (to do) my homework yesterday. 7. I (to do) my homework from five till eight yesterday. 8. I (to do) my homework at six o'clock yesterday. 9. I (not to play) the piano yesterday. I (to write) a letter to my friend. 10. I (not to play) the piano at four o'clock yesterday. I (to read) a book. 11. He (not to sleep) when father came home. He (to do) his homework. 12.  When we were in the country last summer, I (to go) to the wood one day. In the wood I (to find) a little fox cub.I (to bring) it home.I (to decide) to tame the cub. Every day I (to feed) it and (to take) care of it.I (to tame) it the whole summer. Now the fox cub is quite tame. It lives in my house. 13.   When I (to go) to school the day before yesterday, I met Mike and Pete. They (to talk) and (to laugh). They told me a funny story. Soon I (to laugh), too. I still (to laugh) when we came to school. After school I (to tell) this story at home. My father and mother (to like) it very much. Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous. 1. When I (to come) home, my little sister (to sleep). 2. When Nick (to come) home, his brother (to play) with his toys. 3. When mother (to come) home, I (to do) my homework. 4. When father (to come) home, Pete (to sleep). 5. When mother (to come) home, the children (to play) on the carpet. 6. When I (to get) up, my mother and father (to drink) tea. 7. When I (to come) to my friend's place, he (to watch) TV. 8. When I (to see) my friends, they (to play) football. 9. When I (to open) the door, the cat (to sit) on the table. 10. When Kate (to open) the door, the children (to dance) round the fir-tree. 11. When Tom (to cross) the street, he (to fall).  12. When I (to go) to school, I (to meet) my friend. 43. When we (to go) to the cinema, we (to meet) grandmother. 14. When grandmother (to go) home, she (to see) many children in the yard. 15. When Henry (to walk) about in the forest, he (to find) a bear cub. 16. When we (to walk) about in the forest, we (to see) a hare. 17. When I (to wash) the floor, I (to find) my old toy under the sofa. 18. When granny (to read) a book on the sofa, she (to fall) asleep. 19. When I (to play) in the yard, I suddenly (to see) my old friend. 20. When Nick (to run) about in the yard, he (to fall). 
 Задание 3. Используя данные выражения, составьте монологическое высказывание на тему «Условия жизни в России и в Англии».
Персональная точка зрения.
I believe that … (Я считаю, что …)
In my experience… (По-моему опыту …)
I'd like to point out that… (Я хотел бы отметить, что …)
As far as I'm concerned… (Насколько я могу судить …)
Speaking for myself… (Если говорить о себе …)
In my opinion… (По моему мнению …)
Personally, I think… (Лично я думаю, …)
I'd say that… (Я бы сказал, что …)
I'd suggest that… (Я предложил бы, чтобы …)
What I mean is… (Я имею в виду …)
Общая точка зрения.
It is thought that… (Считается, что …)
Some people say that… (Некоторые люди говорят, что …)
It is considered… (Считается …)
It is generally accepted that… (Принято считать, что …)
Согласие мнением других.
Of course! (Конечно!)
You're absolutely right. (Вы совершенно правы.)
Yes, I agree. (Да, я согласен.)
I think so too. (Я тоже так думаю.)
That's a good point. (Это хороший момент.)
Exactly. (Именно!)
I don't think so either. (Я не думаю так же.)
So do I. (Ятоже.)
I'd go along with that. (Я бы согласился с этим.)
That'strue. (Это правда.)
Neither do I. (Ятоже.)
I agree with you entirely. (Я полностью с вами согласен.)
That's just what I was thinking. (Это как раз то, о чем я думал.)
I couldn't agree more. (Я не могу не согласиться.)
Несогласие с чужим мнением.
That's different. (Это совсем другое дело.)
I don't agree with you. (Я с Вами …согласен.)
However… (Тем не менее / Все же …)
That's not entirely true. (Это не совсем верно.)
On the contrary… (Напротив …)
I'm sorry to disagree with you, but… (Извини, что не согласен с Вами, но …)
Yes, but don't you think… (Да, но Вы же не думаете …)
That's not the same thing at all. (Это не одно и то же.)
I'm afraid I have to disagree. (Боюсь, я вынужден не согласиться.)
I'm not so sure about that. (Я не так уверен в этом.)
I must take issue with you on that. (Я не могу согласиться с вами по этому вопросу.)
Задание 4. Прочтите текст и ответьте на вопросы.
My Week-day.I get up at a quarter to seven. I jump out of my bed, switch on the radio and do my morning exercises to the radio music. Then I go to the bathroom, wash myself and clean my teeth with a tooth-brush. This does not take me much time, not more than ten or fifteen minutes. Then I dress and sit down to table to have my breakfast. I usually have a cup of tea or coffee, an egg and bread and butter. After breakfast I go to the technical school. As I live far away, I go by bus or by metro. It takes me more time to go by bus. If I have little time, I go by metro. My lessons begin at 9 o'clock. We have six lessons every day. At a quarter to one we have a lunch hour.
As I cannot get home for lunch, I take it at the dining-room of our technical school. For lunch I have meat or fish with potatoes and a cup of strong tea or coffee with a pie. At ten minutes to three the lessons are over, and I go home. When I get home from the technical school, I have dinner. My dinner usually consists of three courses. For the first course I have some soup, then some meat or fish. For dessert I have stewed fruit or ice-cream. Alter dinner I help my mother to wash up the dishes. Then I do my lessons. This usually takes me about two hours.
At eight or nine о clock I have supper. I have some salad, a slice of sausage and bread, sour milk or cereal. In the evening I listen to the radio or watch TV. If the programme is not interesting, I go to the cinema or to the theatre. Sometimes, I go for a walk with my friends. We talk about different things and usually have a good time. At 11 o'clock I go to bed.
to switch on (off) the radio - включать (выключать) радио
to do morning exercises –делать утреннюю гимнастику
bathroom–ванная комната
to clean one's teeth –чистить зубы
to have breakfast (dinner, supper) - завтракать (обедать, ужинать)
lunch - второй завтрак
dining-room - столовая
to consist of –состоять из...
course - блюдо
for the first course –на первое
soup - суп
dessert - десерт
to wash up dishes –мыть посуду
slice -кусок, ломтик
sausage - колбаса
sour milk –кислое молоко
cereal–каша1. When do you get up?
2. What do you do in the bathroom?
3. What do you have for breakfast?
4. When do you get home after classes?
5. When do you go to bed?
6. What do you do after dinner?
7. What do you have for dessert?
8. What do you do in the evening?
Раздел 9. Досуг (10 часов).
Практическая работа №9.
Цель: ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления прошедшего завершенного времени. Выполнение упражнений.
Задание 1.Вставьте глаголы в Past Perfect.
I ... (to have) breakfast before I went to school.
He went to meet his friends after he ... (to do) his homework.
By 8 o’clock the rain ... (to stop).
Alice was late because she ... (to miss) the bus.
She went to the post-office after she ... (to write) the letter.
He ... (to work) at the factory before he entered the college.
He got a bad mark for his test because he ... (to make) a lot of mistakes in it.
I went to bed after I ... (to finish) reading the book.
The child ... (to fall) asleep before the parents came home.
They ... (to marry) before they bought this house.
Задание 2. Используйте Past Perfect предложенных глаголов, чтобы дополнить предложения.)to leave,  to go,  to die,  to see,  to live,  to fly
I didn’t read the text in class because I …  my book at home.
The children didn’t want to go to the cinema because they ... already ... the film.
Kate wasn’t at home last week because she ... to visit her uncle.
Linda never knew her father because he ... before she was born.
I was excited when the plane took off because I... never ... before.
My grandfather was always afraid of animals because he ... never ... in the country.
Задание 3. Oпределите, какое действие произошло раньше. Объедините два предложения в одно, не меняя части местами. Используйте BEFORE .
Пример: I sent a telegram. Then I met my friend.— I had sent a telegram before I met my friend.
The rain stopped. I went for a walk.
I did my homework. My mother returned home.
We met in the street. We went to the park.
They packed their things. Then they started.
I had dinner. I switched on the TV set.
He returned home. The guests left.
We came to the cinema. The film began.
I read the book. I saw the play.                .
They lived here. They moved to another place.
We played а game of tennis. We went to my place.
Задание 4. Прочтите текст. Поясните главную мысль текста своими словами.
On weekdays I usually go to school, but on my days off I prefer to rest. I think it is important for us to rest. I think it is important for us to rest after hard work. That’s why our weekends are more attractive than weekdays. At our leisure time we go in for sports, read books, go to the library, the cinema, the theatre, the park, the museum, the exhibition. Sometimes we go to the zoo or the circus and enjoy ourselves watching animals. As a rule, we try to spend most of time outdoors. Some people prefer to go to the country to see their relatives and friends. In winter we like to go to the winter forest to ski and skate. After having such a pleasant rest in the open air, you are always happy to return home and have a rest sitting near the TV-set and watching an interesting an interesting TV programme. In summer and spring picnics are popular with schoolchildren and their parents. They are fond of picnics chiefly because they have an excellent opportunity to admire the beauty of nature, to run on the grass and to play interesting games, to have a bite without observing table manners. But the most exciting event is making a fire. The children are fond of collecting wood in the forest and sitting round the fire. And again, they like to return home after a picnic. And now they think that “there is no place like home” as saying goes.   Many people like to go to the cinema and theatre on weekends and holidays and enjoy seeing an interesting film or performance.   As for me, my days off are normally like this. I hate getting up early and on weekends I can afford to wake up later than usual. As a rule, I get up at 8 o’clock. Then I do my morning exercises, wash my face and hands and brush my teeth. After having breakfast I relax a little: listen to a lovely music and try to forget about all my problems. Then I can visit my friends and have a chat with them about our life.Sometimes my friends and I go to the museum or art exhibition. As a rule, my activities on weekends depend on my plans, but in any case I manage to do a lot of things and to have a rest. I always try to do my best to have a really good time. But unfortunately time flies very quickly on weekends, and the next Monday morning comes, and I am looking forward to my next days off.
Раздел 10. Новости, средства массовой информации (10 часов).
Практическая работа №10.
Цель: ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления будущего простого времени. Выполнение упражнений.
Задание 1.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Continuous, Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.
1. We (to go) on a tramp last Sunday.
2. Your brother (to go) to the country with us next Sunday?
3. She (not to cook) dinner now.
4. We (to cook) our meals on a fire last summer.
5. My sister (to wash) dishes every morning.
6. When you (to go) to school?
7. What you (to prepare) for breakfast tomorrow?
8. You (to invite) your cousin to stay with you next summer?
9. How you (to help) your sister last summer?
10. I (to send) email to my friend tomorrow.
11. Every morning I (to meet) my friends.
12. My friend (to go) to the club every Wednesday.
13. He (not to go) to the country- house yesterday.
14. Why you (to go) to the shop yesterday?
15. We (to grow) tomatoes next summer.
16. What you (to do) now?
17. He (to sleep) now.
18. Where your husband (to work) last year?
19. You (to go) to the south next summer!
20. He (not to watch) TV yesterday.
Задание 2.  Вставьте l’ll, we'll, he'll, she'll, they'll, it’ll.
I'd like to see animals. I think _______ go to the zoo today.
Wendy likes dinosaurs. I think _______ go to the Natural History Museum.
We like dancing. I think _______ go to the disco.
My parents want to buy presents. I think_______ go to the gift shop. '
Jim likes walking. I think_______ go to the park.
Put on your scarf and hat. I think _______ be cold today.
I want to watch a cartoon. I think _______ go to the cinema tomorrow.
Mike is ill. I don't think _______ go for a walk with us.
Задание 3. Прочитайте текст. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в форме Future Simple (Indefinite).
 I like to go to school. I have many good friends there. But I like Sundays more.  Soon it ____ (1 be) Sunday, and all our family  _____ (2 be ) at home. I _____ (3 get up) at 9 o’clock, and then I_____ (4 do) my morning exercises and have breakfast together with my parents. After breakfast I ____ (5 help) my mother in the kitchen and my father ____ (6 go) shopping. Then we  (7 go) for a I walk in the park or to the cinema.
After dinner my friends ____  (8 come) to me, and we ____ (9 play) together at home or in the yard. In the evening my mother ____ (10 knit), my father ____ (11 watch) a concert on TV and I ____ (12 listen) to music or read a book. I know that I ____ (13 have) a lot of fun next Sunday.
b) Найдите ответы на следующие вопросы:
Will all the family be at home on Sunday?
When will the boy get up?
What will he do in the morning?
What will he do after breakfast?
Who will come after dinner?
What will they do at home or in the yard?
What will they do in the evening?
The boy will have a lot of fun next Sunday, won’t he?
Задание 4.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous, Present Simple или в Future Simple.
1. When you (to get) up every day?  - - I  (to get) up at seven o'clock. 2. My brother usually  (not to get) up at seven o'clock. 3. As a rule, he  (to get) up at six o'clock, but tomorrow he (to get) up at seven o'clock. 4. Why she (to come) home so late tomorrow?  5. We  (to go) to the country the day after tomorrow. 6. Our friends always  (to go) to the country for the weekend. 7. Look! The kitten  (to play) with its tail. 8. Your parents (to watch) TV now?  9. Where she (to go) tomorrow?  10. She (to go) to the country with us tomorrow? 11. They  (to stay) at home tomorrow 12. What you (to do) now?  I (to see) that you  (not to read). 13. When you (to finish) your homework? It  (to be) very late, it  (to be) time to go to bed. 14. What you (to do) in the country next summer?  Задание 5.Прочтите текст, разделите его на смысловые части, подберите названия к каждой из них. Составьте список вопросов к тексту.
My Favourite TV Program. Many people like watching TV in their free time. It’s one of my favourite pastimes too. However, I try not to spend a lot of time in front of the screen. I usually watch music channels, new and interesting films, funny cartoons and educational programs. I’d like to tell you a little bit about my favourite TV program. It’s an informative show called “Galileo”. It is named after a famous scientist Galileo Galilei, who liked making experiments. I watch this program regularly and try not to miss the next issue. It is usually shown at weekends. Each time the presenter of the program Alexander Pushnoy explains different phenomena of nature and shows amazing experiments. Most of all I like the part with these experiments. In my opinion, “Galileo” show is interesting not only for children but also for adults. Not every adult knows seemingly obvious facts. For example, why the sky is blue, why the sugar is sweet, how the paste is colored in tubes. This program can surprise even the most skeptical spectator. Usually each edition contains five different stories and experiments. Together with the presenter you can travel to distant places and even transfer in time. The “Galileo” team has several special agents, who conduct the experiments at scientific laboratories, factories and plants. Sometimes they travel into past or future. Some episodes are shot in foreign countries, such as Japan, the USA, Ukraine, etc. My favourite program ends with the words “The world is more interesting than you think”. I absolutely agree with this statement and I always recommend my friends to watch “Galileo”. Раздел 11. Навыки повседневной жизни (повседневное поведение, профессиональные навыки и умения) (10 часов).
Практическая работа №11.
Цель: ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления будущего совершенного времени. Выполнение упражнений. Ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления предлогов. Выполнение упражнений.
Задание 1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Future Indefinite (Simple), Future Continuous или Future Perfect.
1. I (to do) my homework tomorrow.
2. I (to do) my homework at five o'clock tomorrow.
3. I (to do) my homework by five o'clock tomorrow.
4. When I come home tomorrow, my family (to have) lunch.
5. When you come to my place tomorrow, I (to read) your book. I (to do) my homework by the time you come.
6. Don't come to my place tomorrow, I (to read) a book the whole evening.
7. I (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow, I (to write) a report the whole evening.
8. What you (to do) tomorrow?
9. What you (to do) at five o'clock tomorrow?
10. You (to play) tennis tomorrow?
11. You (to do) this project by next Friday?
12. When you (to go) to see your granny next time? (cобираешься)
13. How many pages you (to read) by five o'clock tomorrow?
14. Tomorrow I (to begin) doing my homework as soon as I come from school. I (to do) my homework from four till five.15.My brother (to come) home at nine o'clock tomorrow. I (to do) all my work by the time he comes, and we (to go) to the party together.
Задание 3.Вставьте соответствующие предлоги времени вместо пропусков.
1.Jennifer is going to come here … the eighth of December. – Дженнифер собирается приехать сюда восьмого декабря.2. Our pupils had the last test … Wednesday. – Последняя контрольная работа была у наших учеников в среду.
3.Jane`s elder brother was born … January, 1999. – Старший брат Джейн родился в январе 1999 года.
4. My relatives will fly to Tunisia … five days. – Мои родные полетят в Тунис через пять дней.5. Our children stay in the swimming-pool … two hours. – Наши дети останутся в бассейне на два часа.6. George got up … 04.40 a.m. a day before yesterday. – Позавчера Джордж встал в 04.40 утра.7. Renate was going to the library … classes. – После уроков Рената собиралась пойти в библиотеку.8. Their boss will be busy … 16.00 … 19.00. – Их босс будет занят делами с 16.00 до 19.00.
9.Your parents will stay there … the performance. – Во время представления твои родители будут находиться там.
10. Jack wants to go to Africa … the long cold winter. – Перед долгой холодной зимой Джек хочет съездить в Африку.11.Youwillgetyourinvitation … noon. – Ты получишь свое приглашение в районе полудня.
12. My cousin has been working in this famous company … 2005. – Мой двоюродный брат работает в этой знаменитой компании с 2005 года.
13.Sarahwillnotbeabletoreadthatreport … such a shortbreak. – Сара не будет в состоянии прочитать тот доклад в течения такого короткого перерыва.
14.Theycamebacktotheirhotel … seven o`clock p.m. – В районе семи часов вечера они возвратились в свой отель.
15.Gloriahelpedthem … 06.00 a.m. that morning. – В то утро Глория помогала им с шести часов (утра).
16.Hehasdriven … five hours. – Он ездит на машине уже пять часов подряд.
17.ThatpersonwenttoGermany … seven weeks. – Тот человек ездил в Германию на семь недель.
Задание 4. Прочтите и переведите текст на русский язык.
Most 18 and 19 year-olds in Britain are quite independent people. English people say that children grow up more quickly now. Relationships within the British family are different now. Children have more freedom to make their own decisions.
For example, children aged 13 may be employed part time in Great Britain. Age 15 is legally a «young person» not a «child». Age 16 is a school leaving age. They can leave home, drive a moped, marry with «parents’ consent» buy beer. Age 17 can drive a car. Age 18 can vote, get married, drink in pubs.
Education is a very important part in the life of British youth. One can’t become an independent person without it. When time comes to enter a college a young Englishman chooses one far away from home. It is a necessary part of becoming adult.
During the last 30 years there were a lot of different trends in youth movements. All of them were characterized by their own philosophy, way of life, style of dressing. Each tendency was born by the influence of economic and political changes in the society. Those trends are known as the «hippies» the «punks» the «rockers».
But certainly there are different traditional youth organizations in Great Britain. Among them — the Scout Association, the Girl Guides Association, the National Union of Students, the Youth Club. The latter offers, for example, a wide range of sporting and social activities.
The National Union of Students was founded in 1922. It operates through local branches in colleges and universities. It promotes the educational, social and general interests of students.
But certainly the most numerous is the Scout Association, founded in 1908 for boys and in 1910 for girls by Lord Baden-Powel. The Scout movement is to encourage a sense of adventure and of responsibility for others among young people. The programme of training is planned to develop intelligence and practical skills, to promote health and a sense of service.
Scout training is complementary to the ordinary education. Scouts train in mapping, signalling, first aid and all the skills that arise from camping and similar outdoor activities.
British scouts take part in international scout meetings, which are held approximately every four years.
The membership in this or that youth organization is not compulsory in Great Britain. But everyone can find the activity he likes most.
Задание5.Прочтите текст и сделайте краткий пересказ.
Subculture.Today the life of many young people in Russia as well as in other countries of the world is influenced by popular culture. The young follow certain stereotypes that are imposed on them through TV, movies, and music. In their lifestyle they try to imitate the images of their idols. Other young people are sports and music fans. They follow their idols in their tours and support them. Unfortunately they are intolerant to those who don't share their view. It's a specific aspect of the youth subculture that can't be ignored.
I think that subculture is the culture of those who are dissatisfied with their place in society. Different subcultures have their own beliefs, value systems, fashion, and favourite music. For example the subculture of Rastafairians was based on nostalgia for a lost world. They idealized Africa. Rastafairians were Afro-Caribbean immigrants in Britain. They began to wear distinctive clothes, camouflage jackets, large hats in the red, gold and green colours of Ethiopia and put their long, uncut hair in dreadlocks. They brought to us such types of music as ska, reggae and hip-hop. Many subcultures developed as a result of music fusion of black and white cultures.
There are other subcultures that are not connected with music, and have a specific ideology. For example skinheads, which wore heavy boots, jeans and braces and shave their hair or cut it very short. Skinheads dreamed about the revival of the traditional working class culture. Skinheads were identified with extreme right wing views. Among other subcultures are Hippies, Punks, Mods, Rockers, Ravers and many others. Generally they were young people with low self-respect, who did poorly at school. They opposed the traditional world in which they where settled as fiasco elements.
Subcultures are not that bad as they are thought to be. Teens want to show off. But at the same time a lot of teens think about changing the world to the best. Subcultures are for mostly for young and creative. Then, I am sure, teenagers become good citizens. Some who were punks became the main editors of famous newspapers. A subculture is a way of life. It is not a fan club, it is an attributive feature of a real life.
Раздел 12. Культурные и национальные традиции, краеведение, обычаи и праздники (10 часов).
Практическая работа № 12.
Цель: ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления имени прилагательного, степени сравнения. Выполнение упражнений.
Задание № 1.Дополните предложения как указано в примере.Пример: This cat is ...., but that cat is....(fat)        This cat is fat, but that cat is fatter.1) This monkey is …, but that monkey is … (funny)2) This shirt is …, but that shirt is … (nice)3) This house is …, but that house is … (big)4) This milk is …, but that milk is … (hot)5) This boy is …, but that boy is … (lazy)6) This puppy is …, but that puppy is … (small)7) This book is …, but that book is … (better)8) This pig is …, but that pig is … (dirty)9) This ball is …, but that ball is … (bad)10) This girt is …, but that girl is … (tall)Задание 2. Откройте скобки, используя сравнительную степень прилагательных.Пример: This cat is ...than that cat.(big)               This cat is bigger than that cat.1) This monkey is … than that monkey. (funny)2) This cat is … than that cat. (lazy)3) This woman is … than that woman. (busy)4) This book is … than that book. (bad)5) This pig is … than that pig. (fat)6) This tomato is … than that tomato. (small)Задание 3.Откройте скобки, используя превосходную степень прилагательных.Пример: Jane is … girl in our class. (tall)               Jane is the tallest girl in our class.1) This house is … house in our town. (big)2) This classroom is … classroom in my school. (large)3) This book is … book in this library. (bad)4) Peter is … boy in her class. (short)5) Ann is … girl in their class. (lazy)6) This film is … (good) Задание 4. Прочтите текст, ответьте на вопросы.
British Traditions and Customs.British nation is considered to be the most conservative in Europe. It is not a secret that every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions. In Great Britain people attach greater importance to traditions and customs than in other European countries. Englishmen are proud of their traditions and carefully keep them up. The best examples are their queen, money system, their weights and measures.
There are many customs and some of them are very old. There is, for example, the Marble Championship, where the British Champion is crowned; he wins a silver cup known among folk dancers as Morris Dancing. Morris Dancing is an event where people, worn in beautiful clothes with ribbons and bells, dance with handkerchiefs or big sticks in their hands, while traditional music- sounds.
Another example is the Boat Race, which takes place on the river Thames, often on Easter Sunday. A boat with a team from Oxford University and one with a team from Cambridge University hold a race.
British people think that the Grand National horse race is the most exciting horse race in the world. It takes place near Liverpool every year. Sometimes it happens the same day as the Boat Race takes place, sometimes a week later. Amateur riders as well as professional jockeys can participate. It is a very famous event.
There are many celebrations in May, especially in the countryside.
Halloween is a day on which many children dress up in unusual costumes. In fact, this holiday has a Celtic origin. The day was originally called All Halloween's Eve, because it happens on October 31, the eve of all Saint's Day. The name was later shortened to Halloween. The Celts celebrated the coming of New Year on that day.
Another tradition is the holiday called Bonfire Night.
On November 5,1605, a man called Guy Fawkes planned to blow up the Houses of Parliament where the king James 1st was to open Parliament on that day. But Guy Fawkes was unable to realize his plan and was caught and later, hanged. The British still remember that Guy Fawkes' Night. It is another name for this holiday. This day one can see children with figures, made of sacks and straw and dressed in old clothes. On November 5th, children put their figures on the bonfire, burn them, and light their fireworks.
In the end of the year, there is the most famous New Year celebration. In London, many people go to Trafalgar Square on New Year's Eve. There is singing and dancing at 12 o'clock on December 31st.
A popular Scottish event is the Edinburgh Festival of music and drama, which takes place every year. A truly Welsh event is the Eisteddfod, a national festival of traditional poetry and music, with a competition for the best new poem in Welsh.
If we look at English weights and measures, we can be convinced that the British are very conservative people. They do not use the internationally accepted measurements. They have conserved their old measures. There are nine essential measures. For general use, the smallest weight is one ounce, then 16 ounce is equal to a pound. Fourteen pounds is one stone.
The English always give people's weight in pounds and stones. Liquids they measure in pints, quarts and gallons. There are two pints in a quart and four quarts or eight pints are in one gallon. For length, they have inches» foot, yards and miles.If we have always been used to the metric system therefore the English monetary system could be found rather difficult for us. They have a pound sterling, which is divided into twenty shillings, half-crown is cost two shillings and sixpence, shilling is worth twelve pennies and one penny could be changed by two halfpennies. Questions:
1. What nation is considered to be the most conservative in Europe?2. What are the best examples of their conservatism?3. What are the most popular English traditions?4. What is the original name of Halloween?5. What is a popular Scottish event?6. What is the Eisteddfod?7. What peculiarities of the English monetary system do you know?
to be considered — считаться, рассматриватьсякакcustoms — традицииto attach — уделятьproud — гордыйto keep (past kept, p.p. kept) up — поддерживать, хранитьto crown — короноватьfolk — народный (относящийся к обычаям, традициямпростогонарода)to wear (past wore, p.p. worn) — одевать, носитьribbon — лента, ленточка; тесьмаhandkerchief — носовойплатокBoat Race — лодочныегонкиEaster Sunday — ПасхальноеВоскресеньеexciting — возбуждающий, волнующийamateur — любитель; поклонник; любительскийrider — всадник, наездник; жокейevent — событиеcountryside — сельскаяместностьCeltic — кельтскийorigin — происхождение; началоAll Halloween's Eve — Канунвсехсвятых (сокр. Хэлло-уин)Bonfire Night — Ночькостровto blow up — взорвать, подорватьto catch (caught) — схватить, арестоватьto hang (past hung, p.p. hung) — повеситьstraw — соломаbonfire — костерfirework — обыкн. мн. фейерверкtruly — действительно, по-настоящемуEisteddfod — ежегодныйфестивальбардов (в Уэльсе)competition — соревнованиеto convince - убеждать, уверятьessential — важнейший; необходимый; основной
Раздел 13. Государственное устройство, правовые институты (11 часов).
Практическая работа №13.
Цель: ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления модальных глаголов. Выполнение упражнений.
Задание 1.Выберет один правильный вариант.
1. Jack has got a headache. He … sleep well recently. a) can’tb) couldn’t have c) hasn’t been able to 2. I … sleep for hours when I was a little girls. a) couldb) am able to c) can 3. Tom … play tennis well but he … play a game yesterday because he was ill. a) couldn’t, could b) can, was able c) can, couldn’t 4. I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. We … meet at 5 sharp. a) were to b) had to c) could 5. Where are my gloves? — I … put them on because it’s cold today. a) can’tb) have to c) needn’t 6. You … take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining. a) needn’t b) mustn’t c) can’t 7. I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. You … invite me next time. a) must b) should c) need to 8. Well, it’s 10 o’clock. I … go now. a) canb) has to c) must 9. You … smoke so much. a) would b) can’t c) shouldn’t 10. We have got plenty of time. We … hurry. a) mustb) needn’tc) should
Задание 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. Вы должны бросить курить. 2. Вечеринка была замечательная. Вам следовало прийти. 3. Ты можешь решить эту проблему. 4. Тебе следует навестить своего больного друга. 5. Тебе следовало навестить своего больного друга, но ты не навестил. 6. Не хотите еще чая? 7. Я вынужден был сделать это. 8. Я не знаю, почему мы спешили. Нам не нужно было спешить. 9. Я бы хотел пойти с тобой. 10. Ты можешь делать все, что хочешь. 11. Ольге нужно уделить больше внимания занятиям по английскому языку. 12. Я не уверен, но возможно он неправ. 13. Ему разрешили взять машину своего отца в прошлую пятницу. 14. Я могу считать до 50 на испанском.
Задание 3. Найдите ошибку в каждом предложении и исправьте её.
1. Actors may learn a lot of dialogues by heart. 2. Your glass is empty. Must I refill it? 3. Would I introduce Mr. Brown to you? 4. My sister can to play a few musical instruments. 5. Some years ago I didn’t can speak English.
Раздел 14.Цифры, числа, математические действия(6 часов).
Практическая работа №14.
Цель: ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления числительных.
Выполнение упражнений.
Задание 1. Переведите на русский язык.
Twenty seven + Thirty = fifty seven
Ninety one + seventy two = one hundred and sixty-three
Two thousand four hundred and twenty five
Eighty nine +twenty = one hundred and nine
Six million two thousand seventy hundred and fifty five
Three hundred fifty four.
Ten million one hundred
Задание 2. Напишите по-английски.
345+ 186=531
Задание 3. Заполните таблицу.
цифра Количественное числительное Порядковое числительное
1 2 4 17 28 35 43 55 69 73 84 96 110 Задание 4. Напишите время на английском языке.
4.00: 8.05: 2.10: 5.12: 11.15: 9.30: 1.35: 10.45: 7.52: 
Задание 5.Напишите цифрами следующие слова:
one hundred and twenty-seven, the third, the first, the second, the forty-third, nineteen, fifty-eight, the ninety-ninth, two hundred and sixty-eight, six thousand and three, seven million.
Раздел 15.Основные геометрические понятия и физические явления(6 часов).
Практическая работа №15.
Цель: ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления правильных и неправильных глаголов. Выполнение упражнений.
Задание 1.Выберите, к какой из групп относятся следующие неправильные глаголы:
a) глаголы, все три формы которых одинаковы;
b) глаголы, все три формы которых разные;
c) глаголы, у которых две формы одинаковые, но отличаются от третьей;
d) глаголы, которые могут образовывать формы прошедшего времени и причастия II стандартным способом
To burst, to hit, to find, to spread, to arise, to be, to shoot, to shrink, to sit, to bear, to begin, to bite, to blow, to break, to choose, to do, to smell, to wake, to draw, to say, to seek, to sell, to drink, to drive, to eat, to fall, to fly, to forbid, to spell, to spill, to forgive, to catch, to come, to freeze, to give, to lie, to ride, to ring, to rise, to saw, to become, to leave, to see, to shake, to shave, to show, to fling, to get, to grind, to sow, to speak, to wind, to awake, to spin, to spring, to steal, to strive, to swear, to cut, to swim, to take, to tear, to throw, to bind, to bleed, to slide to bring, to cost, to bend, to shed, to go, to grow, to know, to shut, to burn, to buy, to dig, to dwell, to feed, to fight, to flee, to build, to swell, to hang, to have, to sing, to sink, to hear, to hold, to broadcast, to set, to keep, to hurt, to split, to run, to leap, to kneel, to lay, to lead, to write, to let, to put, to read, to beat, to lend, to creep, to spoil, to forget, to deal, to lose, to make, to send, to shine, to sleep, to spit, to stand, to stick, to spend, to breed, to sting, to cast, to strike, to sweep, to tell, to think, to understand, to weep, to win, to tread, to wear, to dream, to lean, to mean, to meet, to pay, to learn, to light, to swing, to teach, to cling, to feel, to speed.
Задание 2.Переведите неправильные глаголы, указав все три формы.
писать или произносить слово по буквам
гнать, везти, ехать
Задание 3. Найдите соответствия между английским и русским вариантом.
Английский вариант Русский вариант
PARALLELEPIPED прямоугольник
TRIANGLE пятиугольник
HELIX треугольник
RECTANGLE параллелепипед
PENTAGON шестиугольник
HEXAGON семиугольник
CONE Квадрат
SQUARE двенадцатиугольникRHOMBUS спираль
DODECAGON четырехугольник
Раздел 16.Промышленность, транспорт, детали, механизмы(6 часов).
Практическая работа № 16.
Цель: ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления активного и пассивного залога. Выполнение упражнений.
1. Вставьте один из следующих глаголов в нужной форме в пропущенные места:
Cause, damage, hold, include, invite, make, overtake, show, translate, writeMany accidents are caused by dangerous driving.
Cheese _____________________ from milk.
The roof of the building ___________________ in a storm a few days ago.
There’s no need to leave a tip. Service _________________ in the bill.
You _________________ to the wedding. Why didn't you go?
A cinema is a place where films _____________________ .In the United States, elections for President ___________________ every four years.
Originally the book _________________ in Spanish and a few years ago it into English.
9 We were driving along quite fast but we _____________________ by lots of other cars.
Задание 2. Прочтите текст об изготовлении бокалов. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в форме Present Simple Passive.
Champagne, the king of wines and wine of kings, tastes all the better when it 1. is drunk(drink) from an elegant, fine-quality glass. That, however, is only one of thousands of ways glass 2__________________ (use) today. And for all those different uses, many different types of glass 3__________________ (produce).
Glass products 4__________________ (manufacture) in different ways. Today, glass 5__________________ (blow) by hand in the traditional way which the Romans first developed, but now this work 6__________________ (do) by robots, too. Generally, in industry, much faster methods of mass production 7_________________ (need). Often, for example, glass 8__________________ (press) into the necessary shape by machine. Glass 9__________________ (shape) in other ways too. For example, it 10_________________ (make) into long, very thin fibres. Fibres like these 11__________________ (require) to make the fibre-optic cables that help to build the Information Super-Highway round the world.
Задание 3. Напишите вопросы в страдательном залоге. Некоторые из них в настоящем времени, некоторые – в прошлом.
Ask about the telephone. (when/invent?) When was the telephone invented?
Ask about glass. (how/make?) How _____________________?
Ask about Australia. (when/discover?) ________________________?
Ask about silver. (what/use for?) _________________________?
Ask about television. (when/invent?) __________________________?
Задание 4. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в нужном времени (present или past) и залоге.
It’s a big factory. Five hundred people are employed (employ) there.
Water __________ (cover) most of the Earth’s surface.
Most of the Earth’s surface ____________ (cover) by water.
The park gates __________ (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening.
The letter __________ (post) a week ago and it __________ (arrive) yesterday.
The boat __________ (sink) quickly but fortunately everybody __________ (rescue).
7 Ron’s parents __________ (die) when he was very young. He and his sister __________ (bring) up by their grandparents.
I was born in London but I __________ (grow) up in the north of England.
While I was on holiday, my camera __________ (steal) from my hotel room.
While I was on holiday, my camera __________ (disappear) from my hotel room.
Why __________ (Sue/resign) from her job? Didn’t she enjoy it?
Why __________ (Bill/sack) from his job? What did he do wrong?
The company is not independent. It __________ (own) by a much larger company.
I saw an accident last night. Somebody __________ (call) an ambulance but nobody __________ (injure) so the ambulance __________ (not/need).
Where __________ (these photographs/take)? In London? __________ (you/take) them?
Задание 5. Используя данную лексику, составьте диалог на тему: «Поломка машины». Воспроизведите диалог.
accelerator[ ək'seləreitə ] – педаль газаbattery – аккумуляторbonnet [ 'bɔnit ] (BrE) / hood (AmE) – капотboot (BrE) / trunk (AmE) – багажникbrakes – тормозаbumper – бамперclutch – сцеплениеengine [ 'enʤin ] – двигательfanbelt – ремень вентилятораfirstgear – первая скоростьgearlever [ 'giə 'li:və ] (BrE) / gearshift (AmE) – рычаг включения передачheadlights – фарыmotor – моторneutral [ 'nju:trəl ] – нейтральная скоростьradiator – радиаторreverse[ ri'vɜ:s ] – задний ходshift – включать (передачу)silencer (BrE) / muffler (AmE) – выхлопная трубаtaillight – задний светtire – шинаtransmission [ trænz'miʃn ] – коробка передачwheel [ 'wi:l ] – колесоwiper – стеклоочиститель
Раздел 17.Оборудование, работа(8 часов).
Практическая работа №17.
Цель: ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления условных предложений. Выполнение упражнений.
Задание 1.Раскрывая скобки, напишите каждое предложение три раза, образуя условные предложения 1, 2 и 3 типов.
·   E.g. If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.:                     If you are free, I will come to see you.  
                     If you were free, I would come to see you.
                     If you had been free, I would have come to see you.
         If I (to see) her, I (to be) glad.
                   If I see her, I will be glad.
                   If I saw her, I would be glad.
                  If I had seen her, I would have been glad.
1. If my friend (to come) to see me, I (to be) very glad. 2. If mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea party. 3. If we (to receive) a telegram from him, we (not to worry). 4. If you (not to work) systematically, you (to fail) the examinations. 5. If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone. 6. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Gallery every year. 7. If I(to get) a ticket, I (to go) to the Philharmonic. 8. If I (to live) near a wood, I (to gather) a lot of mushrooms. 9. If my father (to return) early, we (to watch) TV together. 10. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.
Задание 2.Перепишите каждое из следующих предложений дважды, образуя предложения нереального условия:
а) относящиеся к настоящему или будущему,
b) относящиеся к прошедшему.
1. If I am not too busy, I shall go to the concert. 2. They will all be surprised if I make such a mistake. 3. If he doesn't come in time, shall we have to wait for him? 4. If no one comes to help, we shall be obliged to do the work ourselves. 5. If you put on your glasses, you will see better. 6. What shall we do if they are late? 7. Will you be very angry if we don't come? 8. Will he be very displeased if I don't ring him up?
Задание 3.Употребите глаголы, данные в скобках, так, чтобы предложения выражали реальное условие.
1. If I (to see) John, I (to tell) him your news. 2. He (to be) very pleased if it (to be) really true. 3. If you (to go) to town on Monday, you (to meet) my brother Tom. 4. If you (to need) help, my father (to help) you. 5. We (to have) a picnic lunch if the day (to be) fine. 6. If you (to ask) a policeman, he (to tell) you the way. 7. I (to finish) the job tomorrow if I (to can). 8. I (not / to require) an umbrella if it( not / to rain). 9. If she (to think) it over carefully, she (to form) a clear opinion. 10. If they (to catch) the bus now, they (to arrive) at half past nine. 11. He (to find) the answers if he (to look) at the back of the book. 12. If you ( to want) me to, I (to come) for a walk with you. 13. If he (to write) to her, she (to answer) at once. 14. If you ( to wait) a few moments, the waiter (to bring) your coffee. 15. He (to lose) weight if he (to stop) eating too much. 16. If she ( to be) patient, I (to try) to explain. 17. I (to wear) a purle tie only if I (to must). 18. If we (to leave) at once, we (to catch) the early train. 19. If he (to do) that again, his father (to punish) him. 20. If she (drink) this medicine, she (to feel) much better.
Задание 4.Составьте условные предложения, используя материал левой и правой колонок, которые отражали бы Ваше отношение к ситуации. Например. Daniel had fallen ill.  put on coat / catch cold
      Daniel wouldn't have caught cold if he had put on coat.
1. Nick has broken his leg. climb ladder / break his leg
2. Mr. Davidson had got a smashed car. Drive carefully / avoid accident3. John Smithson was the second in the competition. run faster / win the race
4. Chris has cut his finger. play with knife / cut finger
5. Mary has got a terrible headache. Have headache / take aspirin6. Mrs. Claydon has nothing left for supper. leave fish on the tablet / cat eat it
Задание 5. Прочтите текст и переведите на русский язык. Составьте 10 предложений со словами, данными ниже.
Alternator – двигатель переменного тока
Articulated – шарнирный, коленчатый
Attachment - приспособление
Axle - вал
Backhoe – обратная лопата
Bearing - подшипник
Bulldozer - бульдозер
Bore –бурить
Bucket - ковш
Coal industry – угольная промышленность
Cord- канатDragline – канатный скребковый экскаватор
Gearbox - коробка передач
Grab – грейфер, ковш, черпак
Oil - масло
Output – мощность
Open-cast – разрез
Oil - масло
Output – мощность
Open-cast – разрез
Spanner –гаечный ключ
Steel - металл
Self-sharpening teeth – самозатачивающийся зуб
Support – крепь
Suspend - подвешивать
Start switch – ключ зажигания
EXCAVATORS. Excavators are now recognized as an essential part of the mining’s equipment. It would not be a good practice to create single-purpose machines for each of the various classes of earth-moving work.
The best economy will be obviously achieved when an all-purpose unit is made to carry out each class of work. Our plants for excavating machinery produce revolving shovels with attachements, which make it possible to use them for carrying out each class of work.
The changeable attachments of the universal excavator are known under the following names: shovel, dragline, grab or clamshell, backhoe, crane.
The shovel equipment is used in general excavation, stripping, levelling and clearing jobs where the level of the machine is below the level of the ground to be dug.
Dragline equipment consists of a bucket suspended by a rope from a long jib of lattice-steel construction. The action of the machine is to throw the bucket away and outwards, it then being drawn back towards the machine by another rope excavating the material as it does so.
Раздел 18.Инструкции, руководства(8 часов).
Практическая работа №18.
Цель: ознакомление с грамматическим правилом употребления сложного дополнения. Выполнение упражнений.
Задание 1.Закончите предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение.         
E.g. “Bring me a book,” said my brother to me.     
My brother wanted me to bring him a book.
1. The teacher said to the pupils: “Learn the rule.” — The teacher wanted ... 2. “Be careful, or else you will spill the milk,” said my mother to me. — My mother did not want ... 3. “My daughter will go to a ballet school,” said the woman. — The woman wanted ...4. The man said: “My son will study mathematics.” —The man wanted ... 5. “Oh, father, buy me this toy, please,” said the little boy. — The little boy wanted …6. “Wait for me after school,” said Ann to me. — Ann wanted ... 7. “Fix the shelf in the kitchen,” my father said to me. — My father wanted ... 8. “It will be very good if you study English,” said my brother to me. —My brother wanted ... 9. “Fetch me some water from the river, children,” said our grandmother. — Our grandmother wanted ... 10. “Come to my birthday party,” said Kate to her classmates. — Kate wanted ... 11. The biology teacher said to us: “Collect some insects in summer.” — The biology teacher wanted ...12. “Don’t eat ice cream before dinner,” said our aunt to us. Our aunt did not want ... 13. “Come and live in St Petersburg with me,” said my mother to me. My mother wanted...
Задание 2.Переведите на английский язык, употребляя сложное дополнение.
1. Я хочу, чтобы все дети смеялись. 2. Я хочу, чтобы все это прочитали. 3. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы доктор посмотрел его. 4. Дети хотели, чтобы я рассказал им сказку. 5. Я не хочу, чтобы она знала об этом. 6. Он хотел, чтобы его друг пошел с ним. 7. Мой брат хочет, чтобы я изучала испанский язык. 8. Я бы хотел, чтобы мои ученики хорошо знали английский язык. 9. Я не хочу, чтобы ты получил плохую оценку. 10. Мне бы не хотелось, чтобы они опоздали. 11. Я не хотела, чтобы вы меня ждали. 12. Она бы хотела, чтобы ее брат получил первый приз. 13. Я хочу, чтобы вы прочли эту книгу. 14. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы приехали к нам. 15. Она хотела, чтобы ее сын хорошо окончил школу. 16. Им бы хотелось, чтобы мы проиграли игру. 17. Она не хотела, чтобы я уехал в Москву. 18. Я бы не хотел, чтобы вы потеряли мою книгу. 19. Папа хочет, чтобы я была пианисткой. 20. Мы хотим, чтобы этот артист приехал к нам в школу. 21. Вам бы хотелось, чтобы я рассказал вам эту историю? 22. Хотите, я дам вам мой словарь?                  
Задание 3.Перефразируйте следующие предложения, употребляя сложное дополнение с причастием.
E.g. Не was reading in the garden. She saw him..She saw him reading in the garden.
1. We noticed a man. The man was cleaning his shoes. 2. He saw two girls. They were dancing on the stage. 3. She watched the children. They were running and playing in the garden. 4. I saw her. She was arranging her hair. 5. We saw our neighbour. Неwas listening to the latest news on the radio. 6. The cat was rubbing against my legs. I felt it. 7. They were fishing. We saw it. 8. The pupils were writing a paper. The teacher watched them. 9. A caterpillar was crawling on my arm. I felt it. 10. We heard our talented performer last night. She was singing a Russian folk song. 11. I watched the sun. It was rising. 12. I heard him. He was singing an English song. 13. John, heard his sister. She was talking loudly on the veranda. 14. We saw Ben. He was crossing the square. 15. They heard their father. He was playing the piano in the drawing room. 16. I can see the train. It is coming. 17. I watched the rain. It was beating down the flowers in the garden. 18.1 saw a group of boys. They were eating ice cream. 19. We noticed a group of people. They were digging potatoes in the field. 20. Didn’t you see her? She was smiling at you. 21. The girl was singing. I heard her. 22. They were talking about computers. He heard them. 23. You and your friend were walking along the street yesterday. I saw you. 24. The little girls were playing on the grass. We watched them. 25. The ship was leaving the port. He stood and looked at it. 26. She was sleeping peacefully in her bed. Mother watched her.
Задание 4. Переведите данный отрывок на русский язык
The machine is broken down into 3 major modules.
Undercarriage which consists of components such as, Track, Rollers, Final Drive and Travel Motors, Track Tensioning, Swing Bearing, Idler, Carbody, Track Frames.
Superstructure which is made up of various modules, Cab, Hydraulic Cooling, Engine and Counterweight.
Working Equipment, Boom, Bucket, Stick, Float and Main Control Valves and Cylinders.
Задание 5. Дана инструкция. Найдите соответствия между английским и русским вариантами.
Английский вариант Перевод
1.Move the Washamatic into a convenient position near your sink. See that all controls are in the OFF position. Remove the lid by sliding it towards the right and gently disengaging from the retaining catch. Attach the adjustable end of the filling hose provided to your tap. This end can be made to fit any size of tap by tightening or loosening the adjuster screw. Fill the tub to the level required, taking care that the water does not rise above the point indicated by the red line running around the inside of the tub. The tub is designed to take a family wash of up to 7 lb. weight of dry clothes. Smaller loads may be washed using less water, but see that the agitator blades are covered to a depth of at least 4". The Washamatic is now ready to be plugged into the electric socket and switched on. a.. До начала стирки следует проверить белье на отсутствие дыр. Не туго завяжите все веревки, шнуры пижамы и т.п. Рассортируйте белье по группам, как рекомендовано в табличке внизу. Опустите белье в воду, каждую вещь по отдельности, равномерно распределяя вокруг лопастей. 
2. Switch the water heater to ON and move the HEATER control lever upwards until it is opposite the recommended temperature. The temperature is automatically controlled and the heater may be left on for the duration of the wash. The heater control lever may be reset if a higher or lower temperature is required. The red indicator light will go out when the water reaches the temperature indicated by the control lever. The heater will bring cold water to the boil if required, but using hot water to fill the tub will enable the correct washing temperature to be reached more quickly.  b.. Установите стиральную машину в удобном месте рядом с раковиной. Убедитесь в том, что все переключатели находятся в положении "ВЫКЛ". Сдвиньте крышку вправо, мягко отодвинув предохранительные скобы. Подсоедините один конец прилагаемого шланга к водопроводному крану. Этот конец шланга можно подсоединить к крану любого диаметра путем поджимания или ослабления регулировочного зажима. Наполните бак водой до нужного уровня, следя за тем, чтобы ее уровень не поднялся выше красной полоски внутри бака. Бак вмещает 7 фунтов сухого белья. Меньшее количество белья можно стирать в меньшем количестве воды, но при этом лопасти должны быть покрыты водой по крайне мере на 4 дюйма. Теперь стиральную машину можно подсоединить к розетке и включить. 
3. Before washing, see that ah tears in the clothes have been mended. Tie loosely any strings, pyjama cords, etc. Sort the washing into groups as recommended in the table below. Put in the washing, pushing each item into the water separately and distributing evenly around the agitator. c.. Установите переключатель СТИРКА на требуемое время. Это запустит процесс стирки. Стиральная машина теперь будет работать автоматически и ее можно оставить — в нужное время она отключится автоматически. 
4. Move the WASH control lever to the required time. This will start the washing action. The washer will now be working automatically and may be left until it switches itself off at the right time.  d. Выньте белье из бака и переложите в центрифугу, убедившись, чоо оно равномерно распределено вокруг барабана. Плотно закройте крышку центрифуги. 
5. Take the clothes from the wash tub and place them in the spin dryer ensuring that they are distributed evenly around the drum. Secure the special retaining lid on top of the drum.  e. Установите переключатель центрифуги в положение "ВКЛ". Барабан начнет вращаться и мыльная вода сольется в стиральный бак. 
6. Switch the spinner control lever to ON. The spinner will start and suds will be returned to the wash tub.  f. Установите нагреватель воды в положение "ВКЛ" и передвиньте ручку НАГРЕВАТЕЛЯ вперед до рекомендуемой температуры. Температура воды регулируется автоматически и нагреватель можно оставить включенным на время всего процесса стирки. Ручку нагревателя можно переустановить, если требуется более высокая, либо низкая температура воды. Когда температура воды достигнет установленной отметки, на индикаторе загорится красная лампочка. При необходимости нагреватель доводит холодную воду до кипения, но заполнив бак горячей водой, вы быстрее нагреете ее до нужной температуры. 
Информационное обеспечение обучения (перечень рекомендуемых учебных изданий, Интернет-ресурсов, дополнительной литературы)
Основные источники:
Английский язык [Текст]: учебник английского языка для 10 класса: среднее общее образование (базовый уровень) / В.Г. Тимофеев [и др.]; под ред. В.Г. Тимофеева. – 6-е изд.- М. : Академия, 2012. – 144 с.
Английский язык [Текст]: учебник английского языка для 11 класса: среднее общее образование (базовый уровень) / В.Г. Тимофеев [и др.]; под ред. В.Г. Тимофеева. – 4-е изд.- М. : Академия, 2012. – 136 с.
Дополнительные источники:
Агабекян, И. П. Английский язык для средних специальных заведений [Текст]: учеб.пособие / И. П. Агабекян. – Ростов н/Дону: Феникс, 2003. – 320 с.
Голубев, А. П. Английский язык [Текст]:учеб.пособие для студентов средних профессиональных учебных заведений / А. П. Голубев, Н. В. Балюк, И. Б. Смирнова. – 4-е изд., стер. – М.: Академия, 2007. – 336 с.
Гузеева, К. А. Английский язык: справочные материалы [Текст]: книга для учащихся / К. А. Гузеева, Т. Г. Трошко. – М.: Просвещение, 1992. – 288 с.
Кузовлев, В. П. Английский язык [Текст]: учебник для 10-11 кл. общеобразовательных учреждений / В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова. – М.: 2004. – 244 с.
Мюллер, В. К. Современный англо-русский, русско-английский словарь [Текст]/ ModernEnglish-Russian, Russian-EnglishDictionary / В.К. Мюллер. – М. :Рипол Классик, 2009. –544 с.
6. Старков, А. П. Английский язык [Текст] : учеб.пособие для 10кл. средней школы. / А. П. Старков, Б. С. Островский. – М.: Просвещение, 1987. – 224 с.
7. Хведченя, Л. В. Английский язык [Текст]: учеб. пособие для поступающих в вузы / Л. В. Хведченя, Р. В. Хорень. – 14-е изд., доп. - Минск.: Выш. шк. 2001. – 463с.
Интернет ресурсы
Обучающие материалы
1. www.macmillanenglish.com
2. www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish3. www.britishcouncil.org/learning-elt-resources.htm4. www.handoutsonline.com
5. www.enlish-to-go.com (for teachers and students)
6. www.bbc.co.uk/videonation (authentic video clips on a variety of topics)
7. www.icons.org.uk
Ресурсы к урокам (Lesson Resources)
1. www.bntishcounciI.org/learnenglish.htm
2. www.teachingenglish.org.uk
3. www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise N/
4. www.bbclearningenglish.com
5. www.cambridgeenglishonline.com
6. www.teachitworld.com
7. www.teachers-pet.org
8. www.coilins.co.uk/corpus