Презентация по английскому языку на тему Are you proud of your country?

«С ЧЕГО НАЧИНАЕТСЯ РОДИНА…»Составитель: учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ № 1 г. ДонецкаСтрельцова Наталья Александровна Own only what you can carry with you: know language, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag. Alexander Solzhenitsyn. То имей, что можно всегда пронести с собой: знай языки, знай страны, знай людей. Пусть будет путевым мешком твоим – твоя память. Александр Солженицын. Word Box outstanding - выдающийся; to be proud of - гордиться чем-либо, кем-либо; to honour the memory - чтить память; an ancestor - предок, потомок; the Great Patriotic War - Великая Отечественная война; a fascist - фашист; to liberate the USSR - освободить СССР; an enemy - враг; an inhabitant - житель; the line of battle - линия фронта; the Soviet command - Советское командование; to torment - мучить; remaining in incarceration - оставаясь в тюрьме; a nameplate - табличка с именем. Rostov region is rich in different and famous historical places, well-known monuments, huge palaces and great ancient buildings. And, of course the people who live here... They are friendly and smiling, hard-working and kind, talented and some of them outstanding. Many years ago there lived a boy. His name was Grisha Akulov. He was born on the 26th of May in 1929. He was a usual boy, active and noisy, curious and brave, friendly and smiling. He went to school and learnt new things... He was only 12 when the Great Patriotic War started. … And once in January,15th the boys were arrested after their next coming back home. They were beaten and tormented and after days of cruel remaining in incarceration the boys were executed by shooting. It was in the morning of January, 26th. The young patriots were not even 14. It is a peace time now. Life has passed. New happy and smiling children go to a local school. It is the oldest, red brick building of two stores with big shining windows in Donetsk region… … a small in size nameplate next to the entrance door. "A young hero Grisha Akulov studied in the school from 1937 to 1942 who was tormented to death during the time of fascists occupation". From 2000 the school has named after Grisha Akulov the real patriot of our great country. Every year on the 26th of January pupils of our school go to the place of death of Grisha Akulovand to his tomb to honour the memory of the fallen hero. 7 класс, УМК Авт. В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа. Э.Ш.Перегудова, И.П.Костина, Е.В.Кузнецова «Английский язык» для общеобразовательных школ М.: Просвещение, 2011.Unit 6. (АНГЛОЯЗЫЧНЫЕ СТРАНЫ И РОДНАЯ СТРАНА) What is best about your country? Что самое лучшее в твоей стране? Lesson 5. Are you proud of your country? Ты горд своей страной? Источники:http://yandex.ru/images/search?img_url=http%3A%2F%2Ftobolsk.ru%2Fupload%2Fiblock%2F436%2F2663.jpg&uinfo=sw-1600-sh-900-ww-1583-wh-791-pd-1-wp-16x9_1600x900&_=1426629256582&p=3&text=Ростовская%20область%20люди%20и%20исторические%20места%20фото&noreask=1&pos=94&rpt=simage&lr=39.Фото из школьного музея.Исторические факты из школьного музея.