Презентация к уроку Pirate`s fruit salad SPOTLIGHT4

«PIRATE`S FRUIT SALaD» УчительРачеева У.А. ea [i:] beans, tea, meat, wheat, peach, pea ou+ r [au∂]flour, soursu [∫u:] sugar, sureur [E:] wurst, turn It`s a vegetable. It`s green and round. Rabbits like it.
a cabbagetwo cabbagesmeat some meatsugar a lot of sugar How many lemons do we need?A lot - многоNot many – не много

How much sugar do we need?A lotмногоNot muchне много
eggs?water?oranges?milk?cabbage?cucumber?bananas?apples?How many/ much… have you got? A lot/ not many/not much! A lotA lotNot manyNot manyA lotNot much

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