Information about our school №15 in English

The history of the school № 15 goes to back to 1961. The school was opened on the 1st September.
The first Head teacher was Peter Ivanovich Anikeev.
Galina Vladimirovna Savchenko, teacher of Russian language and Literature, has been elected the eighth School Head teacher.
The school № 15 is located not far from Kaltus (name of small lake).
The address of our school:
46, Rosa Luxemburg St. Usolie-Sibirskoye 665451
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See you on our website, www.sosh15.eduusolie.ruRecently our school was painted in such colours: white, pink, purple, crimson. Nowadays the school has one building with a lot of studies and two laboratories, a library with a small reading hall, a canteen and two gyms. They are not big. Our library plays an important role in the school life. It contains a lot of useful books, textbooks, encyclopaedias and dictionaries.
There are two computer studies with up-to-date computers.
About five hundred students study at the school № 15 and their number is constantly increasing.
A lot of talented and experienced teachers work in our school.
The school faculty is more than 35 teachers, among them 8 graduates of this school: E.V. Beloglazova, T.V. Feofilaktova, O.S. Sinkova, O.V.Soupryaga, T.A. Belokurova, L.M.Nevidimova, S.S. Verkhatourova and T.D. Sokolova.
In October children congratulate their teachers on Teacher’s Day.

We all love our school. The sun is the emblem of our school.
Every child is a ray of sunshine.
The TIMETABLE of our school:
School starts at 8.00 o’clock.
We go to school 6 days a week.
We have 5-6 lessons a day.
We have main subjects: Russian, Literature, Mathematics, History, Biology and Foreign Language, Information Technology.
There are two foreign languages: English and German.
We also have Music, Art, Physical Education and Technology.
We don’t have lessons on Sunday.
In the school №15 the students wear a school uniform. Boys wear a dark and white shirt with a dark trousers, girls wear a white blouse with a dark skirt. Popular colours of school uniform are grey, black and white.
Our school has a lot of interesting traditions. Our school is old, but it has its own history which is rich in historical events. It was named in honour of the hero of the Russian Federation V. Potapov. We are proud.
There are a lot of activities at our school. After the lessons we have got different school events: for example, music concerts, festivals, Maths week, Russian week, English and German languages week, History week, sports competitions. There are a lot of school clubs; dance, tennis, cooking, music, chess, boxing etc.
Galina Vladimirovna Savchenko is the Head teacher of this school. The school encourages links with other schools. A lot of guests from other schools of our town often come to the school to exchange their experience and communicate with our teachers and students.
Graduates of the school №15 now occupy key posts in education, industry, army, commerce and public services around the country.
The information about school №15 was prepared by teacher of Foreign Languages L.G. Koltun and by student of 6th form Alyona Koltsova.