Поурочный план на тему Does he live in a tree house (2 класс)

Grade: 2 A, B, V, G
Theme:  “Does he live in a tree house?”.
- развить умения диалогической речи;
- развить творческое мышление учащихся.
The procedure of the lesson:
Organization moment:
- Good afternoon, pupils!
- Good afternoon, teacher!
- How are you today?
- What date is it today?
- What day is it today?
Days of the week
Звучит песня “Where do you live?”.
Where do you live? I live in a tree-house.
Where do you live? I live in the sky.
I want to live in a tree-house too,
Why? I don’t know
I want to live in a tree-house,
I want to live in the sky.
I want to live in a tree-house too,
I don’t know why
Далее идёт работа с картинками по теме «Типы домов». На доске четыре вида домов: a house, a flat, a tree-house,
· an igloo.
13 EMBED PowerPoint.Slide.8 1415
– Answer my questions: ”Where do you live?” and “Where do you want to live?”
В качестве опоры ученики используют текст песни “Where do you live?”.
I, you, we, they play
He, she, it plays
I, you, we, they don’t play
He, she, it doesn’t play
Do I, you, we, they play?
Does he, she, it play?
Make sentences
Reflection: Ok, pupils, what have you remembered from today’s lesson? The lesson is over! Goodbye!