Презентация по английскому языку на тему Competition lesson (6 класс)

BEST OF THE BESTМухамбеткалиева Асель Бахитовна учительница английского языка Общеобразовательной средней школы № 12 поселка Нура Талгарского района Алматинской областиМоя электронная почта:assel_eng@mail.ru Answer the questions:What is the capital of Great Britain?London lies on the river …Name of the famous clock in London? Who is the head of the UK?What is the name of the biggest toyshop in the world?Where does the Queen live?Which street is London’s important shopping centre? Translate the words from Kazakh into English: Метро – Трамвай – Бассейн – Озеро – Автостоянка – Кинотеатр – Столица – Население – 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 What kind of modal verbs can we use when we talk about our ability to do something? Which are the auxiliary verbs of Present Simple Tense? Which is the auxiliary verb of Past Simple Tense? Three forms of verbs:Be – Take –Come –See – Three forms of verbs: Fly – Buy –Go –Speak – Three forms of verbs:Do –Drink – Have –Swim – Three forms of verbs:Drive –Learn –Meet –Write – Find out a word:Psoh – Tetsre –Tffacir –  Put “do/does” or “don’t/doesn’t”: ____________ you live in Astana? He ________ have a car. We ________ play computer games. ________ she do the home-work every day? Make negative sentence: I bought a pen. Make question: He flew to London. Make negative sentence: She was at home. rdbae- aptoot- ehseec- gtbeevalse- sbuciit- noyem-