Задания для выполнения до и после просмотра мультфильма Вокруг света за 80 дней

Around the world in 80 days (by Jules Verne)
Episode 3
Belinda Maze – Fogg`s bride
Phileas Fogg – a rich, punctual and cheerful man
Mr Fix – policeman from Scotland Yard
Jean Passepartout – Fogg`s servant from France
Wilhelm Tell – a legendary national hero of Switzerland, a great archer and a fighter for freedom in 13-14 centuries
Motto – девиз
Revenge - местьBlame on – обвинить в, свалить вину на
Tricks - проделки
Put in jail –посадить в тюрьму
Brakes and steering wheel – тормоза и руль
Witty – смекалистый
Switzerland, the Alps, Wilhelm Tell, Swiss chocolate, Swiss clocks, Swiss cheese
Guess what does Fogg want to use the following things for?
tennis rackets
To fix the rackets on the feet
a jar of honey
To shoot from the distance of 100 yards
a large bag of rock salt
To stick to halves of an apple
a crossbow with an arrow
To walk through snowy roads
rubber bands
to throw it into Mr. Fix
glue To have tea in the mountains
teapot to feed an angry bear
Answer the questions
Who are the main characters?
What is the purpose of the journey?
What country are they travelling through?
What are the products and names of Swiss pride does Mr.Fix use to prevent Mr.Fogg from finishing his journey?
How does Mr.Fogg and his servant do to solve the problems?
What is Fogg`s motto?