Конспект урока на тему The magic world of theatre and cinema (8 класс)

Тема: «The magic world of theatre and cinema»
Класс: 8Г
Место урока в цикле – урок-продолжение темы

Цель: приобщение учащихся к культурной жизни средствами кино и театра.
практическая: активизировать тематическую лексику в устной речи учащихся;
образовательная: развивать навыки монологической речи;
развивающая: расширить лингвистический и культурный кругозор учащихся;
воспитательная: воспитывать уважительное отношение к стране изучаемого языка, воспитывать культурного человека средствами театра и кино.
Технологии: использование ИКТ для наглядности и обучающего контроля;
Оснащение урока: компьютер, проигрыватель, видеоролик, раздаточный материал.
Ход урока

Организационный этап (1-2 мин)
T – Good afternoon!
Who is absent today?
Get up exercise-books with your home work.

Сообщение темы и цели занятия (вводное слово) (1-2 мин)
T – We shall continue to study the theme "Popular arts". Today we have a visit to the theatre and cinema.
Речевая разминка (2-3 мин)
T – So, before the start I
·в значении pay attention) the latest films?
(Вы следите за новинками кино?)

Основной ход урока
T – Open your books, page 243. Let’s practice some words which will be necessary for us. Read and translate. Oleg, will you start? Elina, continue (5 мин)
(Учащиеся читают слова, относящиеся к теме «Театр»)
T – Now, class, do ex. 57 (5 мин). Say what you call them. You are right. Good. Fine.
T – Do ex. 59. Describe one of your visits to the theatre or an opera house. (For example tell me about your visit to the opera “Cinderella”) (7-8 мин)
T – The following task for you is ex. 60. Read these talks and say in what parts of the theatre they are taking place. The 1st case is for you Vlad and Arina
(5-7 мин)
T – I
·s time to speak about cinema. Read and translate the words on page 246. Be attentive with proper nouns. Almaz, begin, please (5-7 мин)
T – Let’s practice the words and do ex. 61. Match the names of these films with their types. (3-4 мин)
T – Do you like to watch the video at English class. So, today we’ll see the video about London’s theatre’s and cinemas. (4-5 мин)
(Учащиеся смотрят видеоролик (с субтитрами) продолжительностью 2 мин. Незнакомые слова выписаны на доску)
Did you like the video? All right. Let’s pronounce some words. Repeat after me.
T – Now open your activity book. Find the ex.23, page 87. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. First of all let’s read them and translate. Dima, the 1st column is for youMisha, continue
You have 5 minutes to look through the text and fill in the gaps.
Are you ready? Let’s check up the task. (10 мин)
T – Let’s read about pop music. Ex.25. This is a story of pop music but the paragraphs are mixed up. Decide in what order they should follow. Almaz, begin to read.
(Учащиеся прочитывают абзацы – 8-10 мин).
Is everything clear? Great. Put the paragraphs up in correct order. (2-3 мин)
T – Open your books again and find the ex.63. Match the names of these actors and actresses with the information about them. Dima, read the names, please. Read the 1st paragraph, Katya Arina, continue (7-8 мин). Great you are.
T – Let’s answer the questions from ex. 58 and 62. Read the 1st question, Almazthe following question is for Vlad (12-13 мин)

6. Заключительный этап (3-4 мин)
T – Write down your home task. Ex. 64 - you are to prepare the speaking about some actor or a film and ex. 24, unit 7 from Activity book.
Т – You have knew a bit about cinemas and theatres. What have you learnt today?
(Учащиеся высказываются)
(Учитель выставляет оценки)
T – You have a 4/5. Your mark is three.
T – The lesson is over. Good-bye.