Контрольная работа по английскому языку. Времена активного залога. Время. Конструкция to be going to.

I вариант
Present Simple. Поставьте глаголы в правильной форме:
1. I often (to write) letters to my brother.
2.  He (to play) football?
3. We (dance) at 18.30 every week.
4. He (to go) for a walk every morning.
5. When  the train usually (to leave)?
6. He ( not/to be)  here now.
7.  You (to have) your passport with you?
8. They (not/ to know) Spanish.
9. He (not/to speak) English.
10. He (to be) a doctor?
11. She (not/to visit) her grandfather at weekends.
12. They (to cook) every evening?
13. She always (to forget) her bag.
14. We (not/ to learn) French.
15. The child (to go) to school every day.
Past Simple. Поставьте глаголы в правильной форме:
1.  Pete and Tom (to wear) coats yesterday.
2. Andrew (to answer) him 2 days ago
3. They (to live) in London 3 years ago?
4.  He (not/to read) book 15 minutes ago
5. We (to be) the best students last year!
6. He (to have) a car? 
7. Teach (not/to explain) this topic last week
8. Mr Smith (to teach) French last semester?9. We (to work) hard last month.
10. I (to get) a letter last month
11. Jack (not/to be) in Greece 2 years ago?
12. Jane (to return) to the city by ship.
13. My mum (to dream) about it last year.
14. He (to travel) by comfortable bus last summer
15. Jane (to be) in Russia 5 days ago?
Present Progressive. Составьте утвердительные предложения со следующими местоимениями и преобразуйте их в – и ?: They, I, He.
Future Simple. Составьте утвердительные предложения со следующими местоимениями и преобразуйте их в – и ?: My brother, she, Tom and Pam.
Раскройте скобки, используя Present Perfect Tense. Преобразуйте – и ? предложения.
John (write) his name.
I (draw) a picture.
They (play) basketball
 You (make) a mistake.
The train just (go) gone.
Образуйте + - ? предложения с конструкцией to be going to, используя следующие глаголы: To answer, to sing, to meet и подлежащие: You, I, He.
Time. Пропишите данное время на английском языке, указывая (pm, am):
22:05, 18:20, 19:03, 5:30, 2:45, 21:00, 4:10, 16:50, 1:40, 6:55, 10:15, 3:52.