Презентация на тему ,,The influence of geographical position on the national cuisine of Russia”

The influence of geographical position on the national cuisine of Russia.Project was prepared by Agapov Artyom 6 “C” Мой проектИнформационныйУчебныйНематериальныйМежпредметныйДолгосрочныйИндивидуальныйОбучающий ЦельИзучить информацию о влиянии географического положения на русскую национальную кухню. Geographical position of Russia Russian regionsThe Central Region The Siberian Region The Urals Region The Volga Region The Far Eastern Region The North Caucasus Region The Northwestern Region The Southern Region. Food in Central RegionCold SoupsHot SoupsPelmeniPorridgePirogi The Siberian RegionSoups Pirogi Dairy productsMushrooms North Caucasian regionShashlikHot soupsBeef North RegionDeerMoroshkaKlykva Far Eastern Primorsky regionFish ConclusionNowadays, Russian people also eat European dishes. They bake cakes, pizzas, puddings. Many American, Chinese and Italian restaurants have appeared. But Russian cuisine will be popular all the time. Thank you for attention!