Урок-игра (своя игра) на неделе иностранных языков Добро пожаловать в Лондон!

{3C2FFA5D-87B4-456A-9821-1D502468CF0F}10 points1234520 points67891030 points111213141540 points161718192050 points21222324 10 pointsRead the words correctly and translate them: airport, stadium, square. back
10 points Read the words correctly and translate them: theatre, cinema, museumback
10 pointsRead the words correctly and translate them: Zoo, park, interestingback
10 pointsRead the words correctly and translate them: capital, city, liveback
10 pointsRead the words correctly and translate them: Great Britain, Olympic Games, famous.  back
20 pointsSay if the sentences are true or false. Correct the sentence: London is the largest city in the world. backLondon is the largest city in Europe
20 pointsSay if the sentences true or false. Correct the sentence: 10 million people live in London. 7 million people live in London. back
20 pointsSay if the sentences are true or false. Correct the sentence: White House is in London.Big Ben is in London. back
20 pointsSay if the sentences true or false. Correct the sentence: London is the host of the Summer Olympic Games 2014. London is the host of the Summer Olympic Games 2014back
20 points Say if the sentences true or false. Correct the sentence: The parts of Great Britain are Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the United States of America.  backThe parts of Great Britain are Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England.

50 pointsTranslate the sentences into English: Лондон –самый большой город в Европе. back
30 pointsMake up a sentence: Capital/London/the/of/is/Great Britain. back
50 pointsTranslate the sentence: В Лондоне много музеев, парков и площадей. . back
30 pointsMake up a sentence: People/7 million/here/live. back
50 pointsTranslate into English: 7 миллионов людей живут в Лондоне. back
50 pointsTranslate into English: Лондон интересный и знаменитый город.  back
30 pointsMake up a sentence: Is/in/Big Ben/London. Englandback
30 pointsMale up a sentence: Famous/London/interesting/is/and/cityback
30 pointsbackMake up a sentence: London/largest/is/city/the/Europe/in.
40 pointsName 3 places of interest of London. back
40 pointsWhen was London a host of the Olympic Games? back
50 pointsTranslate into English: В Лондоне много музеев, парков и площадей. back
40 pointsWhat is this? backHe was a terrorist who tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament
40 pointsWhat is this? back
40 pointsWhat is this? backthe north