Республиканский конкурс творческих работ. Сочинение Очаг мой, Дагестан

Республиканский конкурс творческих работ на английском языке среди учащихся 7-11 классов «Мой горный край».
Номинация - лучшее эссе на тему «Очаг мой, Дагестан»
Работа Магомедовой Айшат Алигаджиевны, ученицы 11 «А» класса, МКОУ «СОШ» №1 г. Избербаш.
Руководитель Джамаладинова Заира Алиевна.
My hearth, my Daghestan. My Daghestan, my hearth, my cradleland! I like your steep mountain peaks, rebellious rivers, icy cold springs, beautiful flowers of mountain valleys, deep “Gray Caspiy” and my little native town Izberbash with famous Pushkin-tau. Unfortunately, many people think that nations of Daghestan are rude and ignorant, but it is not so.
First of all, I want to highlight an inexhaustible culture and originality of my compatriots. The main advantage of Daghestan is a huge number of traditions and customs. They indicate that people pay great attention to spiritual values. For example, our schoolchildren often make a trip to Derbent, “the iron gates of Daghestan”. I was also lucky to see it personally, and although it was 4 years ago, I still remember the feelings that I experienced in the fortress Naryn-Kala, one of the most famous sights of Daghestan.
Besides, the distinctiveness of Daghestan reflects in its nature, architecture, general conditions, and also in its residents themselves. For example, Rasul Gamzatov's book "My Daghestan" shows us that highlanders’ life is based, primarily, on morality, conscience and pride. He wrote, “No matter to what parts my fate takes me, I always feel a representative of the soil, the mountains, of the aul, where I first learned how to saddle a horse”.
In conclusion, I can say that despite the temporary economic and political difficulties Daghestan is a wonderful place to live in. I can proudly call it my native land, my warming hearth!