Презентация к уроку по иностранному языку Великобритания. Какая она?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Geographical position of the United Kingdom Elizabeth II – the queen of the UK Rivers of the UK. The Thames - Темза The Severn - Северн The Trent - Трент The Tyne - Тайн Highlands of the UKГорные районы Великобритании Ben Nevis Snow don England A symbol of England The flag of England London London England The Capital- London The Language- English The People- Englishman (Englishmen) The Symbol- red rose Scotland A symbol of Scotland Edinburg Edinburg The flag of Scotland Lake district of Scotland.Озерный край Шотландии Loch Ness monster The lake of Loch Ness Scotland The Capital- Edinburgh The Language- English The People- Scotsman (Scotsmen) The Symbol- a thistle Wales A symbol of Wales Cardiff Wales The Capital- Cardiff The Language- English (Welsh) The People- Welsh (Welshmen) The Symbol- a daffodil Northern Ireland Symbols of Northern Ireland Belfast Northern Ireland The Capital- Belfast The Language- English (Irish) The People- Irishman (Irishmen) The Symbol- a red hand Union Jack – the flag of the UK England Sconland Northern Ireland Thank you !