Проспект к проекту Arabic dance

The main aim of the project is to find out if Arabic dance has a positive impact on human’s health.
The tasks are:
- to give the definition to Arabic dance and a short description to the main styles of Belly dancing
- to study different books and Internet- sources about the positive impact of dancing
- to interview people who go in for belly dancing
- to make up a presentation on the theme
- to come to conclusion, whether Arabic dance is good for woman’s health.

The results of interview of people in the age from 13 till 35:
Is dancing good for your health and why?
Lena,15 «As for me, I go in for dancing for 5 years. Dancing helps me, if I am nervous and depressed. It brings me good mood».
Vera, 34
«Yes, I think, dancing is good for my health. I have lost 5 kilos in a short time. Catching up belly dancing regularly can significantly improve body contour, make the shape more feminine. In a month training at the woman becomes clearer waist, abdomen and buttocks are tightened. Shaking, which is one of the basic movements of belly dance, improve the condition of the skin, making it more elastic and reducing cellulite».
Anna, 27
When doing belly dancing, worked almost all muscle groups, even those that are related to the spine. Regular practice of belly dancing improves posture, helps develop flexibility of the spine,and this has a positive impact on the general well-being, makes walking easy and springy.
According to Harvard Medical School, a 125-pound person will burn about 90 calories after 30 minutes of slow, waltz, foxtrot, or other dances of similar-intensity. A 155-pound person will burn about 112 calories and a 185-pound person will burn around 133 calories. When participating in higher-intense dances, like disco, ballroom, square dance and alike, a 125-pound person will burn about 165 calories after 30 minutes. A 155-pound will burn around 205 calories and a 185-pound person will burn about 244 calories. After 30 minutes of fast, ballet, twist and other highly-strenuous dancing, a 125-pound person will burn about 180 calories, while a 155-pound person will burn about 223 calories and a 185-pound person will burn around 266 calories.

The impact of dancing on emotional health
It keeps you happy))
2. Elimination of depression and stress
3. Improves self-esteem and enhances confidence
4. Improves memory
5. Helps fight Alzheimer’s disease
6.Improves intelligence levels

How to Try It For Yourself
Would you like to explore healing through dance yourself? Here are some suggestions on how to get started:
Talk To Your Health Care Provider. First, ask your doctor or other health care provider whether there are any medical reasons you should not pursue dance at this time. This is particularly important if you plan to use dance as part of recovering from injury, surgery, or other physical condition. Find out whether your doctor believes belly dancing is safe for your particular situation.
Find A Knowledgeable Dance Teacher. Some dance teachers are aware of the importance of dance technique in avoiding physical injury, while others are clueless. A good teacher can help you achieve your goals. A poor one might do more harm than good. See below for suggestions on how to choose the right teacher for you.
Get To Know Your Teacher and Classmates. It will be easier to stay with your classes if you start forming friendships with the teacher and other students. You'll look forward to the time you spend with them. It's also possible that some of them will have insights on how dance has helped them heal, and you may be able to learn from their experiences.
Oriental Dancing –its health benefits
Petrosyan Susanna,
Gymnasium № 17