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Cat in the Rain by Ernest Hemingway summary
Two Americans, a man and his wife, arrive at a hotel. It is probably somewhere in Italy, because their hotel faces the sea and some persons speak Italian.
Cat in the RainThe wife calls the husband “George”, whereas the name of the wife remains unknown.The wife stands in front of the window and gazes out of the street when she suddenly spots a cat in the rain. She somehow wants the kitty very badly and tells her husband George that she will go down to the street to get the cat. She meets the hotelkeeper which is a charming older guy and a friendly maid, who holds an umbrella for the wife (the maid was sent by the hotelkeeper).
When she gets out looking for the cat she can’t find it and so, returns without a cat back in her hotel room. George is still reading his book and the wife goes into the bathroom and thinks about her hair. Which is quite short (like a boy) and tells her husband that she wants to have long hair and suddenly, many other suppressed desires arise, such as having her own silver cutlery, her own candles, to brush her long hair in front of a mirror, new clothes, “to be the spring” and a kitty. Her husband doesn’t seem to take this seriously as he only tells her to shut up and get something to read. Still, she wants to have a kitten, but at that time the husband wasn’t listening anymore.
And just right after she said this, someone knocked the door. The husband tells the person to come in and it was the maid who was holding the kitty the wife wanted so much.
Cat in the Rain by Ernest Hemingway summary
Two Americans, a man and his wife, arrive at a hotel. It is probably somewhere in Italy, because their hotel faces the sea and some persons speak Italian.
Cat in the Rain
The wife calls the husband “George”, whereas the name of the wife remains unknown.The wife stands in front of the window and gazes out of the street when she suddenly spots a cat in the rain. She somehow wants the kitty very badly and tells her husband George that she will go down to the street to get the cat. She meets the hotelkeeper which is a charming older guy and a friendly maid, who holds an umbrella for the wife (the maid was sent by the hotelkeeper).
When she gets out looking for the cat she can’t find it and so, returns without a cat back in her hotel room. George is still reading his book and the wife goes into the bathroom and thinks about her hair. Which is quite short (like a boy) and tells her husband that she wants to have long hair and suddenly, many other suppressed desires arise, such as having her own silver cutlery, her own candles, to brush her long hair in front of a mirror, new clothes, “to be the spring” and a kitty. Her husband doesn’t seem to take this seriously as he only tells her to shut up and get something to read. Still, she wants to have a kitten, but at that time the husband wasn’t listening anymore.
And just right after she said this, someone knocked the door. The husband tells the person to come in and it was the maid who was holding the kitty the wife wanted so much.