Урок з використанням методу проектів за темою «The world of great inventions»

Хід уроку:
№ Етапи Час Мовлення вчителя Мовлення учнів Примітки

Початок уроку
Організаційний момент
Фонетична зарядка.
Мета: сприяти запуску іншомовного ритму на основі джазового наспіву з «mother Goose ABC»
Прийом: колективна декламація віршика з відбиванням ритму.
Мовленнєва зарядка у формі: to fill the informational gap.
Мета:введення учнів в мовне середовище за темою уроку.
Ознайомлення учнів з комунікативною перспективою уроку.
Основна частина
Задача №1
Організувати захист учнями власних проектів за темою «The world of great inventions» підготовлених у малих групах.
Постановка завдання, виклик інтересу до нього зазначенням актуальності
отриманих знань.
Прийом: активне слухання.
Підготовка учнів до проведення ділової
гри у конференцію та захисту їхніх проектів на тему «The world of great inventions».
Прийом: активне слухання.
Захист проекту групи №1
Виступ спікера від групи №1.
Контроль розуміння учнями презентації за допомогою питань репортерів за змістом.
Звіт старости групи щодо успіхів та труднощів, з якими стикалися учні під час роботи над проектом.
Прийом: самоаналіз
Захист проекту групи №2
Виступ спікера від групи №2.
Контроль розуміння учнями презентації за допомогою питань репортерів за змістом.
Звіт старости групи щодо успіхів та труднощів, з якими стикалися учні під час роботи над проектом.
Прийом: самоаналіз
Захист проекту групи №3
Виступ спікера від групи №3.
Контроль розуміння учнями презентації за допомогою питань репортерів за змістом.
Звіт старости групи щодо успіхів та труднощів, з якими стикалися учні під час роботи над проектом.
Прийом: самоаналіз
Підбиття підсумків роботи.
Психологічна розрядка
Задача №2.
Навчити учнів читати текст «World famous Inventors» з повним охопленням його основного змісту.
Постановка завдання, стимулювання потреби та інтересу.
Мета: створити у учнів установку на сприйняття та розуміння змісту тексту.
Прийом: активне слухання.
Дії учнів по вилученню основної інформації із тексту.
Мета: ознайомлення з основною інформацією тексту.
Прийом: робота з перед запитаннями до тексту.
Дії учнів по скороченню основної інформації
Розподіл тексту на смислові частини;
Cкладання плану тексту;
Робота зі словами та реченнями, що передають основну думку;
Переказ змісту тексту за пунктами плану
Інтерпретація учнями змісту прочитаного тексту.
Мета: виразити своє ставлення до прочитаного;
Підбиттяпідсумківроботи, оцінювання діяльності учнів.
Заключна частина
Підбиття підсумків
Оцінювання діяльності учнів.
Пояснення домашнього завдання.
Good morning, girls and boys!
Nice to meet you!
Sit down, please.
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
What date is it today, Sasha?
Tanya, come up to the Blackboard and write down the date, please.
And others write down it in your copybooks.
Let’s start our lesson. First of all let’s
recite the poem “ Magic Words” . All together, please, beat the rhythm with your pencils. Ok?
Hearts like doors will open with ease
To very very little keys.
And don’t forget that two of these
Are: “I thank you” and “if you please”.
Well done, children, thank you!
And, now, listen to a brief information and fill the informational gap, be ready to answer the questions, that are written on the blackboard: yesterday Michael Schumacher arrived in Kyiv to take part in Formula races.
Who is he, Dima?
What is his nationality, Anton?
What country is he from, Julia?
What language does he speak, Tanya?
What is the capital of his country, Sasha?
What is he, Kristina?
And, now, sum up all the information about Michael Schumacher, Anya, please.
Well done!
Kids, today we are going to have no ordinary lesson. Firstly we are going to listen to your mini projects devoted to a new theme «The world of great inventions»in a way of conference, and then we shall read the Text about two famous inventors.
Science is the huge heritage of our world. It is a big staircase to the Future. All the modern conveniences, that we have, appeared in our lives due to some people, who invented them some day in the past after a great labor. These scientists devoted their lives to make our modern lives more comfortable and they are worth knowing.
Let’s imagine, that we are all scientists and today we are at the science conference. Last time you were divided into 3 groups of 4 and between you were assigned roles in carrying out project activities. Your task is to represent in 3 Minutes the information about the most interesting and useful invention of the country you were given. And now I’d like monitors of the groups to give me the lists with names of participants and their activities while preparing the project. Speakers get ready,
And those pupils, who were absent last time, today you are reporters of a science newspaper, after the speakers presentations, you are to give questions to the auditory and for the next lesson make a short review on our conference using the answers that you will get.
So, we are going to work in such way, now we listen to each speaker, and after his presentation reporters ask questions to auditory, after that monitors of each group will say some words about the success and difficulties of the group and give the mark. All others have to agree or disagree.
Shall we start?
Let’s begin with the first group, who’s speaker will tell us information about the most interesting and useful invention of United States of America.
Thanks! Do reporters have any questions to the auditory?
Now, please, monitor, make your report.
Does the auditory agree?
Let’s continue with the second group, who’s speaker will tell us information about the most interesting and useful invention of England.

Thanks! Do reporters have any questions to the auditory?
Now, please, monitor, make your report.
Does the auditory agree?
And the third group, who’s speaker will tell us information about the most interesting and useful invention of Ukraine.
Thanks! Do reporters have any questions to the auditory?
Now, please, monitor, make your report.
Does auditory agree?
Well done! You worked hard and managed to make auditory and reporters be interested in your projects! We got to know a lot of interesting and cognitive information.
Got tired?
Let’s relax a little. Let’s imagine that we are not in the classroom, we are in London, in Hyde Park, it’s early morning, but look! There are a lot of people here! They are jogging. Who is that woman? Wow, it’s Britney Spears! Let’s jog after her. Stand up, please, step aside, everybody just jog, jog,
Jog and push, jog and push
Jog and pull, jog and pull
Jog and clap, jog and clap
Jog and shout «We are the champions»!
Jog and shout «We are the champions»!
Good! Take your sits.
Let’s continue our lesson. You’ve already said a lot about science innovations and their inventions, but I’d like to propose you to read one more text about two famous inventors, whose innovations made great contribute to the World’s science. Here is the article «World famous inventors» from the science magazine. You are to read and understand it.
But before reading the article I want you to find in the Text and to read aloud the appropriate sentences to answer my questions:
What subjects did Alexander Bell like?
What was his first invention?
What he wanted to become?
To which led Alexander Bell’s lifelong interest in nature and science?
Did Maria Mitchell have a big family?
Who encouraged Maria’s scientific interests?
When she did she discover a new comet?
What did she become later?
Try to divide the text into some logical parts. How many of them can you count?
What is the first?
What is the second?
Let’s make a Plan to this Text. Your task is to give headings to the logical parts.
What is the heading for the first logical part?
And for the second?
All right. Write down this plan in your copybooks.
And now, find telling words and sentences to each item of the plan in the text and read them aloud and write down to your copybooks too.
To the first item, Dima, please.
What else can you add, Olya?
What more can you add, Sweta?
Good. Now, to the second item, Igor, please.
What else, Nadya?
Now read the text to yourself and try to understand it.
Retell, please, the article according to the plan and telling sentences.
Begin, please, Rita.
Good, continue, please, Oleg.
Well done!
Was this article interesting?
Why do you think so, Anya?
Do you think it was difficult for Alexander Graham Bell to find himself and to make such a great tribute to the science, Anton?
Well, you’ve got more interesting information from this text and I liked your work, you are all deserve to get the best marks!
So, tell me what have we done during our lesson?
Did you enjoy our lesson?
Thank you for our productive work, you all were very active. And you get such marks…
Your homework is to read and translate new words to the theme Science magic in your books on page 93, and do the exercise 1 on page 93, where you have to match pictures with new words.
Is it clear?
Now you are free.
Good- bye!
Good morning!
It’s nice to see you too!
I am!
All are present.
Sasha: Today is the … of December.
Hearts like doors will open with ease
To very very little keys.
And don’t forget that two of these
Are: “I thank you” and “if you please”.
Dima: He is the celebrity.
Anton: He is German.
Julia: He is from Germany.
Tanya: He speaks German.
Sasha: the capital of his country is Berlin.
Kristina: He is the famous Formula racer.
Anya: Yesterday Michael Schumacher arrived in Kyiv to take part in Formula races, he is the celebrity, he is German, he is from Germany, he speaks German, the capital of his country is Berlin, he is the famous Formula racer.
With the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, a new nation was invented where anyone – with enough hard work and determination – could attain their dreams. This promise of opportunity not only brought in a stream of immigrants seeking a better life, but also led to the development of countless new inventions designed to make everyday living easier. Perhaps no two famous American inventors personify this spirit of ingenuity better than Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison.
Benjamin Franklin, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States, helped to invent the idea of an American nation. Along with his work as a politician, author and scientist, Franklin also was a famous American inventor responsible for a variety of different inventions – including the lightning rod, Franklin stove, bifocal glasses and the flexible urinary catheter.
Nearly a century later, Thomas Edison emerged as another prominent American inventor. Holding over 1,000 patents in his name, Edison's inventions include the phonograph and the long-lasting light bulb. He also was one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production to the invention process.
Reporter1: What inventors are mentioned
In the speech?
Sasha: American inventors Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison are mentioned here.
Reporter2: What had Benjamin Franklin invented?
Anya: He had invented the lightning rod, Franklin stove, bifocal glasses and the flexible urinary catheter.
Reporter1: What had Thomas Edison invented?
Sweta: He had invented the phonograph and the long-lasting light bulb.
Monitor1: The group worked hard in a friendly manner, and made a success, some difficulties were with gathering information and with gathering together, but in the whole, I think the group coped with the task completely and showed good results. I give the high mark!
Speaker2: John Baird Milestones created the first televised pictures of objects in motion (1924), the first televised human face (1925) and a year later he televised the first moving object image at the Royal Institution in London. His 1928 trans-atlantic transmission of the image of a human face was a broadcasting milestone. Color television (1928), stereoscopic television and television by infra-red light were all demonstrated by Baird before 1930. He successfully lobbied for broadcast time with the British Broadcasting Company, the BBC started broadcasting television on the Baird 30-line system in 1929. The first simultaneous sound and vision telecast was broadcast in 1930. In July 1930, the first British Television Play was transmitted, "The Man with the Flower in his Mouth."
In 1936, the British Broadcasting Corporation adopted television service using the electronic television technology of Marconi-EMI (the world's first regular high resolution service - 405 lines per picture), it was that technology that won out over Baird's system.
Reporter1: What created John Baird Milestones?
Dima: John Baird Milestones created the first televised pictures of objects in motion (1924), the first televised human face (1925) and a year later he televised the first moving object image at the Royal Institution in London.
Reporter2: What was the first British Television Play?
Tanya: The first British Television Play was transmitted, "The Man with the Flower in his Mouth."
The group worked hard in a friendly manner, and made a success, some difficulties were with gathering information, but in the whole, I think the group coped with the task completely and showed good results. I give the high mark!
Speaker3: Sergey Korolev(1907-1966)is the inventor of the Sputnik, the first satellite sent into space.
Korolev led the development of several generations of ballistic missiles, launch vehicles, science, military and communications satellites, interplanetary probes and manned spacecraft. In 2006, the Soyuz spacecraft, which he conceived at the dawn of the space era, turned forty years in operation. Korolev died at the height of his career as a result of a botched surgical operation on January 14, 1966. Even before his death, Korolev's largest undertaking, the development of the giant N1 Moon rocket, faced mounting technical challenges, unrealistic schedule and political pressure to beat Americans to the Moon.
Due to secret nature of the Soviet space industry, Korolev's contribution to the space program was publically recognized by the Soviet authorities only after his death. In 2002, Korolev's daughter Natalya completed her own monumental biography of her legendary father, in which she retraced Korolev's incredible life journey
Reporter1: What is Korolev’s contribute to the science?
Anton: Sergey Korolev is the inventor of the Sputnik, the first satellite sent into space.
Reporter2: Due to what Korolev's contribution to the space program was publically recognized by the Soviet authorities only after his death?
Rita: Due to secret nature of the Soviet space industry.
The group worked hard in a friendly manner, and made a success, some difficulties were with gathering information, but in the whole, I think the group coped with the task completely and showed good results. I give the high mark!
«We are the champions»!
«We are the champions»!
Anya: As a young boy, the telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell liked mathematics, and science, but he was easily bored at school. He was much more interested in experimenting and discovering things on his own.
Igor: One of his first inventions was a simple machine imitating the human voice. Alexander built it with his brother Melville when they were still children.
Sweta: As a teenager, Bell wanted to become an actor or a sailor. Instead, he worked, like his father, as a speech therapist, and taught deaf people.
Dima: Alexander Bell’s lifelong interest in nature and science led to a variety of other invention ideas, including experiments with flight and designing aeroplanes.
Kristina: Maria Mitchell was one of the most famous American scientists of the 19th century. Born in Massachusetts Maria was the third child of a family with ten children.
Anton: Her father was a dedicated astronomer and teacher, and he encouraged Maria’s scientific interests.
Rita: In 1847, when she was looking at the sky through a telescope from the Roof of parents’ house, she discovered a new comet.
Sasha: A year later she became the first woman admitted to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the first female professor of astronomy in the USA.
Tanya: There are 2 logical parts.
Julia: Biography of Alexander Graham Bell.
Nikita: Biography of Maria Mitchell.
Kristina: The lifelong way of Alexander Graham Bell to great inventions.
Rita: The lifelong way of Maria Mitchell to great inventions.
Dima: The telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell liked mathematics and science, was bored at school.
Olya: He was interested in experimenting and discovering, his first inventions was a machine imitating the human voice, Bell wanted to become an actor or a sailor, he was a speech therapist.
Sweta: Alexander Bell’s lifelong interest in nature and science led to a variety of invention ideas.
Igor: Maria was the third child of a family with ten children, her father encouraged Maria’s scientific interests.
Nadya: In 1847 she discovered a new comet, the first woman admitted to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the first female professor of astronomy in the USA.
Rita: As a young boy, the telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell liked mathematics, and science, but he was easily bored at school. He was much more interested in experimenting and discovering things on his own. One of his first inventions was a simple machine imitating the human voice. Alexander built it with his brother Melville when they were still children. As a teenager, Bell wanted to become an actor or a sailor. Instead, he worked, like his father, as a speech therapist, and taught deaf people.
Alexander Bell’s lifelong interest in nature and science led to a variety of other invention ideas, including experiments with flight and designing airplanes.
Oleg: Maria Mitchell was one of the most famous American scientists of the 19th century. Born in Massachusetts Maria was the third child of a family with ten children. Her father was a dedicated astronomer and teacher, and he encouraged Maria’s scientific interests. In 1847, when she was looking at the sky through a telescope from the Roof of parents’ house, she discovered a new comet. A year later she became the first woman admitted to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the first female professor of astronomy in the USA.
Anya: Because it was very interesting to get cognitive information about famous inventors Alexander Graham Bell and Maria Mitchell.
Anton: It was difficult, because it required a lot of desire and labor.
We defended our projects. Moreover, we were presented the great projects from which we’ve got to know very interesting and cognitive information.
We’ve read the article «World famous inventors».
Good- bye!
Учні декламують хором вірш та відбивають ритм фраз постукуванням по парті.
Додаток №1
(питання записані на дошці)
(учень використовує наочність)
(учень використовує наочність)

(учень використовує наочність)
Додаток №5
(вчитель використовує ситуативні малюнки)
Додаток №6 (вчитель роздає учням картки з текстом)
Додаток №6 (учні відповідають на запитання реченнями з тексту)
Вчитель записує домашнє завдання на дошці.