Сценарий сказки Три поросенка в новой интерпретации на английском языке

Naff-Naff Nuff-Nuff Niff-Niff Big Grey Wolf
(Звучит веселая мелодия)
Scene INaff-Naff: Hello, girls and boys! My name is Naff-Naff. I am a nice little pig. I can sing.(N.N.поет песню)
Nuff-Nuff: Good morning! I am Nuff-Nuff. I am a kind little pig. (поросята танцуют)
Niff-Niff: Nice to meet you! I am Niff-Niff! I am a clever little pig. we can dance
Three Pigs (together): We are happy little pigs. (Берутся за руки, танцуют и поют.) Big Grey Wolf won't scare us, scare us, scare us.
Naff-Naff: Oh, brothers, it will be winter soon. I am afraid, we must stop dancing. We should go and build a house. Let's go!
Niff-Niff: Oh! No!
Nuff-Nuff: We needn't go. We can sing and dance some more. (Нэф-Нэф уходит, два поросёнка танцуют и поют.)
Big Grey Wolf won't scare us, scare us, scare us.
Nuff-Nuff: Oh, it is evening. It is cold. I need a house. I should build a house.
(Уходит.)Niff-Niff: OK! I can go and build a house too. (Уходит.)
(Звучит музыка, поросята строят дом)
Scene II
Niff-Niff (Выходит и поёт):
I have got a new grass house,
new grass house,
new grass house.
Nuff-Nuff (танцует и поёт):
I have got a new straw house,
new straw house,
new straw house.
Niff-Niff: Hello, Nuff-Nuff! I've got a new grass house. And you?Nuff-Nuff: I've got a new straw house. And where is our brother?
Nuff-Nuff: Hey Naff-NaffNiff-Niff: Have you got your new brick house ready?
Naff-Naff: I am afraid, I haven't yet.
Nuff-Nuff: Then goodbye we have got houses
Naff-Naff: Goodbye!
Niff-Niff: Goodbye!
Niff-Niff, Nuff-Nuff (together):
Big Grey Wolf won't scare us, scare us, scare us. (Танцуют и поют.)
(Звучит мелодия, выходит волк)
Scene III
Big Grey Wolf: Hello, I`m a big grey wolf.I'd like to have a nice little pig for breakfast. I'm hungry.
Niff-Niff: Here is Big Grey Wolf!
Nuff-Nuff: Oh, Big Grey Wolf! We must run to our houses!
(Домик – это два листа ватмана, скреплённые сверху прищепками. Поросята убегают, волк бежит за ними. Сначала он подбегает к домику Ниф-Нифа.)Big Grey Wolf: I must eat you up. (Волк дует, и домик падает. Ниф-Ниф бежит к домику Наф-Нафа.) I must eat you up, silly-little pigs! (Подбегает ко второму домику, дует на него, домик падает.)
Nuff-Nuff: We must run to our brother! His house is better than ours
Niff-Niff ok
(Поросята бегут, волк за ними.)
Scene IVNiff-Niff: Big Grey Wolf is behind us!
Nuff-Nuff: May we come in?
Naff-Naff: Yes, you may! Come in!
(Поросята вбегают в домик. Подбегает волк. Слышен стук в дверь. Два поросёнка прячутся под столом от страха.)Big Grey Wolf: It's me, the Wolf. I'd like to have little pigs for breakfast! You must open the door!
Naff-Naff: Oh, no, I needn't. Go away. You are a Big Bad Wolf.
(Волк дует, но домик не падает. Он убегает. Поросята вылезают из-под стола.)Three Pigs (together):
Big Grey Wolf won't scare us, scare us, scare us.
Big Grey Wolf won't scare us.
Awful B G W
Волк возвращается и пищит: help me!
Pigs: Who are you?
Wolf: I am your uncle Big Pig
«Поросята открывают волк их выгоняет поросята плачут»
Pigs: We need help. Let”s invite other heroes and cartoon characters
Звучит музыка выходит фея
Fairy : Hello. I am a good Fairy. I can help you .There are a lot of kind of heroes. For example Snowwhite and their dwarfs.Под музыку выходят белоснежка и гномы
Snowwhite:Hello. I am a Snowwhite.These are my friends dwarfs.
All: We can help you
NN HEY wolf look/ How many friends we have got
W1 welcome . It is my house
NN What must we do?
(Звучит мелодия,выходит красная шапочка с волком)
Red Cap sings:
I am a little, little girl (2 раза)
I am a little riding HOOD
Red Cap: Hello Friends!
I have a wolf with me!(все пугаются) Don`t worry! It`s a good wolf.
Wolf: Hello,friends!I am a brother of your wolf.
I can help you!
All:Hey!Wolf!Go away!
Wolf 1: No,it`s my house.
Wolf 2:Big Wolf!You are my brother! I am your brother. We are brothers. We are one big family.
(Звучит отрывок из песни «You are my brother»)
Wolf 1 повинной приходит
Wolf1: I`m sorry!!!
I`m very,very sorry!!!
Now we are all friends. Let`s have party.
(Звучит веселая песня. Все танцуют.