Конспект урока по английскому языку в 1 классе на тему Greetings

Group: 1 “A”,
Theme: Greetings. Letter Gg, sound [d
Objectives: the pupils will be able to
1) to ask and answer the questions on the topic “Greetings”
2) to understand and learn the following words: apple, bell, cat, dog, egg, frog, goat
·vious lesson you learnt some new words. Let’s revise them.
T: What is it? (учитель показывает картинки и спрашивает)
P: It’s a bell (apple, cat, dog, egg, frog)!
V. Presentation
-Today, we will learn a new letter and sound – Gg (Учитель пишет на доске букву Gg, звук [d
·i:] и слово goat с транскрипцией, клеит картинку козла)
T: Repeat after me: Gg [d
P: [d
T: Goat!
P: Goat!
T: “G” is for goat!
P: “G” is for goat!
-Good. And now let’s do some physical activities:
Stand up! Clap clap!
Arms up! Clap clap!
Step step! Arms down!
Clap clap! Please, sit down!
VI. Practice
A game “Ball”
-Let’s play a game! I will give you a ball and say a word in Russian, and you will take the ball and translate it into English (учитель бросает мяч одному из учеников и называет слово на русском, они его ловят, переводят на английский и бросают обратно учителю):
T: яблоко!
P: apple
T: кошка!
P: cat!
-Now, open your workbooks at page 11. Take your pencils and colour the pictures.
Page 10, ex.6. Let’s name these things: “b” is for book, “c” is for cat, “d” is for dog. And let’s colour them.
VII. Sums of the lesson
-Well done!
-Your home task is p.11, ex. 8: write letters.
- Our lesson is over. Thank you for your active work at the lesson.
T: Good-bye, children!
P: Good-bye, teacher!
(раздача смайликов-похвалюшек)

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