Презентация по английскому языку на тему Модальные глаголы

Modal verbsModal verbs and their equivalents отличительные особенности модальных глаголов1. не обозначают действие2. не имеют личных окончаний 3. не образуют аналитические формы глагола.4.образуют отрицание при помощи “not”5. вопросы образуют без помощи вспомогательных глаголов Значение модальных глаголов{7DF18680-E054-41AD-8BC1-D1AEF772440D}CANMUSTMAY Умственные способностиифизические возможности.Умения, навыки Разрешение*Нравственные обязанности, социальные обязанности.ПредположениеДолженствованияРазрешение,позволение,возможность,вероятность,предположение…Могу / умеюдолженМожновероятно can{7DF18680-E054-41AD-8BC1-D1AEF772440D}PresentPastFuture cancouldwill be able toshall be able toHe can test the device.He could test the device.He will be able to test the device.

Can(Отрицательная форма)Cannot / can`t He cannot test the device. He can`t test the device.He could not test the device. He couldn't test the device.He will not be able to test the device. He won`t be able to test the device.

Can(Вопросительное предложение) a) умение/ способностьСan he test the device?Could he test the device?Will he be able to test the device?b)сомнение/недоверие Can he really be ill?Could it be true?Could he say it? Can1)Для того, чтобы попросить/дать разрешение: Can I have a glass of water?Can you wait for me in the hall?2)Для запрещения чего-либо(в отрицательной форме) You cannot walk on the grass.You cannot stay here anymore. Could+ Perfect Infinitive1. She could have made a report.Она могла бы сделать доклад. (но не сделала)2.We could have helped him.Мы могли бы помочь ему.(но не помогли)Could + have + V3 Устойчивые выражения с глаголом Can I can`t help asking the question.I can`t help eating sushi. He couldn`t help laughing. can`t help doing синонимы глагола «can» (в прошедшем времени)He managed to test the device.She managed to pass the exam.I managed to enter the Academy.He succeeded in testing the device.She succeeded in passing the exams.to manageto succeed
style.rotation синонимы глагола «can not» (в прошедшем времени)He failed in testing the device.She failed in passing the exam.I failed in entering the Academy.to fail in (doing smth.)
style.rotation Must{00A15C55-8517-42AA-B614-E9B94910E393}PresentPastFuture musthad towill have toshall have toHe must test the device.He had to test the device.He will have to test the device.

Must (в утвердительных предложениях)You must attend the classes.(обязанность)You must stop worrying about it!(совет)He must be over 50.(предположение)It must be late! (вероятность)She must know all about it!( уверенность/предположение) Must (Отрицание и вопрос)must not/mustn`tYou must not leave the class-room.You mustn`t miss the lectures.May I smoke, here? – No? you mustn`t! Must you go there?Must we follow your advise? Must + Perfect InfinitiveHe must have finished the work.She must have come home.He must have known it all.She must have misunderstood you.They must have failed the exams.must + have +V3 May{0505E3EF-67EA-436B-97B2-0124C06EBD24}PresentPastFuture maymightwill be allowed toshall be allowed toHe may test the device.He might test the device.He will be allowed to test the device.

May (в утвердительных предложениях)а)вероятность: He may be busy. They may come soon. He may be writing a term-paper.She may be sleeping.b)возможность:You may order the taxi by phone. You may not know about it.He may fall ill!c)разрешение: You may stay here.You may use my computer. May (в вопросительных предложениях) a) просьба-разрешениеMay I attend your lectures?May I take part in the conference?May I speak to our dean? May + Perfect InfinitiveHe may have fallen ill.She may have passed the exam.He might have fallen ill.(if not the medicine)She might have passed the exam.(if not her debts)may+ have+V3might+ have+V3 Shalla)строгое предупреждение/угрозаYou shall regred it!You shan`t go there!You shall be happy!b)вопрос к 3-му лицу( узнать желание)Shall I get you a cup of coffee?Shall I buy you a dog?What shall I do for you? a) совет, рекомендация, задачаYou should consult a doctor!You shouldn`t miss the lectures!You should get rid of your debts!b)предположениеThe film should be very interesting.This color should be up-to-date this year.should WillДля выражения намерения или обещанияDon’t worry, I will be back by 11 o’clock.b) В приказахWill you keep quiet!Will you leave the class-room! Would1)В вежливых просьбахWould you repeat, please?2)В вежливом предложении чего-либоWould you like tea or coffee?3)В догадках/предположенияхHe would be a new student. Thank you for attention!Good luck in studying ENGLISH!