Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему:The famous museum and galleries in the UK and Kazakhstan

Theme: The famous museums and galleries in the UK and Kazakhstan
Form: 8 ”B”
The aims of the lesson:
Teaching: to enrich students´s about famous museums and galleries in the UK and Kazakhstan.
Developing: to develop memory, attention, reading, writing and speaking ability
Up-brining: to bring-up students to be patriots of their country and to increase their interest to the English language.
Type of the lesson: a fixing lesson.
Visual aids: the pictures, the active board, books and cards.
The procedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment.
-Good morning dear guests and pupils! Nice to see you here again. Today we begin our lesson from these words
It is highly important to preserve and systematize the unique historical monuments and to pass them on the future generations, to show other nations all of those values. It is an honorary duty.
(Чрезвычайно важно сохранить и систематизировать уникальные исторические памятники и передавать их будущим поколениям, чтобы показать другим нациям все эти ценности. Это - почетная обязанность.)Do you know who said these words?N. A. Nazarbaev.```
II. Checking-up the home task.
III. Presentation of the theme.
Match English word with the Russian.
1 Gallerу-aнаследие
2 National-bдревний
3 Admire-cвосхищаться
4 Masterpiece-dвыставка
5 Exhibition-eгалерея
6 Exhibit-fнациональный
7 Ancient-gшедевр
8 treasure-hэкспонат
9 Founded-iбогатство
10 Heritage-jоснован
Repeat these words.
IV. Reading and speaking about British and Kazakh museums.
Divide these names into 2 columns
British- Kazakh
Round Reading Room, Central state Museum, state Museum of Popular Musical Instruments, Madame Tussauds, Kasteev´s Museum, the London Planetarium
V. Speaking about these museums. Slide
Game “Believe - don’t believe”
Do you know about TV programme of Andrey Bednyakov “Believe - don’t believe”?
Do you believe that …
1 Central state Museum of Kazakhstan is situated in Astana?
VI. Listening some songs
VII. Logic
There are the best museum of the world
Use your logic and match the words with the pictures on the blackboard
VIII. Translate the words
1 Gallerу-
2 National-
3 Admire-
4 Masterpiece-
5 Exhibition-
6 Exhibit-
7 Ancient-
8 treasure-
9 Founded-
10 Heritage-
IX. Proverbs.
Reading the following sayings Give English equivalents:
(Ex.3 at p.99)
XI. Answer for one question:
Which museum would you like to go in?
1. Giving marks.
2.Home task: Learn the poem “Eagle” (98)
Dear pupils! I’m pleased for your active taking part in this competition.
I wish you success! Good luck!