Открытый урок на тему Fish

Date: 23.04.16 Subject: Biology Form: 7 “КБ”
Theme: Fish
Teacher: Ospanova M.D
Aims : know about body structure of fish;
know the main difference between cartilage and bony fish;
know the life cycle of fish;
understand difference between vertebrate and invertebrate animals:
acquire a habit to work individually and in groups;
Learning outcome: characterize the body structure of fish;
know how fish are sub classified;
explain the life cycle of fish;
know how to work individually and in groups;
Core information: Fish or Pisces, completely adapted to aquatic life, bony and cartilage fish, welldeveloped brain which is protected by the skull, breathe by gills, two-chambered heart, possess tail,fins, slimy mucous, scales, testes, ovaries
Sources: Учебник «Биология 7 класс» Атамура, 2013
Textbook “Biology 7” Г. Бекмуратова, Д. ЖанкабылкызыPPT presentation
Aids: Board, pictures, stickers, sheets for marks, table (I know, I want to know, It is interesting )
Lesson procedure
Time: 25minutes Teacher’s action Pupils’ action
I. Organization moment. 1 min. Greeting;
Setting the aims;
Fire’’, ’’ Bus, Hat’’
Guess the theme of the lesson by rebus
2 min. Odd one out
Pelvic pectoral caudal
Gills fins lungs
Trunk tail legs
Sharkray salmon
Carnivores predatorsherbivores
Artriumventricle veins
Arteriescapillaries veins
Teeth mouth gills
Intestinepharynx anus
Heartblood pump
Give the odd one out word and explain why
III. Main part.
3 min.
3 min.
2 min. 1.True or false sentences:
1. All fish are warm – blooded animals. (false, because they can not regulate their body temperature)
2. Fish breathe by lungs, because they live in water. (false, animals which live in water breathe by gills)
3. Rays have a torpedo-shaped body. (false, they have bodies like pancakes)
4. All fish are vertebrates. (true)
5. Fish provide food for millions of people. (true)
6. All fish lay eggs. (false, most fish release their sex cells into the water at the same time that a male releases his sperm)
7. Swim bladder enables fish to remain at a particular depth in the water. (true)
8. Scientists which study fish are called botanists. (false, because they study plants)
9. Sharks give birth to living young. (true)
10. Fish can not hear sounds made on shore or above the water. (false\true, if the sound is loud enough they can hear)
11. The lateral line system sense changes in the movement of water. (true)
12. Sharks and catfish have well – developed sense of smell. (true)
13. The dorsal fin grows along the tail and helps a fish keep upright. (false, a dorsal fin grows along the back)
14. When fish breathe they gulp water through the mouth and pump it over the anus. (false, they pump water over the gills)
2. Answer the questions:
1. How do scientists classify fish?
2. What do fish feed on?
3. What fish are examples of cartilage fish?
4. How do fish breathe?
5. What is the difference between carnivores and herbivores fish?
6. What makes fish’s body slippery?
7. What is the importance of their fin?
8. What fins do they have?
9. How do they digest their food?
10. What digestive organs do they have?
11. What consists their circulatory system?
12. What chambers does fish’s heart have?
13. What consists fish’s nervous system?
14. How do they reproduce?
3. Body system of fish (Pair work)
1. Respiratory system.
2. Digestive system.
3. Circulatory system.
4. Nervous system.
5. Reproductive system.
6. Special organs.
7. Fins
4. Compare amphibians, reptiles and fish
Hands out the papers with the table to be filled in
5. Importance of fish (Fishbone)
True – false sentences; there students should read the sentences and say true or false. If the sentence is false they must explain why:
Answer the questions one by one.
Tell about the body system of fish.
Complete the table
Complete the fishbone
IV. Giving feedback. 1 min.
Giving the assessment and feedback V.Giving hometask .1 min.
Mammals (read and translate)