Презентация по английскому языку Известные люди

THE PRICE of FAME LET’S SPEAK ABOUT FAMOUSE PEOPLE Презентация составлена преподавателем английского языка ГБОУ СПО Колледж полиции г.Москвы Ломакиной М.А. Look at the definition of the word FAMOUS Famous – a person or a place known about by many people in many places.And study the examplesa famous actor Many famous people have stayed in the hotel. The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmarkWhat examples with the word Famous can you give? WHAT FAMOUS PEOPLE DO YOU KNOW? Look at the pictures and answer the questions DO YOU KNOW THESE FAMOUS PEOPLE? WHAT IS HIS NAME? Elvis Presley Johann Strauss John F.Kennedy WHAT IS HE FAMOUS FOR? He was a president a ballet dancer a composer DO YOU KNOW THESE FAMOUS PEOPLE? WHAT IS HER NAME? Elizaberth II Diana Marie Curie WHAT IS SHE FAMOUS FOR? She was a queen a princess a scientist DO YOU KNOW THESE FAMOUS PEOPLE? WHAT IS HIS NAME? Elvis Presley Johann Strauss John F.Kennedy WHAT IS HE FAMOUS FOR? He was a president a ballet dancer a composer DO YOU KNOW THESE FAMOUS PEOPLE? WHAT IS HER NAME? Elizaberth II Elizaberth I Diana WHAT IS SHE FAMOUS FOR? She is a queen a princess a scientist DO YOU KNOW THESE FAMOUS PEOPLE? WHAT IS HIS NAME? Elvis Presley John F.Kennedy Rudolf Nureyev WHAT IS HE FAMOUS FOR? He was a ballet dancer a composer a singer Can you speak about famous people? If you speak about life of any famous person you need some words. Do you know them? Some words are hidden.Find them and name the letter and number which begin and finish the words. If you are right you will find the words биография; разводиться; достижение; флейта; хоронить; доброта; женитьба; няня; медсестра; владелец; показывать; популярный; священник; радий; роль; приз; больной; талантливый; трагичный; бедный; медицина; вступать; O’K ! FINE! LET’S GO ON! WHAT ARE THEY FAMOUS FOR? Let’s do the crosswordRead the Russian word and pronounce its English equivalent.Spell letter by letter and fill the crossword BUT NOW REFRESH THE ENGLISH ALPHABET LETTER BY LETTER.PRONOUNCE THE LETTERS AND YOU’LL SEE THEM ON THE SCREEN e v e n t d u c a t i o n down across s i e n t i s t i m p o r a n t c o p o s e d i c o v e r f a a m o u s r e c r d a u i t i o n p o f e s s o r p h y i c s c a r e e h e m i s t r y a d i r e 1.событие 2.ученый 9.образование 10.важный 3.сочинять музыку 4.фанат 11.известный 5.Записывать звук 12. делать открытие 6.прослушивание 13.физика 7.профессор 14.карьера 8.химия 15.восхищаться Источники информации 1.Учебник английского языка Enterprise1 , Virginia Evans,Unit 10 2.Коллекция картинок Microsoft http://office.microsoft.com/ru-ru/clipart/FX101321031049.aspx?pid=CL1005702010493.” http://nova.rambler.ru/pictures4.Power Point 5.Excel (составление кроссворда)6. http://www.funbrain.com/detect/index. (игра Найди слово)