Презентация Лондон — столица Великобритании

LONDON IS THE CAPITAL OF GREAT BRITAIN Sonja was in London for her English practice. She brought home her about-London notes. What places did Sonja like in London? Why? London is so old! The Romans founded [ʹfaundid] (основали) it more than 2000 years ago. They started it as a fortress. Later they transformed it into (преобразовали в) a town. Different people came to damage and destroy it! But Londoners restored [riʹstɔ:d] (восстанавливали, реставрировали) their city again and again. How skilful they were! Now I understand that London is really a precious [ʹpreʃəs] (драгоценный) stone [stəun] (камень) of the British Crown (короны). I can’t forget its places of interest. Westminster Abbey is magnificent [mжgʹnifisənt] (величественный, великолепный)! It is a church near the Houses of Parliament. British monarchs are crowned [kraund] (коронуются) in Westminster Abbey. I don’t know the architect who designed [diʹzaind] (проектировал) it. I liked St Paul’s Cathedral, the main church of London. It is so big! They treasure (высоко ценят) it because many famous people are buried [ʹberid] (похоронены) there, Lord Nelson for example. Buckingham Palace is the residence of the British monarchs. It is wonderful! Best British designers decorated [ʹdekəreitid] (украшали) it. But they say that the Queen likes to stay at her castles outside London. The British Museum and the National Gallery house [hauz] (вмещают) world treasures; their exhibitions contain [kənʹtein] (содержат) real masterpieces: rare [reə] (редкие) paintings, ancient [ʹeinʃənt] (древние) sculptures, unique [juʹni:k] (уникальные) books, works of cast masters (мастеров по литью), arms and armoury.