Презентация Визит к стоматологу 7 класс

Doctor,I have got a toothache. A visit to the dеntist. Phonetic drill toothache зубная боль rinse прополаскивать пародонтит disease Gum disease decay Sweets make your teeth filled. Brushing the teeth is not regularly. We don’t rinse our mouth after eating. A toothbrush and toothpaste are not good. Listening Listen to the text and choose the words you hear in the text. decay rinse tooth teeth crown injection gum treatment cavity hygienist Listen to the text and choose the words you hear in the text. decay rinse tooth teeth crown injection gum treatment cavity hygienist Let’s have a rest. Caring for your teeth. Care for your teeth properly and you will keep them healthy for your whole life. All you have to do is follow these tips: 1.Brush your teeth twice a day, using a soft brush. 2.Your toothbrush should fit your mouth. 3.Toothpaste should protect your teeth from cavities. 4.Visit your dentist regularly, at least twice a year. True or false. If you follow the tips on how t0 care for your teeth properly, you can have healthy teeth your whole life. Brush your teeth once a day with a soft toothbrush. Your toothbrush should fit your hand. A toothpaste helps to protect teeth from cavities. You should visit your dentist regularly, at least twice a day. It’s time to have a fun. How do you know when a dentist goes mad? He starts to wear a necklace made of human teeth. Doctor, I have yellow teeth. What shall I do? Wear a green suitwith а brown tie! Чемодан – всё пригодится в дальнейшем. Мясорубка – информацию переработаю. Корзина – всё выброшу. Be healthy!