Конспект урока английского языка во 2 классе по учебнику М.З.Биболетовой по теме Повторения пройденного материала за учебный год

Урок 70.
Тема. Обобщение знаний.
Активизация изученной лексики;
Тренировка орфографических навыков.
Активизация английских букв и звуков

Оборудование: задание на карточках по числу учащихся в классе.

Ход урока.
I. Организационный момент.
- Good morning, children!
Good morning, ….
- I am glad to see you.
We are glad to see you too.
- How are you?
We are fine, thanks. And how are you?
- I’m fine, thank you. Who is absent today?
All pupil are present.
Sit down, children.
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
Обезьянка проснулась и собралась гулять.
Она звонит в колокольчик, зазывает друзей – [h], [h], [h]
Прибежали к обезьянке друзья и зовут её на улицу – [z], [z], [z].
Обезьянка качается с друзьями на качелях – [n], [n], [n].
Они все вместе поют песенку – [ei], [ei], [ei].
Услышала ворона и повторяют за ними – [m], [m], [m]
И филин захотел спеть с ними – [ə], [ə], [ə].
А теперь давайте вспомним стихотворение про Willy. Какой звук часто встречается в этом стихотворении?
Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy? Why, Willy?
Why, Willy, why?
Very good!
III. Фонетическая зарядка.
You can see the first task on the blackboard. Let’s remember the English sounds and words. Look at the blackboard and try to read the words on it.
[rait] [poumsz]
[ten] [kæts]
[resait] [ə baisikl]
[gud] [flæg]
[kæn] [boi]
[red] [da:ns]
Read the words in pairs. Who will can read the verbs? (ride, dance, recite, can)
Can you read the adjectives? (good, red)
Will you read the nouns? (boy, bicycle, flags, cats)
Match the words from two columns to make up the word combinations.
Ten flags, good boy, can dance, recite poem, ten cats, red flags, ride a bicycle.
IV. Речевая разминка.
Now you will agree or disagree with me. Listen to me carefully. If I am right repeat my sentence. If I am not right disagree with me.
Учитель произносит предложения, учащиеся должны повторить их, если они верны и исправить их если они неверны.
Cocks can swim.
Cocks can’t swim.
A frog is green.
A frog is green.
A cat has a long nose.
Nina has ten rabbits.
Children can sing songs.
A crocodile is orange.
Kate has two legs.
You can play the piano.
V. Активизация навыков чтения.
It’s time to read. Look at the cards.
Ex. 1.
Fat, car, skates, take, hat, can, farmer, bad, are, has, Kate, late, farm, park, thank, dark.
Ex. 2. Прочитайте рассказ и угадайте, кто друг?
I have a friend. It is black. It is a long nose. It can run, jump and swim but it can’t fly. It likes to go to the forest. It runs and jumps in the forest. Its name is Rex. It lives with me. It likes my home.
(A dog)
VI. Активизация навыков письменной речи.
Let’s do the next task. Read two texts.
Учитель организует выполнение упражнения.
Нарисуй животных, прочитав их описание:
It is a frog Jim. It is big and fat. It is green. Jim likes music. It has a blue box.
It is a pig Naf. It is slim. It isn’t big. Haf is fanny. It ia grey and red. Haf likes tennis. It has a green pen.
Обведи и раскрась клоуна. Закончи предложения:

He is a clown (клоун).
His name is ….. Piff
He is … big
He isn’t … small
He has … a cat
He can … skate
He can’t … ski
He likes … clocks.
VII. Итог урока.
- Our lesson is over. Thank you for you. You were active and clever today.