European settlements the early 17th century 10 класс

Unit :Theme:
Цель урока: 
European settlements the early 17th century
выработка знаний, умений и навыков в области устной и письменной речи по теме.
-ознакомление с новым лексическим материалом;
-повторение и обобщение грамматического материала Prepositionsof place.
-формирование у учащихся нового грамматического навыка;
-развитие оперативной памяти и способности к функционально-адекватному восприятию грамматических структур;
-развитие речевых умений монологической и диалогической речи по теме урока;
-строить высказывания по образцу и самостоятельно.
-расширять кругозор;
-прививать любовь и интерес к иностранному языку;
-воспитывать умение работать в парах и индивидуально;
seal[si:l] тюлень, walrus ['wɔ:lrəs] морж, caribou['kærəbu:] карибу (северный олень), beaver ['bi:və] бобр, бобёр, buffalo['bʌfələu] буйвол, squash[skwɔʃ] кабачок, тыква, maize[meɪz] кукуруза, spot - увидеть, заметить, abandone [ə'bændən] забросить, покинуть, permanently ['pɜ:m(ə)nəntlɪ] надолго, постоянно, convert['kɔnvɜ:t] – обратить, Christianity [krɪstɪ'ænətɪ] христианство, Smallpox ['smɔ:lpɔks] ; оспа, rivalry['raɪv(ə)lrɪ] соперничество
Prepositionsof place.
Org. moment:
Checking up the h/t
The main part: Reading
Заключительный этап урока
1. Рефлексия
(3 мин)
Объяснение домашнего задания, оценивание учащихся
(3 мин)
Окончание урока
(1 мин) The procedure of the lesson
Good morning, pupils! I’m glad to see you! Sit down please!
Определение темы урока. (2 мин)
We continue speaking about the Canada. Today we’ll speak about the first settlements in Canada. The theme of our lesson is “European first settlements in the early 17th century”.
Фонетическая зарядка. Let’s revise the specific sounds of the English language. Look at the board please. Can you pronounce these sounds?
Your home task was to answer the question: What is the difference between the education of Canada and Kazakhstan? And now lets check how well you did bit
Read and translate the text.
The first people in Canada crossed the Bering Straits from Asia. In the north the Inuit lived by hunting seals, walruses and whales. They also hunted caribou. On the west coast people hunted deer, bear and beaver. They also fished. On the plains people lived by hunting buffalo. In the east people grew crops of beans, squash, maize and sunflower seeds.
The first Europeans to reach Canada were the Vikings. In 986 a Viking called Bjarni Herjolfsson was blown off course by a storm and he spotted a new land. However he sailed away without landing. In 1001 a man named Leif Eriksson landed in the new land, which he named Vinland (it was part of Canada). However Eriksson did not stay permanently. Later the Vikings did establish a colony in North America but they abandoned it because of conflict with the natives.
However after the Vikings Canada was forgotten until the end of the 15th century. In 1497 the English king Henry VII sent an Italian named Jean Cabot on an expedition across the Atlantic to Newfoundland. Cabot discovered rich fishing waters off the coast of Canada.
Then in 1534 and in 1535-36 a Frenchman named Jacques Cartier (1491-1557) sailed on two expeditions to Canada. On 10 August 1535 (St Lawrence's Day) he sailed into the St Lawrence River, which he named after the saint.
However no permanent European settlements were made in Canada until the early 17th century. In 1603 a Frenchman named Samuel de Champlain (1567-1635) sailed up the St Lawrence River. In 1604 he founded Port Royal in Acadia (Nova Scotia). In 1608 de Champlain founded Quebec. (The name Quebec is believed to be an Algonquin word meaning a narrow part of a river). In 1642 the French founded Montreal. The new colony in Canada was called New France. By 1685 the population of New France was about 10,000. By 1740 it was 48,000.
In the early 17th century French missionaries such as the Jesuits attempted to convert the natives of Canada to Christianity - without much success. Meanwhile the French settlers traded with the natives for furs and farmed the land. Unfortunately they also brought European diseases like smallpox, to which the natives had no resistance.
However the English were also interested in Canada. In 1610 Henry Hudson discovered Hudson Bay. (In 1611 his crew mutinied and set him adrift). In 1631 Thomas James led another expedition. James Bay is named after him. Then in 1629 the English captured Quebec. However it was returned to France in 1632.
In 1670 the English founded the Hudson Bay Company. The company was given exclusive rights to trade with the inhabitants of the Hudson Bay area. They traded with the natives for skins and furs. Meanwhile rivalry between the British and the French in Canada continued.
Comprehension check.
Memory game.
На доске даны слова из текста. Задача учащихся дополнить к тому или иному слову предложение по смыслу из текста.
Caribou, seals, walruses and whales; Vikings; In 1603; New France, Christianity, Smallpox, the English were also interested in Canada; rivalry
Group work.
The students are to be divided into 2 – 3 groups. Each group must make up 4 questions to their opponents.
Повторение грамматического материала.
In front ofA band plays their music in front of an audience.
The man standing in the line in front of me smells bad.
Behind is the opposite of In front of. It means at the back (part) of something.
When the teacher writes on the whiteboard, the students are behind him (or her).
Who is that person behind the mask?
Between normally refers to something in the middle of two objects or things (or places).
There are mountains between Chile and Argentina.
The number 5 is between the number 4 and 6.
Across from and Opposite mean the same thing. It usually refers to something being in front of something else BUT there is normally something between them like a street or table. It is similar to saying that someone (or a place) is on the other side of something.
I live across from a supermarket (= it is on the other side of the road)
The chess players sat opposite each other before they began their game.(= They are in front of each other and there is a table between them)
Next to / Beside
Next to and Beside mean the same thing. It usually refers to a thing (or person) that is at the side of another thing.
Guards stand next to the entrance of the bank.
He walked beside me as we went down the street.
Near / Close to
Near and Close to mean the same thing. It is similar to next to / beside but there is more of a distance between the two things.
This building is near a subway station.
We couldn't park the car close to the store.
On means that something is in a position that is physically touching, covering or attached to something.
The clock on the wall is slow.
He put the food on the table.
Pupils, I’m pleased with your work today. I give you the following marks:Our lesson is over.
Thank you for your work. Good bye!
Boys and girls, thank you very much for your work. You were very active today. Our lesson is over. Good-bye