Конспект урока по английскому языку «Газеты, журналы»

Урок №60 в 8 классепо английскому языку по теме: Газеты, журналы. Развитие навыков речи –рассуждение.
С использованием ИКТ и технологии проектного обучения в 8 классе.
Образовательные цели:
- развитие навыков монологической речи с использованием ИКТ; формирование коммуникативной компетенции;- активизация грамматического материала (условные предложения II типа);- развитие умения просмотрового чтения
Воспитательная цель:
- воспитывать толерантность;- воспитывать культуру общения.
Развивающая цель: - развивать социокультурную компетенцию.
Оснащение урока:- магнитофон, кассета; - аутентичные газеты;- компьютер;
-проектор; - экран; - презентации учителя и учеников;- учебник и рабочая тетрадь М.З.Биболетова ‘’Enjoy English-8класс’’.
Цель учителя: организовать, настроить на урок.
T: The bell has gone. It is time to begin our lesson. Good morning, my dear friends, I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.
What is the day today? 2. What is the date today? 3. Who is absent today?
II. СООБЩЕНИЕ ЦЕЛИ УРОКА. Цель учителя: Познакомить с темой урока
T: - Be active
Repeat grammar rule
Listen to each other with attention
Should speak 4-5 sentences only in English and slowly
Should use phrases such as- besides, because, although, Firstly, Secondly, Finally, In my opinion, I think, actually, perhaps, may be…
РЕЧЕВАЯ ЗАРЯДКА. Цель учителя – дать ученикам составить предложения по рисунку по теме. Цель учеников - составить предложения по рисунку используя фразы.
T-Can you make up sentences about picture?
P-In the picture I see means of communications-television, radio, newspaper, magazines. There are minuses and pluses all kinds, I think.
-Your homework was to read and translate the text about newspapers in Great Britain-ex 34 p.70. ( pupil) has prepared some questions on the text.
Цель учеников: Работа по тексту сильный ученик - группы учеников. Слабо подготовленному написать словосочетания найти прилагательные к существительному ГАЗЕТА- МЕСТНАЯ БЕСПЛАТНАЯ ВОСКРЕСНАЯ НАЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ…..
(The text is about the difference between quality papers and tabloids and also about some features of local newspapers)
P-1.What kinds of newspapers are there in Britain?
1G-In Britain there are two kinds of newspapers.
P-2.Why is one of them large, other kind are small?
2G- In large of kinds there are many articles about national and international events. Tabloids are smaller in size, have more pictures, less important events and shorter articles.
P-3.Why some local newspapers are free? 1G- These are free, because contain a lot of advertisements, news.
P- 4.What national serious newspapers are in the country? 2G-The Times and The Daily Telegraph give information about events happening in London.
P-5.What kinds of events are important or not important for you? 1G- I think the most important events about life style of people.
IV. Развитие монологических навыков на основе прочитанного текста.
Цель учителя:
T:-Can you retell the exercise 34 please? Who would like to summarize the answers to the questions? Цель учеников: Пересказать 34 упр. cтр70
V. Развитие навыков аудирования с целью понимания основной информации.
T- Can match the means of mass media with descriptions
P- Television-Different programmes for people to watch
Newspaper, magazine-paper printed and sold with news, advertisements may be daily or weekly
Tabloid - small paper printed and sold or free
Radio-You can hear information from channels
Bulat, Leisan and others have analyzed information about kinds of mass media
VII. РЕЛАКСАЦИЯ. Aim: repeat second conditional clause. We repeat II Conditional http://www.study.ru/online СТР123
Conditional-II If he read more newspapers, he would learn better. If I watched TV less, I would keep my eyes.
Teacher: - Can you make up sentences? For it use the rule on the page 123 and sentences on the workbook.
Pupil №1, 2:- If I were you, I would read the internet newspapers. –If, I led a newspapers, I would read a lot of articles.
VIII. ДЕБАТЫ. Цель учителя - ученики рассказывают по своим презентациям вои рассуждения.
Цель учеников-рассуждать п теме используя фразы уметь слушать других задавать вопросы высказать свое мнение о выступлений другого ученика.
Teacher: Now we are ready to start our debates. Look at the blackboard. Let’s revise the rules-Slide1 Teacher: Don’t forget to use some linking words-Slide1
Teacher: We have done a lot today, you have learnt to express an opinion on spot, showing respect to each other, this experience will be helpful when you communicate with people in our country and abroad. Do you have any wishes to each other? Thank you for your work. Your marks are the following: ______
XI. Your hometask is – p.87 ex19 - can you make up sentences, .