Сценарий: «The improvement of the early studying English language: problems and solutions»

The Department of Education of North Kazakhstan
«The center of methodological work and information technologies in education»
«Ағылшын тілін ерте оқытуды жетілдірудің мәселелері және шешу жолдары»
ағылшын тілі мұғалімдеріне арналған облыстық семинарының
of the regional seminar of English teachers
« The improvement of the early studying English language: problems and solutions »
областного семинара учителей английского языка
«Совершенствование раннего изучения английского языка: проблемы и пути решения»
Вступительное слово ведущего. Сообщение актуальности заявленной проблемы, цели и задач семинара.
Организационные моменты: разделение педагогов на 3 секции по 33 чел., (деление секций по цвету папок с содержанием Программы, ручки и блокнота).
Работа по секциям.
Рефлексия. Подведение итогов работы секций.
«The improvement of the early studying English language: problems and solutions»
- обсуждение методики преподавания английского языка учащимися начальных классов
- выработка возможных подходов к качественному обучению раннего изучения иностранного языка.

Участники семинара:
Методисты издательства Cambridge University и Press Pearson (Longman)
(гг Астана,Караганда), учителя опорных школ г. Петропавловска, учителя областных специализированных и общеобразовательных школ Северо-Казахстанской области. ( Общ.охват – 100 человек)
Time Event
09.00 - 09.30 Registration
09.30 - 09.45 The opening of the regional methodological seminar A.Yerdeneva, the methodologist of the “CMWaIT”,
K. Kalguzhina, the deputy of the head of Department of Education,
V. Chernyh, the chief of the sector of preschool and general secondary education
10.00 -11.30 Section 1
«Developing Communication Skills in the Primary Classroom» T. Navarro,the methodologist of Cambridge University Press, Astana.
Section 2
«Teaching English to Young Learners»
A.Akisheva, the methodologist of Cambridge University Press, Karaganda.
Section 3
«The features of teaching English language in 2013-2014» (on a basic of standards and regulating documents)
D.Naimanova, senior teacher of the branch of JSC «National Centre of Excellence» Orleu» IAST in the region»
«Increase of educational process through ICT use at English lessons at elementary school»
J. Melnikova, English teacher
« Development of cognitive skills of young learners through visual and listening perception » D. Alibekova, English teacher
11.40-13.10 Section 1
«Teaching English to Young Learners»
A.Akisheva, the methodologist of Cambridge University Press, Karaganda
Section 2
«The features of teaching English language in 2013-2014» (on a basic of standards and regulating documents)
D.Naimanova, senior teacher of the branch of JSC «National Centre of Excellence» Orleu» IAST in the region»
«Increase of educational process through ICT use at English lessons at elementary school»
J. Melnikova, English teacher
« Development of cognitive skills of young learners through visual and listening perception » D. Alibekova, English teacher
Section 3
«Developing Communication Skills in the Primary Classroom» T. Navarro,the methodologist of Cambridge University Press, Astana.
13.10-14.55 Break
14.00-15.30 Section 1
«The features of teaching English language in 2013-2014» (on a basic of standards and regulating documents)
D.Naimanova, senior teacher of the branch of JSC «National Centre of Excellence» Orleu» IAST in the region»
«Increase of educational process through ICT use at English lessons at elementary school»
J. Melnikova, English teacher
« Development of cognitive skills of young learners through visual and listening perception » D.Alibekova, English teacher
Section 2
«Developing Communication Skills in the Primary Classroom» T. Navarro,the methodologist of Cambridge University Press, Astana.
Section 3
«Teaching English to Young Learners»
A.Akisheva, the methodologist of Cambridge University Press, Karaganda
15.35-16.00 Feedback – Outcome
A.Yerdeneva, the methodologist of the “CMWaIT”,
V. Chernyh, the chief of the sector of preschool and general secondary education
Seminar Title: “Developing Communication Skills in the Primary Classroom”
Time: 90 minsCreator/Presenter: Theo Navarro (Methodologist, Study Inn, Astana)
Books used: Primary Box series by Cambridge University Press
This 90 minute seminar focuses on helping teachers to develop their pupils’ communication skills. Instead of focusing simply on Grammar or Vocabulary, we focus on training the pupils on how to use the language in a variety of different situations.
This seminar is one that is comprised of mainly practical components, all of which have been chosen to complement the theoretical components. Teachers are all required to participate in the activity, and we will demonstrate, model and practice a number of techniques used to help improve a number of skills and sub-skills that the pupils need help with. We also begin the seminar with discussing the importance of developing these skills and why we need to start doing it at a young age.
The skills have been divided into the four primary linguistic skills: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. Together we will go through those skills (and the sub-skills that they are comprised of) and look at different types of activities and techniques to help the pupils improve.
The presentation that accompanies the seminar does not include a lot of text, as this is a mostly practical seminar, however teachers are encouraged to take notes if they wish.
Theo Navarro
Study Inn
KazakhstanМетодический семинар-тренинг для учителей английского языка на тему «Обучение английскому языку учащихся младших классов» (Teaching English to Young Learners) позволит участникам изучить основные аспекты преподавания иностранного языка с учетом всех особенностей данной возрастной категории. В ходе работы участники семинара имеют возможность ознакомиться с различными  играми, упражнениям и другими формами работ, направленные на эффективное изучение английского языка, а также получить компетентную обратную связь коллег, тренера-методиста и испытать на практике предложенную методологию.
Семинар проводит главный методист издательств
Cambridge University и Press Pearson (Longman) в Казахстане
Акишева Асель
«Повышение эффективности образовательного процесса через использование ИКТ на уроках английского языка в начальной школе»
Цель: оказать помощь учителю, работающему с младшими школьниками, в организации и проведении учебно-воспитательного процесса по предмету “английский язык” на примере ИКТ, а также с учетом психолого-педагогических особенностей детей младшего школьного возраста.
Повышение уровня психолого-педагогических знаний слушателей об особенностях детей младшего школьного возраста.
Распространение своего опыта, практических способов и приемов обучения английскому языку учащихся начальных классов, с учетом коммуникативной направленности, активизации речемыслительной деятельности учащихся в процессе овладения языком как средством общения, повышения мотивации учащихся, индивидуального подхода и развития интереса к предмету.
Практическое применение мультимедийных средств на уроках английского языка в начальной школе.
Создание у слушателей мотивации к самообразованию, личностному и профессиональному росту.
Формирование у слушателей объективных критериев по выбору УМК для начальной школы как одного из важнейших средств обучения английскому языку.
Методические рекомендации слушателям по работе с родителями.
Краткое содержание
Психолого - педагогические особенности детей младшего школьного возраста (на примере 1а и 1б классов).
Практические применение мультимедийных средств на примере урока по УМК «Primary Colours 1» по теме «Primary Space».
Методические рекомендации по работе с родителями учащихся начальной школы
«Development of cognitive skills of young learners through visual and listening perception»
1) Greeting of all the participants
Good morning dear teachers. How are you today? First of all let me introduce myself. My name is Alibekova Dina, I’m a teacher of 1,2,3 grade children in secondary school #6 of Petropavlovsk. I’m glad to see you here at out session called “Development of cognitive skills of young learners through visual and listening perception”.
2) Information about the experiment (results in diagram)
3) Psychological characteristics of the young learners
How can we describe young learners? Use any appropriate adjectives.
-easily distructed
All of these characteristics show you what methods and approaches you should use.
- singing songs
-listening dialogue
-acting out the story
-saying chants
-playing games
- handmade things
-saying and doing the actions
One more important thing is Emotions that pupils can get from these activities.
The role of emotions applies both to the type of experience we provide for the students and to the classroom atmosphere we create.”Emotions drive attention, create meaning, and have their own memory pathways”. Many of the activities have positive emotions associated with them, such as games, songs, rhymes, and lessons involving movement and physical activities Creating a warm emotional climate in which children feel self-confident, free, highly motivated is equally as important as providing activities that have emotional connections
Listening strategies are found to be very important for young learners, especially ’intelligent guessing’ like predicting, guessing from context and recognising discourse patterns and markers. Listening strategies can be developed by encouraging young learners to guess from context and supporting their listening comprehension by using visuals, mime and facial expressions. Demonstrating language by using realia in contexts that are of interest to children or personalising a context can also be effective. Total Physical
Response (TPR) activities have the power to immediately tell the teacher how successfully children have understood commands because children have to respond to them physically.
4) Now I want you to be my students and try to do some activities I use on my lessons. But I will make some of them more difficult to make it more interesting for you.
a) Try to guess the words by listening its syllables
You can use this technique when you learn new words
What you need to do:
Divide children into several groups according to how many syllables in the word you have:
Ex: beau-ti-ful
Support any word with a picture (but it should not give them the straight meaning of the word
Then every group should choose any melody (melody of the song that all of the pupils knows)
One of the pupil goes out and when he/she comes the rest of the pupils begins to sing their syllables
2) Singing songs
“Don’t worry be happy”