Разработка урока по теме Environmental Protection

Тема: Environmental Protection. The disappearing rain forest.Продолжительность занятия: 45 мин.
Класс: 9.
Цели урока:
образовательные: учить правильной монологической речи, тренировать в чтении;развивающие: развивать умение выражать аргументированное отношение к поставленной проблеме, развивать способность к обобщению и анализу;
воспитательные: воспитывать любовь к окружающей среде.
Оборудование: магнитофон, раздаточный материал (карточки с заданиями), картинки, плакат «save our trees».
Ход урока.
Оргмомент. Учитель сообщает тему урока:
At the lesson we’re going to speak about the problem dealing with saving the trees in Victoria Road, where the young people live, you’ll tell about the problems of environment in the world and in our country. Then you’ll read the text about the destruction of rain forest, analyse and practice in using the Passive and at the end of the lesson you’ll do some controlled practice activities.
Основная часть. Введение в тему урока.
1. First at all let’s repeat some words and expressions:
демонстрация – a demo (it’s an informal abbreviation for demonstration)
провести демонстрацию – to hold a demonstration
организовать прошение – to organize a petition
местный совет – the local council
послать петицию в местный совет – to send a petition to the local council
нарисовать плакаты – to paint posters
сделать флаги и плакаты – to make banners and placards (this is a protest message carried by one person; it is the size of a poster and has only one pole)
напечатать листовку – to print a leaflet
распространять листовки – to deliver the leaflets
местное радио – the local radio
сообщить в полицию – to inform the police
исчезать – to disappear
спасать животных и растения – to save the animals and plants
рубить деревья – to cut down trees
охрана окружающей среды – environmental protection
загрязнение воздуха – air pollution
загрязнение воды – water pollution
загрязнение земли – land pollution
2. You know Casey and Kamala are planning the protest about the trees. Here is their list (написать на доске)
organize a petition
paint posters
write letters to the local council
hold a demonstration
make banners and placards
print a leaflet
deliver the leaflets
ask people to join the demonstration
invite the local radio to the demonstration
inform the police about the demonstration
send the petition to the local council
Look at the list and say what will be done.
Example: A petition will be organized.
(Учащиеся по очереди выполняют эту работу)
3. Работа в парах. It is now a few days before the demonstration. Casey and Kamala are checking their list. Ask and answer what has been done.
Kamala: Has a petition been organized?
Casey: Yes, it has.
Kamala: Have posters been painted?
Casey: No, they haven’t.
(Учащиеся в парах выполняют это задание).
4. Open your books at page 44 and follow in your books. Listen to the tape. (Прослушивание диалога по магнитофону).
5. Act the dialogues in front of the class. It was your hometask for today. (Действующие лица: Casey, Terry, Sue, Joe, Mr. Scott, Kamala. С плакатом «Save Our Trees» учащиеся рассказывают диалог.)6. As you see the most important problem for the young people in Victoria Road is saving the trees in their street. They organized a protest against the Kingman Property Company and wrote a petition to the local council. There are other serious problems in the world: air, land and water pollution. It is the fastest–spreading disease of our civilization.
Учебный разговор учитель-ученик:
What environmental groups are there in Britain?
What environmental groups are there in Ukraine?
How do you treat the Earth?
What do you do to keep the world clean?
Do you take care of nature?
What do you do to save the Earth?
(Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, привлекая ранее изученный материал о загрязнении Средиземного и Северного морей, Черного моря, о Всемирном Фонде Дикой Природы, о национальных парках, о партиях и группах, борющихся за охрану окружающей среды и т.д.)
7. а) You have told about air, water and land pollution, destruction of wildlife, radioactivity, caused by industrial enterprises, acid rains. As a result every year more and more plants disappear forever. Who is in charge of this situation? Strangely, it is the most intelligent but most thoughtless animal – man. Millions of years before animals lived on land, there were trees on Earth. But today trees are in serious danger. Acid rain is killing them. But in some parts of the world trees are threatened by people, not by population. The great rain forests of Asia and South America are being destroyed for firewood and building material. Trees are important because they provide a home for many others plants and animals too. They protect the flowers which grow on the forest floor. They provide food for insects, reptiles, birds and mammals. They protect the soil from the wind and the rain. Most important of all, the forests are the lungs of the planet. Trees produce the oxygen which we breathe.
b) Now read the text, the title of which “The disappearing rain forest” and do a series of pre-reading tasks. Open your books at page 48. Look at the title and the pictures. What is the text about? Give your ideas (примерные ответы учащихся:
P1: I think it’s about the destruction of rain forest.
P2: It seems to me, it’s about people who destroy nature and animals, old trees are cut down, animals and birds are frightened).
c) While reading activity.
Учитель: Read the text quickly and find paragraph that contains the answer to each of these questions. (В течение 2-х минут учащиеся читают текст и отвечают на вопросы).
Why are the forests being destroyed? (two reasons)
Who is to blame?
What other problem does the destruction of the forest cause?
Why won’t new forests be planted?
Answer key
paragraph 1
paragraph 2
paragraph 3
paragraph 4
Ознакомление с новыми словами: hectare, crop, firewood, soil, species, extinct, reptile, mammal, insect, shelfish, to blame, hi-fi, mahagony, marsh.
d) After-reading activity. Now read the text in detail and find the answers to the questions (отвечают на предыдущие вопросы и вопросы учителя).
Why have the trees been cut down in many countries?
How is the wood used by the local people?
Where is the wood exported too?
The wood is used for building, isn’t it?
Is the wood made into furniture?
What happens when the trees are cut down?
What does the forest become?
Are only the trees lost when the forest is cut down?
How many species of animals and plants are there on the Earth?
How many species of animals and plants will be extinct by the end of this century?
What kind of species are in danger?
8. The text mentions six kinds of animals.
a) Find the names and write them as headings in this chart.
Fish Reptiles Birds Mammals Insects Shelfishshark snake parrot monkey butterfly turtle
salmon lizard eagle tiger ant crab
carp frog owl elephant bee mussel
herring crocodile ostrich whale grasshopper prawn
sturgeon boa stork lion fly crayfish
b) Find the names of three animals for each column and two more at home.
9. As you see there are a lot of examples of Passive in the text.
a) Look at the sentences on the blackboard. Which one has the passive verb?
The local people cut down trees
Before the end of this lesson another hectare of the world’s forest will be destroyed forever.
b) Find more examples of the passive in the text. Put them in a chart like this.
Past: The land was needed for animals or crops.
Present Perfect: In many countries the trees have been cut down.
Present: In other parts of the world the trees are cut down because their wood is wanted. The wood is used by local people for firewood. Or it is exported to Japan, Europe and North America. It is used for buildings or it is made into furniture. The soil is protected by the trees. When the trees are cut down, the soil is washed away by the rain or brown away by the wind. When the forest is destroyed, it isn’t only the trees that are lost, the homes of millions of animals and plants are destroyed too. The product are bought by people.
Future: Before the end of this lesson another hectare of the world’s forests will be destroyed forever. In most places the trees won’t be replaced. Then more land will be needed and more trees will be cut down. By the year 2000, one million of these will be extinct.
c) Do you remember how the passive is made?
(Примерные ответы учащихся на вопросы учителя)
P1: We make the passive with the verb `to be` and the past participle.
T: When do we use the passive?
P2: We use the passive when the action is more important than the agent.
T: Look at the chart. How do we make different tenses in the passive voice?
P3: To make different tenses in the passive voice we change the tense of the verb `to be`.
T: Make different tenses in the passive:
(На доске написаны предложения которые учащиеся ставят в различные временные формы)
1) The trees are cut down every year.
2) The wood is used by the local people for firewood.
1) The trees were cut down last years.
2) The wood was used by the local people for firewood.
Present Perfect:
1) The tree have been cut down this year.
2) The wood has been used by the local people for firewood.
1) The tree will be cut down next years.
2) The wood will be used by the local people for firewood.
d) Give your own examples in the passive voice in any tense you like (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, etc.)
e) I`m going to show you some pictures to the next “The disappearing of the rain forest” (Приложение 1). Complete the captions with passive verbs. (На доске написаны предложения с пропущенными глаголами, которые нужно поставить в страдательном залоге. Учитель показывает картинки, учащиеся устно «подписывают» их (Приложение 2).
10. Tell us some words about the problem of disappearing rain forest. (Учащиеся пересказывают текст, используя новые слова и страдательный залог. А одна ученица прочитала свое стихотворение на русском языке – Приложение 3).
11. Test (Приложение 4).
Подведение итогов урока.
Let`s sum up what has been done at the lesson
P1: We have cheeked our homework.
P2: Placards have been painted.
P3: We have spoken on the problems of environmental protection.
P4: We have read the text and answered the questions.
P5: Some reading tasks have been done.
P6: We have worked with the Passive Voice.
P7: We have written the names of different species in the chart.
P8: We have done the test.
IV. Домашнее задание:
1)Упражнение 3 на странице 48 (пересказ)
2)Упражнение 4с на странице 49 (закончить таблицу, используя словарь)
3)Подобрать материал к проекту «Компания протеста».

Приложение 1

Приложение 2
The land _____ (use) for animals and crops.
The soil _____ (blow away) by the wind.
Trees _____. (cut down)
The wood _____ (export) to Japan, Europe and North America.
The homes of millions of animals _____. (destroy)
The wood _____ make into furniture.
More trees _____. (cut down)
The soil _____ (wash away) by the rain.
The land _____ (turn into) a desert and nothing can _____. (grow)
Приложение 3
Мы перестали жизнь ценить.Пожары, вырубки лесные –
Своими действиями множимА кто же в этом виноват?
И сокращаем жизнь свою.До боли истины простые:
Природа нас уж не тревожит.Зачем же жить и убивать?
Не понимая, что творим,Тушить пожары не умеем
Уничтожаем все живое.И восстанавливать леса.
Кроме себя, никого мы не щадим,Нам просто не хватает время,
Не замечаем остальное.Нет денег, только лишь слова.
Нам хочется мехов, так что жДавайте перестанем думать
Без сожаленья убиваем, Только о том, чего хотим,
Мы не считаемся ни с чем,Животным и друзьям зеленым
И тем себя уничтожаем.Хотя б минутку уделим.
Когда нам хочется покоя, Ничтожны, право, наши души,
Мы удаляемся в леса, И виноваты в этом мы.
Но даже там творим такое,Давайте же беречь отныне
Что удивляем небеса.Все то, чем мы окружены.
Воробьева Елена, 9-А класс
Приложение 4
I. Turn these sentences into the passive.
The property companies will destroy the rainforests.
People threaten trees in many parts of the world.
The wind washed the soil away.
People destroy great rainforest for firewood and building material.
Trees provided a home for animals.
Forests will provide food for insects, birds and mammals.
The local people have cut down the trees.
The World Wildlife Fund has raised money.
II. Complete these sentences using the verbs in brackets in the passive.
The trees _____________________ (chop down).
The trees _____________________ (cut up).
The timber ___________________ onto ships (load).
It ___________________________ into furniture and other things (make).
It ___________________________ to other countries (take).
These things __________________ by people like you and me (buy).
Приложение 5