Поурочный план на тему Save the nature 9 класс

Save the nature
The subject English The form: 9а
The aim: to talk about nature and it`s problem, to ask and answer the questions, to develop speaking and reading abilities
The results: The pupils` will be able to talk about nature in the speech in English, try to express opinion, to answer the questions,
Outline of the lesson The teacher`s activity The pupil`s activity Differen-tiation Marks Resources
2 .To make groups
2min Greeting Teacher and pupils` will greet each other as English
They will divide into 3 groups Teacher will give “Mark papers”
3 Evocation
5min Teacher will ask pupils Pupils will answer the questions:
Do you care about the environment?
Do you protect the environment?
Do you plant trees?
Do you plant flowers? to help every pupil to make each other pictures
5. Realization of meaning
10min Teacher will give to make an association Pupils will make an association asking the question?
What come to your mind when do you hear the word “nature”
to help every pair 3 claps a book,
4 Pair work
Teacher will show the video ”The earth song” by Mickael Jackson Pupils will see the video
to help everybody to mark each other video
6. Pair work
5min Teacher will give the text
Pupils will read the text and discuss with the method: “Fishborn”
The reason
Problem conclusion
to help every pair to mark each pair a book, text
7 Reflection
Group work
6min Teacher will give to make a poster
Pupils will make a poster:
What ecological problem are there in your city?
Pupils will write how they will help the nature
to mark each group Markers, plakats, stickers
8 Homework
2min Teacher will give the ex 9
9 Feedback
3min Do the feedback