Урок East or West — Home is Best

Министерство образования Тульской области
Государственное профессиональное образовательное учреждение
Тульской области
«Тульский сельскохозяйственный колледж имени И.С. Ефанова»
Директор колледжа ____________О.А.Глотов «___»____________20__г.
ТЕМА: «Родная страна и страны изучаемого языка: географическое положение, жизнь в городе и сельской местности»; знакомство с высказываниями российских подростков о своих городах и селах.
Наименование урока “East or West – Home is Best?”
ДИСЦИПЛИНА: Английский язык
СПЕЦИАЛЬНОСТЬ: 35.01.11 Мастер сельскохозяйственного производства, 19.01.17 Повар, кондитер
Преподаватель Юркевич Галина Васильевна
Принято на заседании предметно-цикловой комиссии
____________________________________ дисциплин
Председатель комиссии _________________________
Протокол № _____ от «__»___________________2016

Тула, 20__
Тема: “East or West – Home is Best?”
познавательный аспект: - знакомство с высказываниями российских подростков о том, где они хотели бы жить;
развивающий аспект: - развитие способности к комбинированию и трансформированию речевых единиц, способности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия;
воспитательный аспект: - воспитание чувства гордости за свою страну;
учебный аспект: совершенствование речевых навыков (аудирования, чтения, говорения, письма).
Планируемые результаты:
личностные результаты: воспитание ценностного отношения к своей малой родине, к России, потребности в приобщении к культуре англоязычных стран, осознание своей культуры через контекст культуры англоязычных стран, развитие умения представлять свою культуру;
метапредметные результаты: развитие способности к построению высказывания в соответствии с коммуникативными задачами (с опорами и без использования опор), к логическому изложению, к составлению высказывания с элементами рассуждения, развитие воображения, умения пользоваться справочной литературой (лингвострановедческим, грамматическим справочниками), умения осуществлять информационный поиск;
предметные результаты: совершенствование грамматических и лексических навыков по теме“How Differentthe World Is!”, знакомство и сообщение дополнительных сведений о фактах культуры страны изучаемого языка и России, совершенствование речевых навыков (аудирования, говорения, чтения, письма).
Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, раздаточный материал
Тип занятия: урок совершенствования знаний, умений и навыков.
Технологии: ИКТ, личностно-ориентированный подход.
Ход урока
Начало урока. Цель: настроить обучающихся на работу, ввести в атмосферу иноязычной речи, погрузить в языковую среду. Вовлечь обучающихся в процесс постановки целей с помощью вопросов.
Teacher: Good morning, my friends! I’m glad to see you today. Sit down, please. Read and translate.
She was standing on the same bridge talking to Mike, whom she had not seen for five years. Well, East or West, home is best! She was happy to be at home again.
Teacher: Answer the following question using the proverb.
It very often happens that you are homesick when you are away from home. Why is that so?
Teacher: Today at the lesson we’ll speak about advantages and disadvantages of living in different places.
Фонетическая зарядка.
Teacher: Listen, read and learn the poem about wonderful evenings.
(by Thomas Moore)
Those evening bells! Those evening bells!
How many a tale their music tells,
Of youth, and home, and that sweet time,
When last I heard their soothing chime!
Those joyous hours are past away!
And many a heart, that then was gay,
Within the tomb now darkly dwells,
And hears no more those evening bells.III
And so, twill be when I am gone;
That tuneful peal will still ring on,
While other bards shall walk those dells
And sing your praise, sweet evening bells!
3. Актуализация изученного ранее материала.
Teacher: Today at the lesson we’ll speak about advantages and disadvantages of living in different places. We’ll find out what is more or less important for people’s choice. We’ll learn how to advertise and write an advertisement of a place you would like to live in. What do you think, can influence people’s life in any place and people’s choice where to live?
(Обучающиеся называют факторы)
1) excellent situation
2) plenty of work
3) pretty wild
4) surrounded by fields
5) the people are hospitable
6) feel terribly isolated
7) rich vegetation
Teacher: Here is what other young people say about their native places. Would you like to live in places with such characteristics? Why? Why not?
Reading (listening for specific information) Ex. 3, p. 24
Students answer the question given before the text. They can use the following models:
I like places where (with) …
It’s great if …
But I hate when (if) …
And I don’t like at all …
So, I’d prefer to live …
I like places where (with) …
It’s lovely if …
Besides, I prefer …
So, it would be nice to live …
On the one hand I like …
but on the other hand I don’t like …
It doesn’t matter much if …
So, it would be nice to live …
S1: I like places where you can go on real adventure holidays. It’s great if a lot of place is still pretty wild with rain forests, mountains and lakes. But I hate when everyday life is not easy. And I don’t like at all droughts, fire and flood. So I’d prefer to live in the city.
S2: I like place where I can find a lovely rural environment. It’s great if you live in a quiet village surrounded by fields and woods. Besides, I prefer swimming and fishing. So, it would be nice to live near a wide, clear river.
S3: On the one hand, I like to live in the city. The city serves as a major commercial centre. There is a plenty of work here, but on the other hand I don’t like big, crowded cities. It doesn’t matter much if the city lies in a valley with mountains or has an excellent situation near the ocean. So, it would be nice to live in a quite village surrounded by fields and woods.
Teacher: Complete the postcard that Chris sent to his family from Siberia using the words below:
peace; fantastic; cold; take pictures; warm; by train; large; get lost; blue and white
Hi everyone,
I’ve been in Siberia for almost a week. It is (1) … ! I thought it would be cold and black. Why, (2) … even in the summer? It is (3) …, green, and (4) … . I enjoy the (5) … and quiet of the place. You can’t imagine how (6) … it is. I hope I’m not going to (7) … here. I’m glad we are travelling (8) … . The landscape is changing violently: hills, small farms, pine and white birch trees, fields, steppe, and forests again, and the huge lake Baikal. We’ve passed six big cities. It is a great place and I (9) … lots of pictures so you’ll be able to see for yourself when I get back home.
See you soon,
Chris. Mr. Smith
15 – B, Claremont Ave
96011 NY USA
Key: 1) fantastic; 2) cold; 3) warm; 4) blue and white; 5) peace; 6) large; 7) get lost; 8) by train; 9) take pictures.
4. Этап освоения новых знаний. Обучающимся предлагается решение учебно-познавательных, учебно-практических и творческих задач в ходе выполнения коммуникативных заданий.
A) Обучающимся предлагается задание на составление высказывания с элементами рассуждения.
Task. Comment on the following statement.
Most people would prefer to live in the countryside.
What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Use the following plan:
- make an introduction (state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2 – 3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1 -2 reasons for this opposing opinion.
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position
Teacher: Nowadays many adults consider city life quite dangerous. On the contrary, lots of young people tend to move to cities in search of better life and I can understand their point of view.
S1: In my opinion, city life has lots of advantages. For example, it is often easier to get a good education and to find a well-paid job. Besides, there is a wider choice of sport facilities and health centers.
S2: What is more, if you live in the city, you can visit museums or go to the theatre. All in all, city lifestyle is full of variety so you will never feel bored.
S3: However, some people would prefer to live in the countryside. We must admit that city life is rather unsafe as there is a lot of crime and violence.
S4: What is more, transport and industry are the main reasons for all kinds of pollution therefore city dwellers often have more problems with their health. Last of all, young people living in cities are likely to acquire such bad habits as smoking, drinking alcohol or even taking drugs.
S1: From my point of view, these arguments are not crucial because the government tries to eliminate in cities. As for pollution, there are lots of parks in cities and the restrictions on harmful emissions are tougher nowadays.
S2: In conclusion, I believe that despite some drawbacks city life is really enjoyable. As for me, I would prefer to live in the city because I am a keen theatergoer and I do not mind noise and pollution.
B) Обучающимся предлагается задание на составление диалога. Обучающиеся должны уметь начать диалог, поддержать и закончить беседу, предлагать варианты к обсуждению, выражать свою аргументированную точку зрения и отношение к обсуждаемому вопросу, продемонстрировать владение грамматическими структурами.
Task.You and your friend are discussing where both of you would like to live in the future. There are several options to choose from:
in a city
in the country
in the mountains
at the seaside
+ -
In a city -You can visit museums and galleries, cafes and restaurants.
- It’s easier to find a well-paid job. - Just think about noise, pollution and traffic jams during rush hours.
- Accommodation in big cities is rather expensive.
In the counryside-The air in the countryside is fresh and there is no pollution.
I’ll live in my own house with lots of rooms. -There is nothing to do in the countryside. You’ll soon get bored with such a lifestyle.
- It’s difficult to earn money in the country.
In the mountains - The air and water in the mountains are exceptionally clean.
- We will be able to enjoy magnificent mountain views. - I think it’s impossible to find any work in the mountains.
- Life in the mountains can be really dangerous because of severe weather conditions.
At the seaside - The climate is warm and nice there.
- We could open a small hotel near the sea. It’s not hard to run a private hotel.
- There is no pollution at the seaside and we can enjoy a healthy lifestyle. - We’ll need lots of money to open a private hotel.
- If we leave our city\ town, we’ll miss our friends and relatives.
Remember to:
discuss all the options
take an active part in the conversation and be polite
come up with ideas
give good reasons
come to an agreement
Обучающиеся используют раздаточный материал “Useful language”
6. Описание фотографий с изображением родного края.
Teacher: You took some photos last year. Present one photo to your friends. In your talk remember to speak about:
1) when you took these photo
2) what/ who is in this photo
3) what is happening
4) why you took this photo
5) why you decide to show the picture to your friend.

S1: I took this photo last winter.
This photo shows our park in winter. The weather is cold. Everything is white with snow. It is snowing now.
In the foreground of the photo you can see three students. They are shoveling the snow away.
In the background of the picture you can see trees covered with snow. They are very beautiful.
My favourite season is winter. That’s why I took this photo. Isn’t it wonderful to tramp down the park lanes on a frosty winter day. The rime sparkles on the branches. It is merry time for both children and grown-ups. They can go skating, skiing, sledging and having a fight with snowballs or making a snow. It is very pleasant while the frost lasts.
I don’t want to live anywhere else but in Russia. I can’t imagine my life in another country without Russian friends, Russian language and Russian frost.

S2: I took this photo in autumn.
This photo shows our park in autumn. On the left we can see the leaves of the trees with the sun shining on them. The colours in this photo are amazing – the leaves are gold, orange, yellow and brown. In the pictures we can see a carpet of gold coloured leaves that have fallen from the tree. The sunlight is making the leaves look as if they are glowing.
It’s obviously a bright, clear day. It is probably also quite chilly because the weather is often cold on clear, sunny days in autumn.
In the centre of the picture we can see a part of the tree trunk and at the top we can see large branches covered in autumn leaves.
This picture makes me think of a wood where I used to play when I was a child. In autumn we used to gather up the leaves and throw them at each other. There is something rather sad about the beautiful season of autumn, because we know that winter is coming and trees will soon be bare until the new ones grow in spring.

S3: I took this picture last autumn.
In the foreground of the picture you can see a group of young people. They are students of our college. They are my group mates. They are having their break time now. They are enjoying their free time. As the weather is warm and sunny, they decided to spend it in the yard. They all are smiling and look very happy because they did their test successfully.
In the background of the picture you can see a lot of beautiful rowan-trees. As it is autumn trees are covered with red berries and gold-coloured leaves.
This picture makes me think of my group mates. They are very friendly.

S4: Look at this picture. I took this picture last spring.
In the foreground of the picture you can see my friend standing near the tractor. In the background of the picture you can see a green forest.
My friend is a student of our college. He is going to plough. As you see, he looks very friendly. In spring he usually works on our experimental farm. It has 700 hectares of land. We grow wheat and barley. My friend works as a tractor driver. He likes this work. He is going to be a farmer in his village. He doesn’t want to live anywhere else but in Tula region. He was born here and he is not going to leave it.
Well, at that time I was doing a project on my future profession. That is why I took the photo. I have already had a lot of pictures of different people. And, you know, I want to be a farmer, too.  So, I decided that it was not a bad idea to use that photo in my project.
I would like to show you this photo as he is a very good and interesting person. Besides, I believe he likes his job. That’s all I wanted to say.
6. Заключительный этап.
Teacher: Thank you for your work. You were rather active today. Look at the board and say:
- the lesson was…
- now I know…
- I’d like to know more about…
Подведение итогов.
Your marks are … .
Домашнее задание.
Teacher: Your home task is to write an advertisement of a place you would like to live in or a composition "The best of the world”. Thank you for the lesson, it’s over. I’m pleased with your work today. Good-bye.
1. Английский язык: Учеб. для 10-11 кл. общеобразоват. учреждений/ В. П. Кузовлев, Н. П. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова и др. – М.: Просвещение, 2011.
2. Кузовлев В. П. Английский язык. Рабочие программы. Предметная линия учебников В. П. Кузовлева/ В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова. 2-е изд. – М.: Просвещение, 2014
3. Музланова Е. С. Английский язык: Экспресс-репетитор для подготовки к ЕГЭ. – М.: АСТ: Астрель; Владимир: ВКТ, 2015.
4. Музланова Е. С. Английский язык: 100 учебно-тренировочных заданий для подготовки к ЕГЭ: «Говорение» / Е. С. Музланова. - М.: АСТ: Астрель; Владимир: ВКТ, 2015.
5. Музланова Е. С. Английский язык: Раздел «Письмо» на едином государственном экзамене: 10 – 11 классы/ Е. С. Музланова. - М.: АСТ: Астрель, 2015
6. Planet of English: учебник английского языка для учреждений НПО и СПО/ (Г. Т. Безкоровайная, Н. И. Соколова, Е. А. Койранская, Г. В. Лаврик. – М.: «Академия», 2012
7. Up & Up: Student’s book: учебник английского языка для 10 класса/ В. Г. Тимофеев, А. Б. Вильнер, И. Л. Колесникова и др.; под ред. В. Г. Тимофеева. – 4-е изд. – М.: «Академия», 2009.