Презентация по английскому к УМК Enjoy Ennglish

-Good morning, boys and girls! - I am glad to see you. -We shall have a talk about friendship and find out why we need friends. выглядеть как кто-либо заслужить проводить время с кем-либо родители ревновать быть похожим на кого-либо домашний ссориться игнорировать предавать конфликты избегать поддерживать совет завидовать ценить At first, lets remember the words on the topic “Family and Friends”. to look like smb to deserve to spend time with smb parents to feel jealous to be alike homelike to quarrel to ignore to betray conflicts to avoid to support advice to envy to appreciate I need a friend … -when I am happy; -when I am betrayed by my classmate; -to quarrel with a friend;-to have fun;-to ask advice … Divide into pairs, please. We shall discuss when and why you need friends. You can seen the expressions from the box of page 45, exercise 27. You have 4-5 minutes. Break Let’s learn a little poem about our fingers. How many fingers do you have?I have ten little fingers,And they all belong to me.I can make them do many things.So would you like to see?I can shut them up tight (сжать крепко).I can open them wideI can put them togetherOr make them all hide (прятать). “Nothing is so dangerous as an ignorant friend: a wise enemy is worth more”. “Misfortune shows those who are not really friend”. “Without friends no one would chose to live, though he had all other goods”. “Друг познается в беде” “Нет ничего опаснее, чем невежественный друг, это хуже чем мудрый враг ”. “Беда показывает тех, кто на самом деле не друзья”. “Никто не хотел бы жить без друзей, даже если бы у него было все остальное”. Aristotle Aristotle Jean de la Fontaine “A friend in need is a friend indeed” “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends”. “My best friend is one who brings out the best in time”. “Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing”. “A friend is one before whom I may think”. “В конце концов мы будем помнить не слова наших врагов, а молчание наших друзей”. “Мой лучший друг - это тот, кто выявляет во мне всё самое лучшее”. “Будь осторожен, выбирая друзей, но еще осторожнее, меняя их.” “Друг - тот, при котором можно думать вслух ”. Ralph Waldo Emerson Benjamin Franklin Henry Ford C.S.Lewis Let’s read the task of exercise 47, page 27. Example: I prefer not to share negative emotions with my friends because I don’t want to make them worry. I prefer to share negative emotions with my friend because I … need some help from my friend; think about problems; get some advice; need a shoulder to cry on. I prefer to share positive emotions with my friend because I … do not want to upset my friend; want to have fun with my friend; do not want to make her/him worry. Homework: приготовить рассказ о своем лучшем друге, используя упр.45, 46.