Презентация по ИЗО на тему The Kazakhstan State Museum of Arts (6класс)

The Kazakhstan State Museum of ArtsҚазақстан Мемлекеттік өнер музейі Zhezkazgan №8 kazakh gymnasiumTashimova Altinai-fine art teacher.6 class The Kazakhstan State Museum of ArtsҚазақстан Мемлекеттік өнер музейі Сабақ түрі: Үш тілде экскурсиялық сабақСабақ әдісі: Иллюстративті -түсіндірмелі Мақсаты: 1) Үш тілде әр оқушыға бейнелеу өнері түсініктері туралы білімді өздігінен алуға оқытып үйрету, ақпаратпен жұмыс істей білуді қалыптастыру 2) Эстетикалық бағытта ұлттық өнер құндылықтарын құрметтеуге сезімін тудыру 3) Оқушының сөйлеу тілін дамыту, тілдерді меңгеруге қажеттілік сезімін тудыру, жан-жақты дамыту What is this in English? Көне дәуір өнеріМұражай, музейМүсінҚолөнер Сызба өнеріКескіндемеДәстүрлі халық өнер Ancient art Museum Sculpture Applied art Graphic arts Painting Traditional folk art Стрелкой укажи переводы слов an artistcовременное искусствоескерткішwater-colorcәулетшіавтопортретexhibitioncурет memorialакварельarhitectcуретшіdrawingmodern artself-portraitkөрме The Kazakhstan State Museum of Arts The Kazakhstan State Museum of Arts was founded in 1935 on the basis of the jubilee exhibition devoted to the 15-th anniversary of the republic. In 1936 Moscow and Leningrad museums had passed about two hundred works to it. In 1937 the museum was opened for wide access. Collective activity of the museum became particularly active in the 50`s. Kazakhstan artists` best works of painting, graphics, sculpture found their place in the museum, works of old masters and leading Soviet artists were being bought. The exhibitions of ancient and medieval Kazakhstan art and traditional popular applied art have begun functioning Since 1976. The Kazakhstan State Museum of Arts is called Abilhan Kasteev`s National Gallery of Art. Аbylkhan Kasteev  (1904-1973)The People’s Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan,the laureate of the Ch. Valikhanov State Premium of the Kazakh SSR One of the first of kazakh artists, Abylkhan Kasteev, by his talent and creative selflessness embodies the bright phenomenon in the history of fine art of Kazakhstan. Abylkhan Kasteev was born on January 1, 1904 in the village of Chizhin,  Dzharkent region of Taldy-Kurgan oblast into the  family of a poor shepherd. In 1929, destiny brought him to Alma-Ata, where within two years he was studying  at the art studio of N. Khludov.          In 1930, Abylkhan Kasteev made his first trip to Moscow. In 1934, he participated in an amateur painting contest in Alma-Ata and in the Republican contest for the creation of the Abai portrait and illustrations of his works. For the first time, he participated in the exhibition of Kazakhstan artists at the State Museum of Arts of the Peoples of the East in Moscow. From then on, Abylkhan Kasteev is a regular participant of the all-union, republican and city exhibitions.         Through the 1934-1936 period Abylkhan Kasteev lived in Moscow and attended the N. Krupskaya art studio of folk creative art. In 1937, he joined the Union of Artists of the USSR. In the 1930s and 1940s, he worked over the “Old and New Life” series of watercolors, which reflected the artist’s thoughts  about the "leaving" past. In 1942, the artist’s first personal exhibition was held in Alma-Ata dedicated to the 15th anniversary of his creative art. The same year, A. Kasteev was awarded the title of the Honored Artist of the Kazakh SSR. In 1944, he received the title of the People’s Artist of the Kazakh SSR. Көне дәуір өнеріДревнее искусствоAncient Art Қазақстанның қолөнеріПрикладное искусство КазахстанаApplied Art of Kazakhstan Қазақстанның бейнелеу өнеріИзобразительное искусство КазахстанаFine Art of Kazakhstan L. Leontiev. Collective Farm Bazaar. 1940. Oil on canvas. 155х200 A. Rittikh. Still-Life with Pears. 1937. Oil on canvas 90х113 A. Guriyev. Oath. 1972. Paper, dry pen, aquatint. 52х70 E. Sidorkin. Kokpar. 1963. Autholithograph on paper. Орыс өнеріРусское искусствоRussian Art Шет ел өнеріЗарубежное искусствоForeign Art Алған білімдерін тиянақтау, жаңа тақырыпты бекіту: Қазақстанның Мемлекеттік өнер мұражайына Әбілхан Қастеевтің аты қай жылы берілді?How many Kasteev's art work you know?Назови известных художников Казахстана.Мұражай қорына алғашқы жұмыстарды қандай ел тарту етті?Who is speak - "The theatre is always a festival for the spectators as well as for creators"? Шығармалардың атын және авторларын ата. Үйге тапсырма беру: Берілген шығармаға үш тілде талдау жаса.