Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему Хэллоуин (6 класс)

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
Тема: It’s Halloween.
Цель: формирование коммуникативной и социокультурной компетенции
Образовательные задачи: 1) активизация иноязычного материала;
2) знакомство с традициями страны изучаемого
Развивающие задачи: 1) развитие лингвистических способностей
(фонетика, имитация, догадка и др.);
2) развитие психических функций, связанных с
речевой деятельностью (мышление, память,
внимание, восприятие, воображение и др.);
3) развитие креативных способностей.
Воспитательная задача: воспитание доброжелательности, толерантности,
ответственности за порученное задание, умения
работать в команде, чувства товарищества и
Оборудование: музыкальный центр и аудиозаписи для создания звукового
фона, карточки с заданиями, вырезанные из бумаги
привидения и летучие мыши, cтол, кухонная утварь, газета,
искусственное дерево, воздушный шарик, яблоки, конфеты,
орехи, 2 рулона туалетной бумаги, мяч, торт, заранее
приготовленные корзинки с предсказаниями.

Ход мероприятия
На сцену выходят один за другим участники представления.
A black cat -
Halloween is coming. What will you wear?
A devil -
I might wear a blanket And be a brown bear. Halloween is
Появляется ведьма.
A witch: Hello, my dear friends! Do you know me? I’m a witch. I’m not very old. I’m only 300 years old. We haven’t seen one another for a whole year. Are you glad to meet today? And I’m glad to see you! Do you know why we have appeared h
·d everywhere.
Now we shall see the play which tells us about this funny and the same time horow holiday.
Ученики разыгрывают пьесу «Rodrigo from Brazil».

Инсценировка “Rodrigo from Brazil”
Действующие лица:
Mr Brown, Mrs Brown, Nick, Jane, Mr Rodrigo de Abrea, children (4-5 pupils).
Mrs Brown: Where are you going tonight, Nick?
Nick: To the party. My friend Sam will come to me at seven o’clock. (стук в дверь)
Mr Brown: Somebody is knocking at the door.
Mrs Brown:Come in. Oh, it’s your friend Rodrigo.
· – we’ll say “thank you” and go away. But if they don’t we’ll play a trick on them.
Jane: People put pumpkins on the window sill. They draw eyes, noses and mouths on the pumpkins and put candles into them. So the pumpkin looks like a face.
(Стук в дверь. Заходят 4-5 детей в костюмах)
Children: Trick or treat! (Мистер Браун дает детям яблоки.)
Children: Trick or treat! (Мистер Браун дает детям конфеты.)
Children: Trick or treat! ( 3 раза. Детям на третий раз ничего не дают, они достают воздушный шар и неожиданно хлопают его. Хозяева дают детям орехи, и они уходят.)
Jane: It’s a nice, funny and tasty holiday, isn’t it?
A witch: Did you know that jack-o’-lanterns Are of Indian breed? That the Indian gave the
·r every Halloween!
Рассказывая стихотворение, ребята все показывают, используя настоящую тыкву или муляж.
A witch: Now you must make up the sentences out of the words and then to put them in order according to the action. We’ll know how you could make you






Keys: skeleton, pumpkin, mask, goblin, treat, ghost, trick, monster, witch, Jack-o’-lantern, Halloween.
Время на выполнение 3-5 минут.
A witch: As they are prepearing with the task I have a chance to play with you once more. Guess the riddles. Дети отгадывают загадки: 1. I flight at night because I don't like light (Bat) 2. I'm scary and white. I come out at night. Who am I? (Ghost) 3. I've got so
· and put your decorations on the tree.
Pupil 1: It's a skeleton. It's the most horrible thing in the cemetery.
Pupil 2: It's a ghost. We can't see them in our houses, they live only in haunted houses.
Pupil 3: It's a black cat. She lives with a witch and helps her to make witch's brew.
Pupil 4: It's a monster. He can have many heads, eyes, mouths, legs, but my monster is kind.
Pupil 5: It's a spider. It makes a web to catch animals and people in it.
Pupil 6: It's a witch. Witches try to do bad things to people.
Pupil 7: It's an owl. It lives in witch's house, frightens people with horrible sounds.
Pupil 8: It's a rat. An awful animal appears in dirty and bad places.
(Дети наряжают ветки рисунками и игрушками, сделанными своими руками)

A witch: Great! The best thing about the Halloween party is that you should play the Halloween games. Have you ever seen the real mummy? Now you’ll two at once. Our competition is called “Mummy Wrap”. Let’s make the mummies. Who is faster? I need 4 of you: two will be mummies and two will make these mummies using the toilet paper. Ready?
Выходят два человека: 2 – мумии, 2 – для завертывания мумий туалетной бумагой. Кто лучше и быстрее?
A witch: The time is over. Stop it please. Now answer the questions.
What is this?
What colour is the mummy?
Is it thin or thick?
How old is it?
Where does it live?
What does it say?

A witch: Well done. I am ready to give you the next game. I’ll give you the cards where you can see a word or a word combination on our topic. You must represent them using different signs and expression without saying any word. All the rest must guess it. I nen 3 pupils.
Слова для пантомимы на карточках: - a funny sceleton
a red apple
a house with ghosts

A witch: Thank you very much. Great actors! Now the next game which is named “Make up a sentence”. Make a circle, please. I’ll throw you a ball and say the words on the topic “Halloween”. You must catch it and make up a sentence using these words.
A witch: Festival.
P1: Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31.
A witch: Costumes.
P2: In the USA children wear costumes and masks on this holiday.
A witch: Activity.
P3: The main activity for children is trick -or-treating.
A witch: Candle.
P4: Most Jack-o’-lanterns contain a candle inside.
A witch: Fortunetelling.
P5: Fortunetelling is an important part of Halloween.
A witch: To walk.
P6: Ghosts can walk through walls.
A witch: Traditional.
P7: The traditional coours of Halloween are black and orange.
A witch: Symbols.
P8: The symbols of Halloween are evil spirits like witches black cats, ghosts, goblins skeletons etc.

Заходит цыганка-гадалка.
Fortune Teller: Good afternoon! I’m glad to see you on this special holiday. Halloween is one of the best holidays for children. Do you know me?
Fortunetelling is an important part of the Halloween. For example, you can bake a ring, a coin and a thimble in a cake. It was believed that the person who found the coin would become wealthy. The one who found a ring would merry soon, and the person who found a thimble would never get married.
Oh, I see there are kind, wise, nice people on your party. They are teachers. I have got small presents for you. Take them, please and you’ll know about your future.
(Гадалка раздает небольшие корзинки с конфетками и написанными на листочках предсказаниями).
Карточки с гаданиями:
You will recieve a letter.
You will go to London.
You will visit your best friend.
You will go abroad.
You will change the job.
You will find money.
You will have a period of surprises.
You will have a rest.
You will meet a new friend.
You will spend a lot of money.
You will change your appearance.
You will forget about your problems.
You will go to the party.
You will buy a car.
You will have holidays.

A witch: Thank you. But, my dear frinds, unfortunately, our party is coming to the end. Today you were active, brilliant and bright. I hope we had a good time together. I have a sweet present for you.
Children: Trick or treat!
Trick or treat!
A witch: Thank you very much for participation in our party! Good bye!