Урок ?орша?ан ортаны? ластануы.

СабаKтыS таKырыбы: JоршаCан ортаныS ластануы.
СабаKтыS маKсаты:
Білімділік: ОKушыларCа KоршаCан ортаныS
ластануы туралы т_сінік беру.
ДамытушылыK: ОKушылардыS аCылшын тілінде
с™йлеу, саутты жаза білу, ойлау
даCдылары Kалыптастыру.
Т‰рбиелік: JоршаCан ортаныS м‰дениетін
Kaрметтеуге баулу.

СабаKтыS типі: Білімді жинаKтау
СабаKтыS т_рі: ПысыKтау сабаCы
СабаKтыS ‰діс – т‰сілдері: ТоптыK жaмыстар, ойын элементтері,
РАФТ - ‰дісі.
JолданылCан технологиясы: АKпараттоыK технологиясы ж‰не

Болжамдап отырCан н‰тиже: JоршаCан ортаныS ластануы туралы
толыK маCлaмат алCан тaлCа.
СабаKтыS к™рнекілігі:
Компьютер, проектор
интерактивтыK таKта
плаKатар, маркердар
сабаKKа Kатысты суреттер

СабаKтыS жоспары:
`йымдастыру кезеSі; (5 минут)
а) С‰лемдесу, т_гелдеу.
‰) ОKушылардыS назарын сабаKKа аудару.
б) ТопKа б™лу
в) Тіл дамыту.
^й тапсырмасын тексеру; (5 минут)
а) JоршаCан ортаныS ластауына Kатысты с™здер.
‰) JоршаCан ортаныS ластануын туралы топик айтып беру
б) Jорытындылау.
Jайталау сабыCы; (25 минут)
а) СaраK – жауап беру.
‰) JоршаCан ортаныS проблемасы туралы диалог тыSдау.
б) С™йлемді Kажетті с™здрмен толыKтыру.
в) Сан жaмбаK (ойыны).
г) СОС ойыны (2 топKа оздерініS атауларына байланысты салCан
плаKаттарын KорCау тиісті).
д) Jорытындылау.
СабаKты бекіту; (5 минут)
а) Вен диаграмма (салыстыру)
‰) Jорытындылау.
БаCалау; (1 минут)
ОKушыларды білімдеріне сай баCалау.
^йге тапсырма; (2 минут)
а) М‰тін бойынша сaраK дайындау.
СабаKтыS соSы;
СабаKтыS барысы:

`йымдастыру кезеSі:
а) ОKушылармен с‰лемдесу, т_гелдеу: Good morning pupils! I’m very
glad to see you.
Who is on duty today?
What date is it today?
What day of the week today?
Who is absent today?
What season is it now?
What month is it now?
Thank you sit down please!

‰) Тіл дамыту: Let’s start our lesson. Pupils, today we have an unusual lesson. At today’s our lesson we’ll speak about “Environment problems”

б) ТопKа б™лу: Dear guests as you’ll see I’ve divided class into 2 groups. And as we’ll begin our lesson. I want to give them the names.
1st – group: Air pollution.
2nd – group: Water pollution.
в) Тіл дамыту: Pupils We live on the Earth and everything around us is a part of it. We depend on our planet, <Слайд3> on the sun, <Слайд4> on animals <Слайд5> and plants <Слайд6> around us. But now our planet, animals and people are in danger. <Слайд7>. There are serious ecological problems on our Earth. You are invited to the lesson to exchange your opinions on the global
·I want to mate, No atom bomb
Now, all together repeat after me. Who wants to read again? Thank you!
^й тапсырмасын тексеру:
Teacher: a) Let’s start with the brain storm. Look at the blackboard you’ll have following word transcriptions. Each group should write down the words how you spelling do and translate these words.
Air pollution Water pollution
·:t‰] – Water [`riv
· ] – river
·n] - Ocean [p
·n] – pollution
·] – nature [`nju:kli
·] – nuclear
·] – air [dai] – die
[pla:nt] – plant [`
·] – atmosphere

·) You see how many words you learned on this topic. All this words are connected with environment. Now, pupils you will to make up a topic with our words.
1st – group: The topic about Air pollution
2nd – group: The topic about Water pollution
б) T: Thank you! You will do.
Jайталау сабыCы: а) СaраK – жауап беру минуты: Now, I want to put some questions to each group and your task is to answer the
· Jорытындылау: O.k. You’re good!

‰) JоршаCан ортаныS проблемасы туралы диалог тыSдау. Now have used them and now listen to the dialogue about environment problem. Listen to the dialogue twice. Be very attentive.
After listening to the dialogue you must f
· treatment of industrial water has been installed, measures have been taken to protect rivers and seas from oil waters.
Jack: - But the environmental problems have grown considerable.
Saken: - Yes, the environmental problems have grown beyond the concern of a single country. The solution requires the cooperation of all nations throughout world.
б) С™йлемді Kажетті с™здрмен толыKтыру. Now to remember some fact about environmental problems. Next I give you blank you will full in the blanks using the active vocabulary.
Jack: - Hello, Saken. Glad no see you again.
Saken: - Hi, Jack. When did you come? Pleased to meet you.
Jack: - I arrived two days ago.
Saken: -__________________________________________________________
Jack: - Yes, I did. But I have some questions. Can you help me?
Saken: - Ok.
Jack: - What about the environment situation in you country?
Saken: - Well, in recent years the pollution problem have received great publicity. ______________________associated with no political party has gained widespread trust and support.
Jack: - And what do you do in this respect?
Saken: - Many people started to realize that to keep air and water clean, strict pollution control is necessary.
Jack: - Yes, ________________________________________________________
_________________________________. What did your country do?
Saken: - In our country ____________________________industrial water has been installed, measures have been taken to protect rivers and seas from oil waters.
Jack: - But the environmental problems have grown considerable.
Saken: - Yes, the environmental problems have grown beyond the concern of a single country. _____________________________________________________
Jорытындылау: O.k. You’re good!
в) Сан жaмбаK (ойыны) . Break the code. Now, pupils look at the blackboard there is an alphabet with numbers and look at the poster. There are words in code concerning our theme: environment protection. Your task is to break the code and guess the words.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26
1st – group: Air pollution
16 + 15 + 12 + 12 + 20 + 9 + 15 + 14 = POLLUTION
14 + 1 + 20 + 21 + 18 + 5 = NATURE
1 + 9 + 18 = AIR
15 + 3 + 5 + 1 + 14 = OCEAN
14 +21 + 3 + 12 + 5 + 1 + 18 = NUCLEAR
2nd – group: Water pollution
1+9+5 = DIE
1+20+13+15+19+16+8+5+18+5 = ATMOSPHERE
16+12+1+14+20 = PLANT
18+9+22+5+18 = RIVER
12+1+11+5 = LAKE
Jорытындылау: O.k. You’re good!

г) СОС ойыны (2 топKа оздерініS атауларына байланысты салCан плаKаттарын KорCау тиісті). As the members of International Ecological Congress we should help the organization. Let’s design placards telling people about ecological problems of the day. Work in your groups and design placards on these sheets of paper. Show your design to other groups and prove it.
1st group 2nd group

СабаKты бекіту; а) Вен диаграмма (салыстыру). Full the Venn diagrams. Now pupils you must compare two pollutions in our planet.
Jорытындылау: O.k. You’re good!
Jорытындылау: O.k. You’re good!

БаCалау: Pupils I’ll put down you your marks
Your marks.
^йге тапсырма: Your home work for the next lesson is to write opinion about environment protection. Your have worked very well today. Thank you. Goodbye.
СабаKтыS соSы: Pupils your have worked very well today. Thank you. Goodbye.


Water pollution

Air pollution