КОС для проведения промежуточной аттестации в форме дифференцированного зачета

Государственное БУДЖЕТНОЕ образовательное учреждение
среднего профессионального образования

для проведения промежуточной аттестации в форме
дифференцированного зачета
по учебной дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 «Английский язык»
специальности: 35.02.01 «Лесное и лесопарковое хозяйство»
43.02.11 «Гостиничный сервис»
II курс
Разработала: Алагова Залина Борисовна
г. Алагир 2015 год
Министерство образования и науки РСО-Алания
Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
среднего профессионального образования
«Северо-Кавказский лесной техникум»
Зам. Директора по учебной работе
__________________ Селимов Ш.А.

Одобрена цикловой комиссией
Общеобразовательных дисциплин
Протокол № ___ от «___» ____ 2015 год

Председатель _____________ Черчесова А.О.
Разработчик: Алагова З.Б., преподаватель английского языка
ГБОУ СПО «Северо-Кавказский лесной техникум

Рецензенты: преподаватель английского языка
Паспорт комплекта оценочных средств
Область применения комплекта оценочных средств
Комплект оценочных средств (КОС) предназначен для оценки результатов освоения учебной дисциплин ОГСЭ.03 Английский язык. КОС включает контрольные материалы для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации в форме дифференцированного зачета.
Результаты освоения
(объекты оценивания)
Основные показатели оценки результата и их критерии Тип задания;
№ задания
Форма аттестации
(в соответствии с учебным планом)
Умение аудировать- воспринимать на слух речь учителя и диктора в звукозаписи, построенную в основном на изученном материале и включающую до 3% незнакомых слов, о значении которых можно догадываться и незнание которых не влияет на понимание прослушанного. -выделять ключевые слова и основную идею звучащей речи;
-распознавать смысл монологической и диалогической речи;
- воспринимать на слух материалы по тематике специальности средней трудности. Практическое задание №1,№2, №3.
Текущий контроль
Дифференцированный зачет
Умение говорить
-правильно артикулировать и произносить гласные и согласные звуки;
-правильно употреблять разговорные формулы (клише) в коммуникативных ситуациях;
-составлять связный текст с использованием ключевых слов на бытовые и профессиональные темы;
- представить устное сообщение на заданную тему (с предварительной подготовкой);
-воспроизвести краткий или подробный пересказ прослушанного или прочитанного текста;
-беседовать, используя элементы описания, повествования и рассуждения по тематике текущего года обучения и предыдущих лет обучения
- обсуждать прочитанные и прослушанный тексты, выражая свое мнение и отношение к изложенному. Практическое задание №4, №5
Текущий контроль
Дифференцированный зачет
Умение читать
- грамотно читать новые тексты общекультурного, общенаучного характера и тексты по специальности;
- определять содержание текста по знакомым словам, интернациональным словам, географическим названиям и т.п.;
- распознавать значение слов по контексту;
-выделять главную и второстепенную информацию;
-переводить (со словарем) бытовые, литературные и специальные тексты с иностранного на русский и с русского на иностранный язык;Практическое задание №6, №7, №8
Текущий контроль
Дифференцированный зачет
Умение писать
-правильно писать текст под диктовку;
-письменно излагать содержание прочитанного текста
-письменно переводить текст на иностранный язык; Практическое задание №9, №10
Текущий контроль
Дифференцированный зачет
Знание фонетики
Различать характерные особенности иностранной языковой речи
- воспроизводить все звуки иностранного языка, интонацию повелительных, повествовательных (утвердительных и отрицательных) и вопросительных предложений. Практическое задание №11, №12
Текущий контроль
Дифференцированный зачет
Знание грамматики
Систематизировать, объяснить и дать примеры грамматических правил и явлений.
Правильно применять в речи грамматические конструкции и структуры. Практическое задание №13-№16
Текущий контроль
Дифференцированный зачет
Знание лексики и фразеологии
Систематизировать по темам 2000 слов для рецептивного усвоения
Систематизировать и представить 600 слов для продуктивного усвоения. Практическое задание №17, №18
Текущий контроль
Дифференцированный зачет
Уметь использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни
Представить рефераты, доклады, сообщения, презентации, научно-практические работы.
Практическое задание №19
Текущий контроль
Дифференцированный зачет
2 Комплект оценочных средств
2.1 Объект оценивания «Умение аудировать»
2.1.1 Практическое задание №1
Вариант 1.
Sandwich.Once there lived a man in England. His name was Sandwich and he was very rich. He lived to play cards. He could play cards very well and was the best player of his time. Often he played all day and night. One day he played for 24 hours without stopping. He did not leave the card table even to eat. Servants had to bring food to him. They brought him some meat and bread. He did not want to stop playing while he ate. He put the meat between two pieces of bread. In this way he was able to continue playing. From the name of this man comes the word sandwich today.
Now a lot of people in England eat sandwiches for their lunch. There are lots of sandwich shops in London. There you can buy all sorts of sandwiches. You can get meat sandwich, or salad sandwiches, or meat-and-salad sandwiches. And you can get cheese, egg or fish sandwiches. You can even buy fruit sandwiches. Lots of people in the world like sandwiches, but some don’t.
Exercise 1.Listen to the story “Sandwich” about the origin of the word. Be ready to answer the question below.
What do we call a sandwich?
What sort of sandwiches do you know?
When do people in England eat sandwiches?
What is the origin of the word sandwich?
What was the Earl of Sandwich famous for?
What other facts about the man do we know?
When did he first make a sandwich?
Do you like sandwiches? If so, what sort of sandwich would you like for your lunch?
Exercise 2.You are the Earl of Sandwich’s grandson/granddaughter. Tell your friends about your grandfather and his “invention”
Вариант 2.
Balzac and his handwriting.Balzac, the famous French writer, was a man of great talent. He wrote many novels which were translated into different languages and were known all over the world. But Balzac himself was proud of his ability to tell the character and behaviour of a person by his or her handwriting.
One day a woman friend of Balzac brought him a young boy’s exercise book. She showed it to him and asked him to try to tell her what he thought of the boy’s character. The woman said that the boy was not her son and that Balzac might tell her the truth. Balzak studied the handwriting for a few minutes and then said: “Everything is quite clear to me. I shall tell you the truth.” He asked the woman to pay attention to some features of the handwriting and said that the boy was a bad, lazy fellow. “It can not be possible, “said the woman smiling. “This is a page from the exercise book which you used when you were a boy.”
Exercise 1.Who is the story about?
What do you know about Balzac?
What features of his character was he proud of?
Why did a woman friend of Balzac come to him one day?
How could Balzac tell the character and behaviour of a person?
What did Balzac say to his friend?
Exercise 2.You are the woman who showed the exercise – book to Balzac. Tell your friends about the episode.
Вариант 3.
To live School or Not to Leave.If a student finishes secondary school he or she may get a better job. But if a student does well he or she can go to university. Most parents would like their children to stay on at school, but about three quarters of all people leave school at fifteen or sixteen.
William Parker lives in Birmingham which is a large industrial city in Great Britain. When he was fifteen years old he left school. He did badly at school and thought he would be much happier working. He got a job with a large engineering firm. As he did not have any qualification he got little money though his work was difficult. After some time William decided to attend classes at a technical college. Once a week he trains to be a good electrician. The course of studies lasts five years. When William finishes it, he will have a good job.
Margaret Weber lives in London. She did not specially like school. When she was sixteen she took her school certificate exams, but she failed in almost every subject. She had learned to type at school, so she decided to leave school and get a job in an office. There are many factories, shops and businesses in London which need typists. Margaret got a job in a shop without difficulty. But she does not like her work; it is not interesting and pays little money. Now Margaret attends a special evening school where she is trained to be a good secretary. William’s and Margaret’s training is “vocational”, that is practical for a special job.
Exercise 1.Listen to the text “To Leave School or Not to Leave”. When hearing the facts concerning the teenagers’ life after school place ticks in the corresponding boxes of the chart.
Parker Margaret
The city they live in London Birmingham Glasgow The institutions they study A university A technical college A school The place they work in A shop A library An engineering firm The occupation they are trained for A secretary An electrician A typist 2.1.2 Практическое задание №2
Вариант 1.
New York Tram.Aerial cable cars connect Manhattan Island with Roosevelt Island which is in the middle of the East River.
It is a residential complex with its own schools, shops, banks, restaurants and recreation facilities. The people living in this “new town” on the island welcomed the opening of the tramway which is 945 meters long. Red and white cars take them on Roosevelt Island and three and a half minutes later the people (passengers) are in Manhattan where they can get to their jobs by bus or underground.
The cable car rises to its cruising height of 41 meters above the ground ant travels at a speed of 26 kilometers an hour. It moves over New York skyscrapers, the United Nations buildings, over the East River. Each car carries 125 passengers. The tramway operates from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. daily. In the morning and evening rush hours cars run continuously and every fifteen minutes at other times.
Roosevelt Islanders have now the best of city living – a pleasant, well – planned community with beautiful views of Manhattan’s skyline, yet just minutes from the city’s busiest streets.
Exercise 1.Listen to the story “New York Tram” and fill in the chart.
Total length (m) Speed
(km/h) Height
(m) Time of working Intervals during rush hours/during the rest of the day Terminal stations Passenger capacity
(per 1 car)
Вариант 2.
Weather Forecast.Two men travelling in a very wild part of America. They did not see any houses but only tents where Indians lived. One day they met an old Indian who was sitting near his tent. He was smoking. The Indian was a hunter and knew everything about the forest and the animals living in it and many other things. He could also speak English rather well.
“Can you tell us what the weather will be like during the next few days?” one of the two travelers asked him.
“Oh, yes,” he answered. “Rain is coming, and wind. Then there will be snow for one or two days, but then the sunshine will come again and the weather will be fine.”
“These old Indians know more about world than we with all our knowledge of physics, maths and other sciences.”
“Tell me, “he asked, “how do you know all that?”
The Indian answered: “I heard it over the radio.”
Exercise 1.Listen to the story “Weather Forecast” and be ready to answer the questions that follow.
Where did the men travel?
Whom did they meet there?
What was the old Indian doing when they met him?
What did they speak to him about?
How did he know everything about the weather?
How do you think the weather forecasts are made up know?
Exercise 2.Retell the story.
Exercise 3.You are the Indian. Tell your friends about the incident.
Вариант 3.
A Family of Scientists.George Boole was born in 1815 and he is famous for his works in the field of mathematical analysis. His wife Mary Everest was a niece of George Everest. He is known as a man who performed topographic survey in India on a large scale in 1841.It is after him that the highest peak in the world is named. Mary Everest was very much interested in her husband’s work and after his death she published several books which contributed greatly to the development of his theory. The Booles had five daughters. The eldest daughter Mary married C. Hinton who was a well-known mathematician, inventor and author of science-fiction books.
Their three grandchildren became scientists. Howard was a talented entomologist, William and Joan were both physicists. The latter was almost the only woman physicist who took part in the work at the atomic project of the USA. Their second daughter Margaret is known as the mother of the outstandin English mathematician Jeffrey Tailor who was a foreign member of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. Their third daughter Alicia was a specialist in the field of multidimensional space. The fourth daughter Lucy was the first woman-professor who was the hea of a chemistry department. But the youngest daughter Ethel Lilian is the most famous. She married the Polish scientist and revolutionary Voynich. Her wonderful book “The Gadfly” has been translated into many languages and is popular in many countries of the world.
39204905715000Exercise 1.232029010541000322516510541000
stands for a man
stands for a woman
2.1.3 Практическое задание №3
Вариант 1.
Barbican Centre.Barbican is a district of the City of London. It was greatly destroyed by bombing during the Second World War. Great construction has started since the end of the war. Nowadays Barbican is one of the most beautiful districts of London. It is also famous for the Barbican Centre.
The Barbican Centre is an enormous complex which contains two theatres, an art gallery, a library, three cinemas, two restaurants and two exhibition halls.
The building itself is very interesting: It is built on eight levels. Four of these levels are underground. On the fifth level there is a lake, complete with 45 fountains, the air terrace where you can have coffee.
The construction of the Centre was started in 1970. At that time it was expected to cost 190 million. At last on the 3rd of March 1982 the Barbican Centre was opened by the Queen Elizabeth herself. At that time the final cost of the construction was 150 million.
There are two resident companies who are now based in the Barbican Centre. They are the London Symphony Orchestra and the Royal Shakespeare Company. It is these two companies which are providing a good part of the cultural programme for the public. At the same time there is a variety of exhibitions, musical and other entertainment.
Exercise 1.Listen to the text “Barbican Centre” and determine what specialists can use the information it contains. Fill the following chart.
City Cost Date of opening Function
Exercise 2.Sum up the information about the barbican Centre.
Вариант 2.
A Frenchman in London.I.A Frenchman once came to London. It was his first visit to the English capital. He stayed at a hotel, left his things there and sent a telegram to his wife in which he informed her that he had arrived safely. Then he decided to go sightseeing. He went to the old district at first. He paid attention to beautiful monuments and saw a great number of squares, palaces, buildings, streets, and shops. Then he had dinner at a restaurant. After dinner the Frenchman decided to see a play at a theatre. The play was excellent. The Frenchman thought that his first day in London was very successful and decided to return to the hotel. As he was tired he took the most rapid means o transport – the taxi. Suddenly he discovered that he forgotten the name and address of the hotel. He didn’t know what to do.
II. Then he remembered the telegram which he had sent to his wife in the morning. He asked the taxi-driver to take him to the nearest post-office. There he sent his wife another telegram with the words: “Send me the name of my hotel immediately to the following address”.
Exercise 1.Listen to the story “A Frenchman in London”. This story is about a man who found himself in a desperate situation. Think of the advice you could give him.
Exercise 2.Answer the following questions:
Who came to London?
How did the Frenchman spend his first day in London?
Why couldn’t the Frenchman find the way back to the hotel?
What way out of the situation he find at last?
How many telegrams did the Frenchman’s wife receive on that day?
Вариант 3.
The Bermuda Triangle.It was a warm sunny day, and there were only a few clouds in the sky. It was good weather for flying, and five officers in the US Navy were planning their two-hour flight to Bermuda. The date – early December, and the crew members were already thinking about their Christmas holidays and their families. The planes were ready just after lunch.
At the last minute one of the crew members went to the dctor. He didn’t feel well. He wanted to stay at the base. The commanding officer needed him, however. He said: “The flight is only two hours. Don’t worry! You’ll be back soon. You have to go.”
At 2.10 p.m. the planes were in the air. One hour later, their work was finished, and they began the journey back to their base in Florida. Suddenly their radio controller at the Navy base received this message from Flight 19.
“Emergency. This is an emergency! We cannot see land. We are not sure of our position. Everything is strange. The compass is spinning wildly. We don’t know our direction. We don’t know where we are…”
Then the voices stopped. Radio contact stopped. The Navy immediately sent a search plane out to look for the men. All six planes and twenty-two men were never seen again.
Exercise 1.Listen to the report of this event and be ready to answer the following questions:
What was the weather like on the 5th of December 1945?
How many officers were going to make a flight to Bermuda?
What was the duration of the flight they planned to make?
Why did one of the officers want to stay at the base?
Did the officers make their flight in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening or at night?
What happened during the flight?
What did the Navy do to find the planes?
How many planes and people vanished on that day?
Exercise 2.You heard the report of the event over the radio. Tell your friends about it.
2.2 Объект оценивания «Умение говорить»
2.2.1 Практическое задание № 4
Составить монолог по теме:
Страноведение (Великобритания, США)
Традиции и обычаи
Россия: государственное устройство, политическая система
Система единиц
Выдающиеся английские ученые
Научно-технический прогресс
Достижения России
Информационные технологии
2.2.2. Практическое задание № 5
Составить диалог по теме:
Страноведение (Великобритания, США)
Традиции и обычаи
Россия: государственное устройство, политическая система
Система единиц
Выдающиеся английские ученые
Научно-технический прогресс
Достижения России
Информационные технологии
2.3 Объект оценивания «Умение читать»
2.3.1. Практическое задание №6
Вариант 1.
Прочитайте информацию для студентов, только что приехавших в летнюю школу. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1-5. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
A. There are lots of achievements to proud of.B. Different actions were taken for one reason.C. A lot of time was lost in protecting nature.D. Nature protection has to struggle against industries.E. The two aimed to help wildlife.F. There was no time to lose.
1. More than a hundred years ago, two men who barely knew each other climbed up into the Sierra Nevada wilderness and spent four days exploring mountains and tracking wildlife. They saw elk and black bear, wild iris and larkspur. They drank from streams, slept on beds of pine needles, and awoke from a night camping on Glacier point to find four feet of sunrise snow. When they came down from the mountains, President Theodor Roosevelt and Sierra Club founder John Muir were good friends. Over their parting handshake they made a pact: They would work together to save America’s wilderness. And they did.
2. The United States had already lost most of its buffalo, tall grass prairies, Eastern old-growth forests, and grizzly bears. Bold, immediate action was called for—and taken. Between 1901 and 1909, President Roosevelt and Congress created five national parks, established more than fifty wildlife reserves, and set aside 100 million acres of forest for protection. During the decade, the Sierra Club grew from a hiking club to a political force.
3. John Muir and the growing membership of his Sierra Club conducted guided tours to wild areas to win allies and public support for the preservation efforts, wrote letters and articles in newspapers, pioneered the use of public education, political accountability and lobbing, and legislation to protect the health of our environment. It was the Sierra Club that fled lawsuits to stop pollution in Lake Superior and developments in Everglades, and created books, films, photographs, and advertising for wilderness and wildlife protection.
4. Since its founding in 1892, the Sierra Club has also helped bring about the establishment of Yosemite and more than a score of other national parks; an end to government plans to dam the Colorado River and flood the Grand Canyon; the enactment of the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and Endangered Species Act; the granting of national movement status for Utah’s Grand Staircase — Escalante, the giant sequoias of California’s Serra Nevada and many more national treasures in different parts of the country, including Alaska.
5. More than a century of national and local conservation campaigns has taught the Sierra Club that no place—despite its official designation, environmental value, or storied past—is ever completely protected. The oil companies, the logging industry, and developers never give up. And as the nation grows, the pressures to drill, log, and build in special places will also grow.
1 2 3 4 5
Вариант 2.
Прочитайте информацию для студентов, только что приехавших в летнюю школу. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1-5. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
A. Was it easy to get to the areas where spices grew?B. Who had exclusive rights for pepper trade?C. What proves that spices in old times were even more used than today?D. Where did rare spices come from?E. Merchants from what place were number one in pepper trade?F. What was special about use of spices in old times??
Pepper, the most common and at the same time the most valued of spices, was frequently treated as a gift of honor from one sovereign to another, or as a polite form of payment instead of money. «Matilda de Chaucer is in the gift of the king, and her land is worth 8 pounds, 2d, and 1 pound of pepper and 1 pound of cinnamon and 1 ounce of silk, » reads a chance record in an old English survey.
The amount of these spices bought and sold was astonishing even as compared to modern trade. Venetian galleys, Genoese carracks, and other vessels on the Mediterranean brought great amount of them westward, and they were sold in fairs and markets everywhere. In romances and chronicles, in cook-books, trades-lists, and customs-tariffs, spices are mentioned with a frequency and consideration unknown in modern times.
For years the Venetians had a contract to buy from the sultan of Egypt annually 420,000 pounds of pepper. One of the first vessels to make its way to India brought home 210,000 pounds. A fine of 200,000 pounds of pepper was imposed upon one prince of India who refused to sell pepper to the Portuguese in 1520. «Pepper-sack» was a nick-name and yet not a negative epithet applied by German robbers, to Venetians merchants who passed down the Rhine.
Yet the location of «the isles where the spices grow» was very distant and obscure to the men of the Middle Ages. John Cabot, in 1497, said that he «was once at Mecca, whither the spices are brought by caravans from distant countries, and having inquired from whence they were brought and where they grew, the merchants answered that they did not know, but that such merchandise was brought from distant countries by other caravans to their home; and they further say that they are also conveyed from other remote regions».
5. Such lack of knowledge was pardonable, that even Marco Polo, one of the. most experienced travelers, after spending years in Asia, believed, mistakenly, that such rare spices as nutmegs and cloves were produced in Java. It was only after many, many years that their true place of production became known in Europe. These spices were the native products of the so called Spice Islands, just under the equator, in the midst of the Malay Archipelago. Their light, volcanic soil, could keep moist by the constant damp winds.
1 2 3 4 5
2.3.2. Практическое задание №7
Вариант 1.
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений A5-A8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).
Jim lived with his parents until he was twenty-one years old, and then he got a job in the office of a big factory in another town, so he left home. He found a comfortable little flat which had two rooms, a small kitchen and a bathroom, and he lived there on his own.
At first he cleaned it himself, but he did not like it, so he determined to find someone else to do it instead of him. He asked a lot of his fellow workers at the factory what they did about this, and at last one of the men said, «Oh, Mrs. Roper comes and cleans my flat regularly. She washes the dishes, irons my shirts and keeps the place neat and tidy and so on. I’ll introduce her to you, if you like. She’s a charming old lady. She does her best, but she hasn’t got much energy».
«Well, you’d better ask her to come and see me, please, » Jim answered. So the next evening Mrs. Roper came to see him, and she agreed to come to his flat every morning for an hour.
After she had been working for Jim for two weeks, he looked at the mirror in his bedroom and thought, «That mirror looks very dusty. Mrs. Roper’s forgotten to clean it. I can write on it with my finger. » He wrote a message in the dust: «I’m coughing whenever I breathe because everything in this room is very dusty. »He came home at 7 o’clock that evening, and when he had eaten his supper, he went into his bedroom and looked at the mirror. «That silly woman still hasn’t cleaned it! » he said to himself. «All it needs is a cloth! »
But then he bent down and saw a bottle in front of the mirror. «I didn’t put that bottle there», he thought. «Mrs. Roper must have left it.» He picked the bottle up and looked at it carefully.
«She’s written some words on it», he said to himself. He read the words. They were: «Cough-medicine».
A5    Jim left home city to continue his education. 1) True    2) False    3) Not stated
A6    Jim could not clean his house because he was allergic to dust. 1) True    2) False    3) Not stated
A7    Mrs. Roper did not have enough time to dust the room. 1) True    2) False    3) Not stated
A8    Jim was not happy with Mrs. Roper as a cleaner. 1) True    2) False    3) Not stated
Вариант 2.
Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений A5-A8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 — True), какие не соответствуют (2 — False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 — Not stated).
Every nation and country has a reputation of some kind. The Englishmen are believed to be cold, reserved, rather naughty, easy-going and fond of sport. They are the nation of stay-at- homes. «There is no place like home», they say. The English man’s home is his castle is a saying known all over the world.
They prefer a small house built for one family, with a small garden and a fire in the centre of the house. They like animals very much and follow many traditions especially concerning food and manners. We know much about English traditions and Customs but now I’d like to say a few words about the traditions of my native land-Russia.
First, some words about Russian people. To my mind, the main traits of their characters are their hospitality, their «open heartedness» and inventiveness. Russian fairytales reflect this. Our people are hardworking, patient, never loosing hope for better life. The Russians are the talented nation. Russia gave the world thousands of the world famous writers, composers, scientists, inventors and explorers. All of them are the pride of the nation.
Such names of Gzhel and Khokhloma are considered to be the symbols of Russia as well as matryoshkas and samovars. The history of Khokhloma goes back to the 17th century. The production of tableware-dishes, spoons, mugs was begun at that time in the villages of Suomino and Khokhloma in the Nizhniy Novgorod Province. Many carpenters, painters have been working since then reviving traditions of old masters.
The Khokhloma style is characterized by using plant elements in painting the tableware. The prevailing colors are black, yellow, golden, green and red.
Nowadays this craft is sure to be saved; it will be developed and brought into the future by the new generation of painters.
A5    The Englishmen have bad reputation among different nations in the world.1) True    2) False    3) Not stated
A6    English people are home-centered.1) True    2) False    3) Not stated
A7    Russia has contributed a lot to the world civilization.1) True    2) False    3) Not stated
A8    Khokhloma style has been a typical Russian craft since Kievan Russ. 1) True    2) False    3) Not stated2.3.3. Практическое задание №8
Вариант 1.
Прочитайте информацию для студентов, только что приехавших в летнюю школу. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1-5. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
A. Eating traditionsB. A treat and a song go togetherC. Celebrate to get many presentsD. Holiday decoration businessE. Holiday food businessF. Cooking special holiday dishes
1. Many stores in the USA stock a large range of holiday house decorations for a month before the holiday itself. For instance, on Thanksgiving Day they sell pumpkins and leaves specially designed for adorning. As for Halloween, stores offer flashlights, masks, and skeletons for decorating the gardens and for scaring one’s guests. Thus, people alter the attire of their houses several times a year. The wealthier families change not only the season’s outside decorations but even the interior of their houses such as curtains, carpets and pictures.
2. On the Eve of Thanksgiving Day, most supermarkets are flooded with turkeys selling at lower prices. Turkey producers have to decrease their price because they must sell all the turkeys as soon as possible, otherwise they will still have them when Christmas comes or even longer. Almost nobody buys turkey for an ordinary meal (during the rest of the year). At Christmas, Americans also cook a turkey or they can choose another traditional dish, e. g. roasted ham.
3. One of the peculiarities of Americans is that they do not usually sit around the table for a holiday meal. For larger groups, all the food usually stands on a special, separate table that is beautifully decorated. Everyone can serve themselves with the food they want. What is more, they do not usually have salads,’ which may seem rather strange for the Russians living there. Salads, to Americans, may be nothing more than tossed leaves of lettuce with a few other vegetables.
4. One more type of celebration, which is connected with presents, are «showers,» for instance a baby-shower or a wedding-shower. For a baby-shower, a pregnant woman is given presents for her future child, whereas for a wedding-shower a bride receives presents for her household. These showers are popular because on the one hand, it is usually a moderate price to rent a cafe or a restaurant and order some kind of snacks such as crisps and sauces and salads. On the other hand, it is very pleasant to be «showered» with presents. Many people are usually invited to such parties.
5. As for Birthdays, it is worth mentioning that this holiday is for both friends and family. Often an additional party is organized by a company of friends at which time the one having the birthday is invited to a restaurant to celebrate. Besides a meal, they order a birthday cake and a ’happy birthday song’ is performed by the staff of the restaurant. Guests are not expected to give presents at this kind of a party. Only relatives and close friends give presents for one’s birthday. However, they do not necessarily have a family feast. Of course, it depends on your family.
1 2 3 4 5
Вариант 2.
Прочитайте информацию для студентов, только что приехавших в летнюю школу. Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1-5. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
A. Special family daysB. The right to chooseC. National spirit traced in different celebrationsD. They invent local holidaysE. Love for celebrationsF. One common event for a national holiday
1. People in every culture celebrate holidays. Although the word «holiday» literally means «holy day, » most American holidays are not religious, but commemorative in nature and origin. As. the nation is blessed with rich ethnic heritage, it is possible to trace some of the American holidays to diverse cultural sources and traditions, but all holidays have taken on a distinctively American flavor.
2. Each of the 50 states has the right to observe Federal holidays according to their legislation. However, the majority of the states usually choose the date or day celebrated by the rest of the nation. Still the closing of local government offices and businesses on these holidays vary. For instance, in Washington State there are five official holidays when people have five days off; however, a company may give their employees three extra days per year to enhance their holiday term.
3. One of the most widely celebrated and popular holidays in the USA is Independence Day. What is rather remarkable about it is the splendid colorful parade. Take, for instance, a parade in Seattle, Washington. Different organizations take part in it. First, usually comes the fire brigades in full dress, with polished fire-engines. Girls throw flowers to them. The firemen and women are regarded as heroes, especially in small towns. Then come the police and other state organizations, fund raisers, voluntary bodies, factories, and small businesses proudly showing off their produce.
4. It is worth mentioning that in the United States, Americans like holidays very much. The word «holiday» for them is synonymous with «celebration». They tend to make some Sundays unique by organizing various festivals and carnivals. On these Sundays you can go to different towns and take part in entertaining events. The main attractions are festivals that welcome in the autumn as the leaves on the trees begin to turn red, orange, and yellow. For example, a festival of wooden boats or classical automobiles, or a wood-chopping contest and an auction are popular activities.
5. As for family celebrations in the USA, it is worth saying that these holidays are mostly calm and quiet. The most popular family holidays are Thanksgiving Day and Christmas. The extended families gather for these two events. Americans prepare only traditional meals for these holidays. For instance, for Thanksgiving Day there will be a roast turkey with cranberry sauce, white mashed potatoes (which ARE indispensable with turkey). Other sweet potatoes or yams, vegetables and a pumpkin pie.1 2 3 4 5
2.4 Объект оценивания «Умение писать»
2.4.1. Практическое задание № 9
Вариант 1.
You have 30 minutes to do this task.You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Liz.
... I am going to learn a second foreign language. My first foreign language is French. What second language do you think I should choose and why? How many languages do you study at school? Are you planning to enter some language courses?
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.Write 80–100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
Вариант 2.
You have 30 minutes to do this task.You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Lucy.
…I am going to do a project on national holidays of different countries. Could you help me? What main national holidays are there in your country? Do you celebrate all of them? How does your family celebrate them?
Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.Write 80–100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
2.4.2. Практическое задание № 10
Вариант 1.
You have 30 minutes to do this task.You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend David.
…My mother complains that I am lazy and don’t help her much. Do you or your friends often help your parents? How? What duties does every member of you family have in the house?...Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.Write 80–100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
Вариант 2.
You have 30 minutes to do this task.You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Andrew.
... Last weekend my father and I went fishing. It was great. How did you spend your last weekend? Does your leisure depend on the season of the year? Do you prefer to spend your weekends with your parents or with your friends? Why?...Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions.Write 80–100 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
Объект оценивания «Знание фонетики»
2.5.1. Практическое задание № 11
Вариант 1.
Упражнение 1
Прочитайте вслух следующие предложения. Следите за правильностью произношения. Рядом указаны звуки, на которые обращается особое внимание.
1. Young King Kong was stronger than strong. [ŋ]
2. Rose knows Joe phones Sophie, but Sophie and Joe don’t know Rose knows. [əʊ]
3. The fat cat sat on the man’s black hat. [æ]
4. Sarah and Mary share their pears fairly. [eə]
5. Martha Smith’s an author and an athlete. [θ]
Упражнение 2
Прочитайте следующие слова. В каждой строке найдите слово с другим гласным звуком.
1. rude, run, but, luck, mug.
2. done, love, move, son, much.
3. calm, star, fair, half, March.
Вариант 2.
Упражнение 1
Прочитайте вслух следующие предложения. Следите за правильностью произношения. Рядом указаны звуки, на которые обращается особое внимание.
1. Vera drove to Venice in a Van. [v]
2. Wendy went away twice a week. [w]
3. Nile crocodiles have the wildest smiles. [ai]
4. My mother’s brother’s my uncle; my uncle’s son’s my cousin. [ʌ]
5. The rabbits raced right around the ring. [r]
Упражнение 2
Прочитайте следующие слова. В каждой строке найдите слово с другим гласным звуком.
1. calm, star, fair, half, March.
2. light, quite, type, pair, might.
3. cow, start, now, house, found.
2.5.2. Практическое задание № 12
Вариант 1.
Упражнение 1.
Прочитайте следующие интернациональные слова вслух и, основываясь на значениях соответствующих русских слов, определите их значения.
apparatus [ ¸æpә´reitəs]
chemical [kemikl]
experiment [iks´perimənt]
mineral [´minәrəl]
element [´elimәnt]
radioactivity [,reidiouәk´tiviti]
radium [´reidiәm]
metal [´metl]
uranium [ju´reiniәm]
photographic [ֽfoutә´græfik]
Упражнение 2.
Прочитайте текст, соблюдая интонацию.
There were 'two 'French /traders | and a 'Belgian /colonel, | an I'talian /tenor, | the A'merican proprietor of a 'circus with his /wife, | and a re'tired 'French official with \his. ||
The 'French official had been accompanied on /board by the 'French 'minister at Bang/kok, | one or two /secretaries | and a 'prince of a 'royal \family. ||
Talking of 'one 'thing and a/nother | we 'watched the 'day de/cline, | we /dined, | and 'then we 'sat 'out a'gain on 'deck under the \stairs. ||
Вариант 2.
Упражнение 1.
Прочитайте следующие интернациональные слова вслух и, основываясь на значениях соответствующих русских слов, определите их значения.
idealist [ai´diəlist]
dynamite [´dainәmait]
industry [´indәstri]
nation [´neɪʃən]
prize [praiz]
chemistry [´kemistri]
medicine [´medsin]
progressive [prә´gresiv]
nationality [næʃə´nælɪtɪ]
financial [faɪ´nænʃəl]
Упражнение 2.
Прочитайте текст, соблюдая интонацию.
1. There was 'also a'\bell | and 'Clara 'chose the \bell ||
2. There \was 'also | she 'vaguely \noted | in 'one 'comer a pi\ano | and the 'windows had 'shutters of a kind that she had 'never 'seen in \England ||
3. There were a 'good 'many \books in the 'room | 'one 'wall was \lined ,with them | and they 'lay in 'heaps on 'chairs and on the \floor ||
Объект оценивания «Знание грамматики»
2.6.1.Практическое задание №13
Вариант 1.
Выберите правильный вариант.
1. We saw a lot of pictures at the art shop, but______wasgood enough to buy for our museum.
a) none of them c) not some of them
b) no of them d) only any of them
2. If there are______calls for me, can you ask to leave a
a) some c) any
b) none d) no
3. While peeling potatoes my small brother cut______witha sharp knife.
a) oneself c) his
b) him d) himself
4. There are many good hotels in the town. You can stay at ______of them.
a) no c) any
b) some d) all
5.______the house when it started to rain.
a) Scarcely he had enteredb) Scarcely had he entered
c) He scarcely had entered
6.______at everyone who got off the plane.a) Suspiciously he looked
b) He suspiciously looked
c) He looked suspiciously
7.______injured in the last match.a) He badly was
b) Badly he was
c) He was badly
8.______than he fell ill.
a) No sooner he had arrived
b) No he had sooner arrived
c) No sooner had he arrived
9. There is______sand in my shoes.
a) — c) the
b) a d) an
10. The news was______very depressing.
a) a c) —
b) the d) an
11.______man and______woman were sitting opposite me.
a) a, the с) а, а
b)the, a d) -, -
12. Paris is______capital of France.
a) the c) an
b)a d) -
13. The exam was quite easy —______we expected.
a) more easy that c) easier than
b) more easy than d) easier as
14. The more electricity you use,______.
a) your bill will be higher
b) will be higher your bill
c) the higher your bill will be
d) higher will be your bill
15. He's a fast runner. I can't run as______as he.
a) fast c) faster
b) fastly d) fastest
16. The film was really boring. It was______I've ever seen.
a) most boring film c) the film more boring
b) the more boring film d) the most boring film
17. She was jealous______her friend because she had a better
a) at c) of
b) on d) to
18. The waste paper bin is full______crumpled sheets of paper.
a) with c) to
b) for d) of
19. The computer is capable______producing graphics.
a) to c) for
b) of d) in
20. Moscow is especially famous______its elegant architecture.
a) for c) with
b) of d) at
Вариант 2.
Выберите правильный вариант.
1. I've been trying to phone her all day but______I phone
her the line is engaged.
a) every time c) the every time
b) all the time d) the whole time
2. He is invited to lots of parties and he goes to______.
a) everyone c) every one
b) everything d) each
3. These are______organizations operating in our market
and even______we would consider real competitors.
a) a few, many b) little, some
с) some, fewer d) few, fewer
4. You are not the only one who failed to hear the news. I didn't______.a) neither c) either
b) both d) also
5. Not only______you, they smash everything too.
a) they do rob
b) do they rob
c) they rob
6. How______if I fall right through the earth and come out
among the antipodes.
a) funny it will seem
b) it will seem funny
c) it funny will seem
7. He was born______.
a) at two o'clock on April 12th in the morning in 1947
b) in the morning at two o'clock on April 12th in 1947
c) at two o'clock in the morning on April 12th in 1947
8 ________ all the exercises he had to do.
a) He carefully wrote
b) He wrote carefully
c) Carefully he wrote
9. Chinese eat______rice every day.
a) the с) а
b) - d) an
10. There were______very few people in the shops today.
a) an c) —
b) a d) the
11. What is______longest river in______world?
a) a, a c) the, a
b) the, the d) a, the
12. Did you hear______noise just now?
a) the с) а
b) - d) an
13. My book is______interesting______yours.
a) as, as c) as, like
b) like, like d) like, as
14. My house is______ height______his.
a) as, as c) as, the same
b) the same, as d) the same, the same
15. John's grades are______his sister's.
a) the higher than c) higher than
b) the highest as d) more high than
16. His drawings are as perfect as his______.
a) instructor b) instructor's
c) instructors d) instructor drawings
17.1 felt very ashamed______making such a stupid mistake.
a) of c) at
b) for d) to
18. Could you add this up for me? I'm not very quick______
a) with c) at
b) in d) on
19. After days of preparation the hall is ready______thegrand opening.
a) on c) at
b) to d) for
20. Who is responsible______making such a mess?
a) for c) with
b) of d) at
2.6.2.Практическое задание №14
Вариант 1.
Выберите правильный вариант
1. If we hadn't taken the same plane, we might have never met______.
a) ours c) each other
b) ourselves d) both of us
2.______food, clothes and some______goods have become more expensive nowadays.
a) much, others c) many, the others
b) many, others d) much, other
3. I'm going to the wedding on Saturday.______is getting
a) a friend of me c) mine friend
b) a friend of mine d) a friend of my
4. During the terrible road accident one car bumped into
______one. One driver was heavily injured and______
a) another, other c) other, the other
b) another, the other d) the other, other
5. I______after that.
a) only saw him once
b) saw him only once
c) saw him once only
6.______have not arrived.
a) The ordered goods
b) The goods ordered
c) The goods which ordered
7.______got to the station on time.a) Only I and my brother
b) Only my brother and I
c) My brother and I only
8. Last year we went______.
a) to Vienna by train at Easter
b) at Easter to Vienna by train
c) by train at Easter to Vienna
9. What did you have for______breakfast?
a) - с) а
b) the d) an
10. Have you got these shoes in______size 43?
a) the c) an
b) a d) -
11. Ken's brother is in______prison now for robbery.
a) the с) а
b) - d) an
12. Bob is_______seaman. He spends most of his time at
______sea.a) a, — c) an, the
b) the, - d) a, the
13. The salary of a professor is higher than______a secretary.
a) — c) has
b) one of d) that of
14.I feel______today than I did last week.
a) much better c) no better
b) more good d) more better
15. No animal is so big______King Kong.
a) as c)than
b) so d) that
16. Her sport car is different______Kate's.
a) like c) from
b) as d) so
17. She was very proud______his achievements.
a) for c) with
b) of d) at
18. It took some time to get accustomed______driving on
the left.
a) at c) to
b) with d) for
19. We always eat food typical______the region we are travelling in.
a) for c) at
b) on d) of
20. Are you aware______any reason why he is late?
a) with c) for
b) about d) of
Вариант 2.
Выберите правильный вариант
1. — Did you hear about the party at Kate's last night? - No, I didn't.______of my friends______there.
a) none, was c) nobody, were
b) nobody, was d) no, were
2. "The system of education is not superb," she said. "Too ______mathematics______usually taught at school."
a) many, are c) much, are
b) much, is d) many, is
3.______should be present at the meeting. A very serious
question will be discussed.
a) someone c) everyone
b) any one d) anyone
4. We've got too______petrol. We must have the car filled
at the nearest service station.
a) a little c) much
b) little d) many
5. Where is your new car? Come on,______!
a) show us
b) show us to it
c) show to us
6. They have lived______.
a) for a long time peacefully in the same house
b) for a long time in the same house peacefully
c) peacefully in the same house for a long time
7. А______man got up from the table and beckoned to
a) pleasant looking and middle-aged
b) middle-aged pleasant looking
c) pleasant-looking middle aged
8. They arranged to meet______.
a) in a pub at the foot of College Road for a pre-lunch drink
b) for a pre-lunch drink in a pub at the foot of College Road
c) for a pre-lunch drink at the foot of College Road in a pub
9.______children team a lot from playing.a) the c) -
b) a d) an
10.______giraffe is______tallest of all animals.a) the, the c) an, the
b) a, a d) -, -
11. We had______very nice lunch.
a) - c) the
b)a d) an
12. We visited _____ Canada and______United States.
a) a, a c) the, the
b) -, - d) -, the
13. California is farther from New York______Pennsylvania.
a) as c) like
b) than d) from
14. This encyclopedia costs______the other one.
a) more c) twice as many as
b) twice more than d) twice as much as
15. The hotter it is,______I feel.
a) the more miserable c) more miserable
b) the miserable d) most miserable
16. The more you study,______you will become.
a) the more smart c) smarter
b) the more smarter d) the smarter
17. She went out to work not to be dependent_______herhusband.
a) on c) with
b) at d) for
18. She never goes out at night because she is afraid______
the dark.
a) at c) of
b) to d) for
19. Because of the flu many teachers were absent_______
a) of c) for
b) from d) at
20.I feel really sorry______her because she has fallen ill.
a) about c) of
b) with d) for
2.6.3.Практическое задание №15
Вариант 1.
1.Соедините 2 части, чтобы получить правильное предложение.
1. I’ll have had dinner a. since 2 o’clock
2. She had had dinner b. by 2 o’clock tomorrow
3.They have been having dinner c. before he came home

2. Вставьте подходящую форму глагола.
1. I … a car now.
a. am driving b. Have driven c. drove d. was driving
2. They … a car since 2 o’clock.
a. are driving b. has driven c. have been driven d. has been driving
3. Bob … a car yesterday.
a. has driven b. drove c. is driving d. has been driving
4. We often … cars.
a. are driving b. have driven c. have been driving d. drive
5. He … a car when we came.
a. drives b. was driving c. has been driving d. has driven
6. She … the car by 4 o’clock tomorrow.
a. will drive b. will be driving c. will have driven d. drives
3.Соотнесите.1.Three fifth a. 0.9
2.six hundred and fifty-seven b. ¼
3.Three point five c. 5.389
4.a quarter d. 3/5
5.half e. 1/2
6.five thousand three hundred and eighty-nine f. 3.5
7.point nine g. 657
4.Активный или пассивный залог
1.The ships … at the full speed.
a. move b. are moved
2. The heavy piano … by 4 people.
a. move b. is moved
3. The cargo … at the moment.
a. is carrying b. is being carried
4. The ships … the cargoes to Greece at the moment.
a. are carrying b. are being carried
5. Your problem … now.
a. is considering b. is being considered
6. They … your problem now.
a. are being considered b. are considering
7. The truck … when they came to test it.
a. was being driven b. was driving
8. He … a car when he saw her.
a. was driving b. was being driven
Вариант 2.
1.Соедините 2 части, чтобы получить правильное предложение.
1. I’ll have done homework a. since 2 o’clock
2. She had done homework b. by 2 o’clock tomorrow
3.They have been doing homework c. before he came

2. Вставьте подходящую форму глагола.
1. I … a letter now.
a. am writing b. have written c. wrote d. was writing
2. He … a letter since 2 o’clock.
a. is writing b. has written c. have been writing d. has been writing
3. She … a letter yesterday.
a. has written b. wrote c. is writing d. has been writing
4. We often … letters.
a. are writing b. have written c. have been writing d.write5. He … a letter when we came.
a. write b. was writing c. has been writing d. has written
6. She … the letter by 4 o’clock tomorrow.
a. will write b. will be writing c. will have written d. writes
3.Соотнесите.1.two thirds a. 3.28
2.three hundred and twenty-eight b. ½
3.three point two eight c. 4.527
4.half d. 0.8
5.a quarter e. 2/3
6.four thousand five hundred and twenty-seven f. 328
7.point eight g. 1/4
4.Активный или пассивный залог
1.Sport cars … at the maximum speed.
a. move b. are moved
2. The furniture … by our workers.
a. move b. is moved
3. The coal … at the moment.
a. is carrying b. is being carried
4. They … coal at the moment.
a. are carrying b. are being carried
5. The matter … now.
a. is considering b. is being considered
6. They … the matter now.
a. are being considered b. are considering
7. The machinery … when we came.
a. was being driven b. was driving
8. She… a car when we saw her.
a. was driving b. was being driven
2.6.4.Практическое задание №16
Вариант 1.
Выберите правильный вариант.
1.____________ in our city are expensive
a. All restaurants
b. The restaurants all
c. All the restaurants
d. The all restaurants
2. Their parents came _______ car yesterday.
a. by
b. in
c. on
d. with
3. You are taller ____ Mary.
a. then
b. than
c. –
d. to
4. Mr. Dupont is _________ .
a. the French
b. a French
c. French
d. France
5. If she ______ Peter, he’ll stay.
a. asked
b.had asked
c. has asked
d. asks
6. He can’t go to see her tonight. He hasn’t got ________ time.
a. many
b. a
c. some
d. much
7. What _______? Is she a lawyer?
a. does she
b. she does
c. does she do
d. is she doing
8. About half an hour _______ I saw Mr. Brown.
a. for
b. since
c. before
d. ago
9. As soon as I shut the front door I realized the I _____ my key in the house.
a. had left
b. have left
c. left
d .was leaving
10. He hasn’t got _______ .a. a lot of luggagesb. many luggagesc. much luggage
d. a great number of luggage
11. Your car is better ____ mine.
a.thenb. as
c. than
d. that
12. He watch TV _______ .a. today morning
b. today in the morning
c. this morning
d. morning
13. Nobody ______ hungry.
a. is
b. isn’t
c. aren’t
d. are
14. What can you see _______ the photo?
a. in
b. on
c. at
d. on to
15. Please ________ .
a. put off your coat
b. take on your coat
c. put your coat on
d. take up your coat
16. They came _____ .
a. early in the morning
b. in early the morning
c. early the morning
d. in the morning early
17. Why aren’t you looking ________ your notebook?
a. to
b. –
c. at
d. on
18. I _______ the car now.
a. am not hearing
b. can’t hearingc. am not hear
d. can’t hear
19. _____ radio is on the table?
a. Who’s
b. Whose
c. Whoesd. Whos’
20. Please answer _______ questions.
a. their
b. them
c. to their
d. to them
Вариант 2.
Выберите правильный вариант.
1.This looks ___ to me.
a. well
b. badly
c. good
d. nicely
2. If he ______ worked harder, he would have passed the exams.
a. had
b. would have
c. would
d. had have
3. I couldn’t come to the party because I _______ go to work.
a. had
b. had to
c. have
d. have got
4. He doesn’t speak languages very _______ .
a. best
b. good
c. better
d. well
5. “Harry is on the phone.” “Who ___ to?”a. does he talk
b. is he talk
c. is he talkihgd. he talks
6. Which country ___ from?
a. Tom is coming
b. does Tom come
c. comes Tom
d. is coming Tom
7. “Excuse me.” “________”.
a. Please
b. No, I’m not
c. Yes?
d. Yes, I am
8. “ ______ I put it in a bag?” “Yes, please.”
a. Will
b. Do
c. Shall
d. Would
9. “What is he doing?” “ ____ “
a. He’s an economist
b. He’s having lunch
c. He’s doing it
d. He has lunch
10. Would you mind ___________ the window, please?
a. to open
b. open
c. opening
d. I open
11. “Would you like a coke?” “_______”,
a. Yes, I’d like
b. Yes, I like
c. Yes, I do
d. Yes, please
12. We arrived _______ the airport in time.
a. –
b. at
c. on
d. in
13. __________ .a. I very like reading
b. I like very much reading
c. I like reading very much
d. I like very reading
14. It rained all day yesterday, _______?
a. it didn’t
b. no
c. isn’t it
d. didn’t it
15. Father leaves ________ home at 7 o’clock so that he can be in his office at 8.
a. for
b. –
c. from
d. at
16.I don’t know where he is, he hasn’t arrived _______ .
a. still
b. already
c. yet
d. since
17. This car is ________ .a. mine
b. my
c. mine’s
d. her’s18. I _____ you are wrong.
a. know
b. knows
c. am knowing
d. knowing
19. My teacher lives ____ 45 Elm Street.
a. under
b. on
c. in
d. at
20. “Did you enjoy ________?” “Yes, I did.”
a. yourself
b. yourselves
c. you
d. myself
Объект оценивания «Знание лексики и фразеологии»
Практическое задание № 17.
Вариант 1.
Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами ВЗ—В9, так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными слова ми. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию ВЗ—В9.
I knocked at Mike's door, but nobody answered. I tried again without any result at all. It was strange as   I ( B3) (HEAR)_______   that somebody was in. I thought that the door (B4 ) (LOCK) ________  but when I pushed, it opened easily. Mike was sitting in front of his computer,   his eyes   focused    on    the monitor - he   was   playing   and (B5) (NOT SEE)____________  me. Several minutes passed before he noticed me.  "Hi", he said. "Look, I (B6) (PLAY)  ________  on- line.  It's a great game! It's the (B7) (GOOD) _______  game I've ever played! Would you like to join me?" Without waiting for my answer, he turned to the monitor and then forgot about me. Well, the situation was (B8) (BAD) ______than I had expected it to be.  Mike had found a new game and nothing could make him quit before the game was over.  
"You (B9) (NOT REMEMBER)  _____  about   our training in the gym today, do you?" I   asked.    "I certainly   do",    said   Mike. "Don't worry, I'll be ready in five minutes".   However, I understood  that  I would have to go to the gym alone.
Вариант 2.
Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В10—В14  так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В10—В14.
Andy was the tallest girl in her class and that's why she was shy. She wanted to become a famous   (В10) (SING)_______ or an  actress but she wasn't popular even with her classmates. She never wore (В11) (EXPENSE)______ clothes and she never took part in school concerts. Nobody guessed that she had a beautiful voice and was dreaming about the stage since her (B12) (CHILD)_______ .
However, one day everything changed. Andy was offered a supporting role in the school theatre musical. She had only a few words but Andy was so excited about it that she learnt the whole play by heart. On the day of the (В13) (PERFORM ) _________   the girl who was to play the leading role got a sore throat and wasn't able to say a single word. Andy came up and said that she knew her part. You can guess what happened next, can't you? Andy was a great success and enjoyed applause and flowers for the first time in her life. (B14) (SUDDEN)  ________ , she became the most popular girl at her school.
Практическое задание № 18.
Вариант 1.
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
 One of the most popular sports in England is cricket. It is sometimes called the national sport and many adults and (1)_________(CHILD) play it in their spare time or at school. It (2)_________(PLAY) by two teams of eleven and has some similarities to baseball. To put it simply, the aim is to score runs and the side (3)_________(SCORE) most runs wins. The game is quite old, and the (4)_________(EARLY) references to it date from the 1500s. Spectators (5)_________(WATCH) cricket matches for hundreds of years in many parts of England. The list of famous cricket grounds (6)_________(INCLUDE) Lord’s in London and Old Traff ord in Manchester. ‘Test cricket’ is the name (7)_________(GIVE) to five-day matches between different countries.
Вариант 2.
Прочитайте приведённый ниже текст. Преобразуйте, если необходимо, слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
In Britain, the AA (or Automobile Association) has been providing assistance to drivers for over 100 years. In that time, the (1)_________(MEMBER) has grown from 100 drivers to 15 million. The AA is involved in many different (2)_________(ACTIVE), including publishing books and maps. However, it is best known for helping (3)_________(FORTUNE) drivers who have had an accident or whose cars have broken down. It also tries to persuade the (4)_________(GOVERN) to introduce new laws which will help drivers and improve road (5)_________(SAFE). For example, the AA was in favour of the 1983 law which made it illegal to drive without a seatbelt.
2.8. Объект оценивания «Умение использовать приобретенные знания и умения в практической деятельности и повседневной жизни»
2.8.1. Практическое задание №19
Темы для рефератов, докладов, сообщений, презентаций, научно-практических работ:
Страноведение (Великобритания, США)
Традиции и обычаи
Россия: государственное устройство, политическая система
Система единиц
Выдающиеся английские ученые
Научно-технический прогресс
Достижения России
Информационные технологии
3.Пакет экзаменатора.
Практическое задание для дифференцированного зачета по учебной дисциплине ОГСЭ.03 «Английский язык»
Результаты освоения (объекты оценки) Критерии оценки результата Отметка о выполнении
1.Умение читать
2.Умение писать
3.Знание грамматики
4.Знание лексики и фразеологии
1.Грамотное чтение, выделение главной и второстепенной информации.
2.Грамотное написание текста и отдельных слов.
3.Правильное применение в речи грамматических конструкций и структур.
4.Правильное применение лексических и фразеологических единиц
Практическое задание №1
Вариант 1.
             Evidence from many ancient societies – Chinese, Greek, Maya, Egyptian – revels that (1) _____ games were played in those cultures. The modern (2) _____ of soccer began in the 19th century in England, when a variety of football games developed, all of which involved both (3) _____ and kicking the ball. At the meeting of London Football Association (FA) in 1863, the game of football was split into (4) ____ football (the parent sport of American football), which permitted carrying and handling  the ball, and (5) _____ football, or soccer, which banned the use of  (6) ______ .
            At first soccer was played (7) _____ in private schools and universities, but before long, people of the working classes picked up the (8) ______. The FA Cup, a (9) _____ first organized in 1871 sparked the rapid (10) ______ of soccer in England. The tournament, which is still played, climaxes with the (11) _____ Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London.
             Soccer’s (12) ____ spread began at the late 1800s, when British traders, sailors and workers carried the sport all over the world FIFA was founded in 1904. By 1930 professional (13) _____ were operating in many countries, and that year FIFA organized the first World Cup.
Вариант 2.
BroadlyFormulaSoupBoughtFierceSoldCareHistoryTubeCurrentHouseholdTurnLostShortlyTurned          Colgate-Palmolive Company is the US diversified company that produces and distributes household, health (1) ______, and personal products. Headquarters are in New York City.
            Colgate-Palmolive’s (2) ______traces back to the early 19th century, when William Colgate, a (3) _____ and candle maker, began selling his wares in New York City. His company sold the first toothpaste in a (4) ____, Colgate Ribbon Dental Cream, in 1908.
            In 1928 Colgate & Company was (5) ____ by Palmolive-Peet Company. Palmolive-Peet’s founder, B.J. Johnson, had developed the (6) ____for Palmolive soap in 1898. At the (7) _____ of the century Palmolive, which contained both palm and olive (8) _____, was the world’s best-selling soap. The (9) ____name was adopted in 1953.
            Colgate-Palmolive has long been in (10) ____ competition with Procter & Gamble, the country’s largest soap and detergent maker. P&G introduced its Tide laundry detergent (11) ____ after World War II and thousands of consumers (12) ____ from Colgate’s soap to the new product. Colgate (13) _____ its number one place in the toothpaste market when P&G started putting fluoride in its toothpaste.
            Colgate now markets a (14) _____ diversified mix of products in the US and other countries. Major product areas include (15) _____ and personal care products, food products, health care and industrial supplies, and sports and leisure time equipment.
 Условия выполнения задания 
Время выполнения задания: 40 мин.
Требования охраны труда: нет
Оборудование: нет
Литература для экзаменующихся: англо-русские, русско-английские словари
Дополнительная литература для экзаменатора: нет