Презентация «Жизнь и творчество Марка Твена»

Составила Полякова Людмила Анатольевнапреподаватель английского языка«ГБОУ СПО РМЭ Йошкар-Олинский строительный техникум» Mark Twain 1835 - 1910 Samuel Clemens was born on November 30, 1835 in Florida, Missouri. He was the sixth of seven children. Samuel Langhorne Clemens, known to the world as Mark Twain, was the son of a small-town lawyer in the State of Missouri. When the boy was five years old, he was sent to school, Little Samuel did not like school but he had many friends and was their leader. In summer, when school was over, the boys spent many happy hours on the Missouri River. As Mark Twain said later, many events in "The Adventures of Tоm Sawyer" really took place and the characters were from real life, Tom Sawyer was very often the portrait of the writer, Aunt Polly was his mother. When Samuel was 11 years old, his father died leaving nothing to his wife and 4 children. Samuel had to leave school and look for work. His elder brother was working as a printer and he helped the boy to learn printing. For some years Samuel worked as a printer for the town newspaper and later for his brother, who at that time had started a small newspaper. The two young men published it themselves. Samuel wrote short humorous stories and printed them for their newspaper. When Samuel was a boy, he dreamed of becoming a sailor. At twenty, he found a job on a boat travelling up and down the Mississippi. On that boat he learned the work of a pilot. From this he got his pen-name "Mark Twain" (a call used for depth sounding by Mississippi pilots). Клеменс утверждал, что псевдоним «Марк Твен» был взят им в юности из терминов речной навигации. Тогда он был помощником лоцмана на Миссисипи, а термином «марк твен» («mark twain», дословно — «отметь две сажени») называли минимальную глубину, пригодную для прохождения речных судов. Later the young man worked with the gold-miners in California for a year. There he began to write short stories and he was invited to work as a journalist for a newspaper.The many professions that he did gave Mark Twain knowledge of life and people, and helped him to find his true profession—the profession of a writer. In 1870, he married, and a new and happy life began for him. He had one son and three daughters, whom he loved very much and was the happiest man when they were with him. They settled in Buffalo, New York. In 1876, the writer published "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer“ and in 1884 "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". The writer showed boys and girls in the novels with such sympathy and understanding that readers always see themselves in these characters. Mark Twain protested there against slavery and one of the main characters in the novel "Huckleberry Finn" is a Negro, Jim, who is honest, brave and kind. On April 21, 1910, Sam Clemens died at the age of 74. The monument to Mark Twain and his Grave