Исследовательская работа «Сравнение русских и английских народных сказок»

Всероссийский конкурс исследовательских работ учащихся
“Шаги в Науку”
Направление: лингвистика
Тема: «Сравнение русских и английских народных сказок»
Куренкова СофьяМБОУ «Аннинская СОШ с УИОП»
Научный руководитель:Кузнецова Марина Витальевна, учитель английского языка
г. Обнинск, 2016/2017 учебный год
1. Introduction p 3-4
2. English folk tales p 5-6
3. Comparing of two tales. The English tale "The Gingerbread Man" and the Russian tale “Kolobok” p 7-9
4. National character of Russian and English tales p 10-11
5. Conclusion p 12
6. Bibliography p 13
1. Introduction
Универсальность сказки, ее, так сказать повсюдность, столь же
поразительна, как и ее бессмертие.
(V.Y. Propp is a great explorer of Russian tales).
A tale is one of the most popular and favorite genres in folklore and literature. All interesting, wonderful and magic things come from a fairy tale in our lives. We were not able to walk yet, but we have heard tales from our mothers and grandmothers. Tales are simply amazing. Hard work, intelligence, courage, heroism are praised in fairy tales. How I love these fairy tales! I like to immerse myself in the wonderful world of fantasy, where the horses are flying around the sky, and animals speak with a human voice.
Do we believe reality of fairy tales? Sometimes we do and sometimes we don’t. But, actually, we want to believe in reality of tales. Why? What is a fairy tale? When were they founded? What are the fairy tales?
My mother gave me a collection of English fairy tales. I have read some of them and I noticed that Russian and English fairy tales are very similar. What is common in fairy tales of different nations? And how do they differ? I had a lot of questions and wanted to find the answers. Last year I carried out the research connected with comparing of two variants of the fairy tale “Two bears” in Russian and English interpretations. I found there some common features and differences. This research was interesting for me. The theme of comparing of different Russian and English tales promoted me to the new studying.
The relevance of the topic is in great interest of people to fairy tales times in all times. The tale is familiar to all of us since our childhood. In folk tales customs, traditions, worldly wisdom, folk lore are reflected. Tales are an important part of the culture of the people. The tale is the story of people and their features. All you of us have read such fairy tales as "The Three Bears" and "The Three Little Pigs.". We didn’t know before reading that they are English tales. LN Tolstoy interpreted "The Three Bears" specially for Russian children. We love “The Three Bears" and "The Three Little Pigs" since our childhood. English folk tales attract our attention and they are interesting for us.
The object of the research: English and Russian fairy tales.
The subject of the research: peculiarities of English and Russian folk tales
The goal is to learn and compare English and Russian folk tales and to identify similar and different features.
The hypothesis:
If we conduct a comparative analysis of Russian and English folk tales, we can prove that fairy tales have similarities, while at the same time; a tale can have significant differences due to cultural and historical features of the people’s development.

The tasks are:
1. To select a few of English fairy tales for studying and read them in the original.
2. To study the structure and the method of writing of Russian and English fairy tales.
3. To compare Russian and English tales, to reveal their general and particular features.
4. To analyze English and Russian tales.
5. To tell my classmates and children from other classes about the results of the research.
I have examined various literatures, have read English fairy tales during my study. Besides, I’ve analyzed the structure of the Russian folk tale "Kolobok" and the English folk tale "Gingerbread man" in details that allowed me to draw some conclusions about the similarities and differences of fairy tales.
2. English folk tales.
A tale is understandable absolutely by everybody. It doesn’t depend on a language or a nationality. It has been living for ages. Every nation has its own fairy tales. The soul of the people, their wisdom, thoughts and aspirations are reflected in tales.
Comparing Russian and English fairy tales, I must say that English collections of the fairy tales were gathered and recorded later than Russian ones. The first collections of the tales appeared at the end of the 19th century. For the first time the President of English folk club Joseph Jacobs collected and published two volumes of English fairy tales. Three volumes of Russian folk tales were published by   A.N. Afanas,iev. Some English tales resemble tales of other nations, such as German or French. This is due to the fact that the historical fate of Britain, France and Germany had been closely linked in the past. But in the core English fairy tales remained unique.
English fairy tales are very diverse. They involve fictional characters, evil forces. Some tales are about ogres where usually a simple peasant's son Jack's struggles with them and becomes a winner.
Some of the characters of fairy tales are hardworking, honest, noble and brave; some of them are real folk heroes of heir nation. So, Jack, a peasant's son, is a character of the tale "Adventures of Jack the Giant-Killer", fighting with ogres, initially thinks only about the award, but then becomes a true fighter for the liberation of his people from the giant villains.
Characters of other British fairy tales are not always virtuous; they are able to trickery and deception, although these people’s features were valued in bourgeois England, where capitalism was the earliest in the world. For example, cheating ogres, the girl Molly from the fairy tale "Molly Whuppie" and Jack in the fairy tale "Jack and the Beanstalk" seek happiness for themselves and their families. Humor which is so typical for the English is manifested in tales with great force. Many of the fairy tales are humorous.
English folk tales have been attracting many writers for a long time with their originality and uniqueness. English writers use images and scenes from folk tales in their works.
Russian writers had also shown an interest to the English fairy tales. Tolstoy retold the English fairy tale "The Three Bears" for Russian children. S.V. Mikhalkov interpreted the famous English fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs." It was interesting to learn that the English version of the terrible oath of the pig sounds like this: "I am swearing by my beard-beard!" This is, apparently, the fact that initially goats but not pigs were the main characters of the tale. In English folklore there are some versions of the same tale. For example, there are three variants of the tale “The three bears”. In the first variant a little girl with golden curls comes to the bears’ house, in the other this is an old woman, and in the third it’s the fox. All of them are interesting for reading and comparing. Tales "Catskin" and "The cap of Rushes" also seem the same but if we read carefully we’ll immediately clear the difference between them. Thus, such English tales as "The Gingerbread Man" and "Johnny-cake" also have many similarities, but actually they are two different stories. By the way, they both have a lot in commons with the Russian fairy tale "Kolobok".

3. Comparing of two tales. The English tale "The Gingerbread Man" and the Russian tale “Kolobok”.
The structure of the tales:
1) The small size of the text;
2) The simplicity and elementary nature of the plot; 3) Peculiar features of the composition;4) Overlaying of one episode to another; 5) Repeated episodes; 6) The climax;7) Decoupling.
The main characters:
“Kolobok” "The Gingerbread Man"
The old man and woman The old man and woman
Kolobok The Gingerbread Man
The hair The pig
The wolf The cow
The bear The horse
The fox The fox
Wild Domestic
Problems solved by the characters^
Kolobok wants to be saved, and the animals and people want to eat him The Gingerbeard Man wants to be saved but hungry people and animals want to eat him
Description of the characters
Колобок круглый. Он по сусекам поскребен, по амбару метен. Из двух горстей муки, замешан на сметане, изжарен на масле
A chocolate jacket and raisins for buttons, and he had currants for eyes and a cherry for a mouth.
The speech of characters:
They think and speak.
Actions of the characters:
Колобка испекли, положили на окно остужаться. Ему надоело лежать на окне, и он покатился с окна на завалинку, с завалинки на траву, с травы на дорогу.
Бежит только колобок
When it was time to take the Gingerbread Boy out of the oven, she opened the oven door, and took out the tin. But in a moment the Gingerbread Boy jumped on to the floor, and ran out of the back door and down the road.
The little old man and the little old woman ran after him.
Kinds of address:
Колобок, колобок, я тебя съем.
Я колобок, колобок, По амбару метён, По сусекам скребен, На сметане мешен, В печку сажен, Я от дедушки ушел, я от бабушки ушел: От тебя, …, не хитро уйти.
"Stop, little Gingerbread Boy I want to eat you!” Run! Run! as fast as you can,
You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!"
The beginning of the tale:
Жили-были Старик со Старухой, и попросил испечь колобка.
Once upon a time there was a little old man and a little old woman, and they lived in a little old house. They hadn't any children, so one day the little old woman made herself a little boy out of gingerbread.
Culmination of the tales:
Колобок поет, а лиса подкрадывается и просит его сесть на нос.
When he had gone a little farther, the fox said:
"You may get wet where you are. Jump on to my shoulder."
So the little Gingerbread Boy jumped on to the fox's shoulder.
Decoupling of the tale
Лиса его – ам!- и съела.
As soon as the fox reached the bank of the river, his teeth snapped at the Gingerbread Boy!
"Oh, I'm a quarter gone!" said the little Gingerbread Boy.
"Oh, I'm half gone!" he said a minute later.
"Oh, I'm three quarters gone!" he said the next minute.
Conclusion about the chapter:
1) Comparing English and Russian tales I can tell you that Russian tale is more lively and imaginative. It’s connected with an ancient tradition of retelling tales using music and acting.
2) Not only Russian fairy tales but English ones teach a reader to distinguish good, bright start from the evil, to empathize and help the weak, to believe in justice.
3) Fairy tales written in English like the Russian fairy tales provide readers an opportunity to get acquainted with the traditions, culture of the country.
4) In a tale of Russia I noticed more epithets, sound imitation, songs.
5) Superimposition of one episode to another is typical for the tales of both countries.
6) As a rule there is no introduction and ending in an English tale (such as жили – были, я там был).
7) Also I found out more tough completion in English tales.
8) Also strict sequence of events is inherent in for English fairy tales.
4. National character of Russian and English tales.
Though each nation has its own way of development, its own fate and language but we live on the same planet and societies are developing according to common historical laws. That’s why we find some similarities in the tales of peoples who live on different continents.
Speaking about tales of different nations with the same plots, it’s necessary to mark the following three cases:
1) Firstly tales are formed among people of the curtain country, and then they move to other countries, and they adapt to its folk traditions and local customs.
2) There are similar fairy tales which originate independently from each other in different countries. It deals with the general way of life, conditions and people’s historical development.
3) National features of tales are defined by folklore traditions of nations. Flora and fauna are reflected in tales of this or that country. Animals which are the characters of the fairy tales remind the humans of the country by their speech and behavior.
It isn’t a surprise, because a tale was always a reflection of people’s life and their consciousness. The national character is involved in the plots of the tales of the people.
Russian fairy tales English fairy tales
The typical characters of Russian tales are Tsarevitch Ivan, Fool Ivan, Wonderful Elena, Very wise Vasilisa. As a rule they are positive characters. The characters of English tales usually are people of certain professions. For example, farmers, peasants, merchants, magicians, noble individuals.  
Russian person’s deep character is reflected in the images of some characters. As though, Ivan is the most foolish among three brothers, just he outwited Baba-Yaga and overcame all trials, got married Tsarevna, became wealthy, won a victory over Kashchey Bessmertny in such tales as ‘Tsarevitch Ivan and a grey wolf”, “A magic ring.”
Laziness is also reflected in our tales, because it’s a Russian person’s characteristic feature. Let’s remember Emelya., who is sitting on the stove and he is nothing doing but the pike fulfills all his wishes.
Characters of English fairy tales aren’t always kind and friendly. They are able to deceive. Though they full of energy. This feature was very valuable in England, because market relations began to develop just in this country. It was the first country in the world. For instance, deceiving cannibals the girl Molly in the tale «Molly Whuppie» and Jack in the tale «Jack and the Beanstalk» achieve happiness for their relatives.
At the end of our tales there’s «a feast around the world», a luxurious wedding and a victory over Kashchey Bessmertny. Characters of Russian tales are very active the overcome long distances and barriers, solving their problems.
What is happiness for an English character? It is a lot of different events and adventures where a character finds material riches. English tales are over when a character finds a hen with gold eggs or a treasure.
«A feast around the world», a luxurious wedding say about Russian people’s special attitude to meal. Many English fairy tales begin with the following expressions: « Once upon a time there lived an old man and a woman or the king and the queen. They had a son. He has grown up and went to find happiness.
As a rule, Russian characters have helpers. English characters are usually independent.

Russian characters always act together. They help each other saving somebody. For example, Alenushka saves her brother Ivanushka, Tsarevich Ivan helps the frog etc. In the tale “Tsarevna- frog” the drake helps Tsarevitch Ivan to catch the dark. And the pike takes an egg with a needle from the ocean floor. The bear takes down the chest from the tree. In the fairy tale “Tsarevitch Ivan and the grey wolf” the wolf helps the main character during the whole tale. Even Baba-Yaga helps Tsarevtch Ivan. These examples from different tales reflect Russian people’s life style.
In English tales characters act alone and solve all their problems independently. Sometimes somebody helps them to overcome the difficulties. Independence is a typical feature of English nation and that is why its quality is reflected in English fairy tales. For instance, the character of many tales Jack deceived a giant, a witch alone.
Russian tales include moral values. They teach us to be kind and friendly, to respect other people. For example, in the tale “Morozko” a kind maid Nasten,ka got married the best fellow in the country, also she became rich, getting a present. Vice versa, her angry sister Dun,ka wanted to have a lot of things but she didn’t get anything because she badly treated people. Characters of many English tales are hard working, honest, noble and brave. Some of them have become real national heroes. So, Jack, a character from the tale "Adventures of Jack the Giant-Killer", fighting with giants firstly thinks only about an award, but then he becomes a real fighter for freedom of his people.
5. Conclusion
A fairy tale is a fiction, which demonstrates people’s national folklore. Comparing English and Russian tales I can tell you that Russian tale is more lively and imaginative. It’s connected with an ancient tradition of retelling tales using music and acting. In a tale of Russia I noticed more epithets, sound imitation, songs. There are similar fairy tales which originate independently from each other in different countries. It deals with the general way of life, conditions and people’s historical development. Reading tales we open fantastic and magic world for ourselves. A tale is an eternal work, where there are no unnecessary things. During my research I was able to achieve the aim of the work, to solve the definite tasks. The hypothesis was confirmed. In my work I compared two types of tales, Russian and English and found out that they have many similarities because people of two different countries live on the same planet and develop according to the common historical laws. Also I noticed some differences between tales. Each of them has its peculiarities connected with folklore. Animals remind people of that country where they live, because a tale is reflection of people’s life.
A tale is the richest and the brightest form of people’s creativity.
6. Bibliography
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5. English folk tales. Compilation and translation N. Shereshevskii. M. 1977.
6. EA Kostyukhin Types and forms of animal epos. Moscow, 1987 g.
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8. Features of English fairy tales [electronic resource]. URL http://www.skazka.uz/angl/13/jsjbennosti-anglijskix-skazok.html
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